
The hair salon is a safe space for many Black people. Here, owners discuss the importance of their role in the community.
Karl Manke, 77, told AP he’s not backing down even though barbershops and hair salons present a high risk of virus transmission.
A county jail in North Carolina has launched a program to teach detained teen boys about the art of barbering.
The "Real Beauty" clip shows the power of living genuine.
Hug your father if you are lucky enough to still have one.
After fleeing Syria eight years ago, Ibrahim Haji Mohammad has made a name for himself as one of Hungary's trendiest beard barbers.
Josh Coombes is using #DoSomethingForNothing to document his dedication to giving back.
Ibrahim Haji Mohammad's shop is making waves in downtown Budapest.
It's more than cutting hair; a barber can inspire customers "to leave through those doors and do something great.”