Madison, Wisconsin

Together with past actions, the administration estimates it will provide relief to 30 million Americans.
Democratic state Sen. Tim Carpenter was assaulted in Madison after taking a photo of protesters.
The bullet from a gunfight pierced a wall to strike the cuddly toy next to little girl in Madison, Wisconsin.
A Black security guard told a student not to call him the n-word. Then he got fired under a zero tolerance policy.
The teacher allegedly attacked the student after she sprayed perfume that bothered his allergies.
Bryan Rogers of Madison, Wisconsin, is charged with sexual exploitation of a minor.
The botched trim made the victim look like Larry from the Three Stooges.
Newly leaked guidelines also instruct priests to ban the surviving partner from even being mentioned during the service.
“We were initially hoping to send 200 pounds of cheese, but the donations kept pouring in," says a spokeswoman.