brigitte gabriel

Conservative Brigitte Gabriel came in for a drubbing after asking, “Why are Democrats so intimidated by President Trump’s masculinity?”
And a backlash is brewing. “There must be no room for hate at Hyatt hotels."
ACT for America is dealing with white supremacists showing up at its rallies.
ACT for America's founder claims the "Islamic coalition" is waging war on the U.S.
There is no evidence that sharia is infiltrating our political system or, frankly, that it ever could.
From Minneapolis to Seattle, Americans showed up for their Muslim neighbors this weekend.
As proud Americans we fervently believe in the free exercise of religion ― indeed, all religions.
There's nothing more threatening to the Constitution than willful ignorance.
There have been more than 30 incidents involving mosques being targeted by threats, vandalism or arson so far this year.
ACT for America’s Brigitte Gabriel says the group has a “direct line” to the president-elect. She’s not lying.