Bureau of Land Management

The changes are a marked shift for a federal agency that environmentalists have long derided as the “Bureau of Livestock and Mining.”
Fact: The National Park Service manages America’s national parks.
Biden’s Interior wants to give conservationists equal power to oil companies on public lands in order to protect them — rather than exploit them.
The Bureau of Land Management has largely prioritized leasing its lands for mining and drilling. A new rule would change that.
The understaffed agency was buffeted by a headquarters relocation. Now workers are hoping a union can strengthen their hand.
The Biden administration intends to reestablish protections for millions of acres of Alaska's National Petroleum Reserve.
The Montana resident faced accusations of conspiring with "eco-terrorists" and emerged as one of President Joe Biden's most controversial nominees.
The Trump administration's controversial relocation of the Bureau of Land Management headquarters resulted in hundreds of staff departures.
Horse advocates say the roundups are being driven by ranchers who don’t want the mustangs competing with their livestock for limited forage and water.
An unlikely alliance of ranchers, Indigenous communities and environmentalists is trying to save the Owyhee Canyonlands.