Boarding school

Government-backed schools out to "civilize" children taken from their parents subjected them to punishment and forced labor.
The Interior Department’s probe into its former policy “will inevitably shed light on extremely troubling episodes in our nation’s history,” lawmakers said.
The Interior Department probe will identify Indigenous children who died at schools the U.S. government forced them into for assimilation into white culture.
Armed groups in the region are known to kidnap people for money and for the release of their members from jail.
The reality TV star said staff at Provo Canyon School would beat her, force her to take unknown pills and watch her shower.
The filmmaker's dynamic debut feature adds to a growing list of films about Black girlhood.
“It’s like my kids are in jail. My four children are separated from me and living like orphans.”
The Hotchkiss School, a co-ed boarding school in Lakeville, released findings from an independent investigation on Friday.
The Fox News host also quoted an article that likens the centers, some of which keep children in cage-like structures, to boarding school.
I cannot begin to explain how much you mean to me. But clearly I'm going to try. I have known some of you for nearly a decade and others for less than a year.