The Space Agency plans to release a full report about unexplained sightings in July.
The findings don't bode well for the rest of the planets in the Trappist solar system, some of which are in the sweet spot for harboring water and potentially life.
Scientists reported Friday that this black hole is 10 times more massive than our sun. And it’s three times closer than the previous record-holder.
Pictures taken by the James Webb Space Telescope show Neptune’s thin rings, its faint dust bands as well as seven of its 14 known moons.
The moon plants grew more slowly than seedlings planted in fake moon dirt from Earth.
Orginally, scientists thought organic compounds in the rock may have been left by living creatures, but the marks were actually caused by salty water.
Scientists from Europe and the U.S. reported Monday there isn’t nearly enough water vapor in the clouds of Venus to support life as we know it.