healthy relationships

Quit trying to beat them at their own game.
Toxic means poisonous, damaging or deadly. A toxic relationship drains the life from you, damages your self-esteem, or kills your dreams. While this sounds deadly, toxic relationships can be subtle and do vast harm before we realize it.
For those of us who are sick of whispering personal things in a crowded coffee shop.
Chances are you've been "ghosted" before. "Ghosting" is when someone you're dating ends the relationship by cutting off all communication, without any explanation. And we're not talking about not getting a text back after one awkward OKCupid date, but receiving the ultimate silent treatment after several dates, or when you're in a committed relationship.
What happens when you throw different sleeping styles -- and personalities -- into one bed? Or really, any two individual personalities into one of the most intimate and venerable situations we humans experience? It's actually quite fascinating.
Before checking emails or answering phone calls, take the time to simply just be with your partner. Enjoy early morning hugs and kisses without thinking about all the stuff you have to do. Focus completely on the present moment of just being with them.
The bottom line is that when you are having concerns, speak up! Communicate, rather than investigate. This approach is the best way to respect yourself, your partner and the relationship.
With all the thinking go on, what chance does our heart have to breathe, feel, and experience life, no less make contact with our significant others? The crowded mind makes for an overcrowded heart with little room for ourselves and less room for anyone else.