central valley

In the Golden State's agricultural heartland, young undocumented immigrants plead for support from their congressmen.
Red to Blue California PAC, which aims to flip seven GOP-held districts won by Hillary Clinton in 2016, has enlisted Democratic former Rep. Mike Honda to help.
A former congressional candidate wants to help Democrats in seven Republican districts carried by Hillary Clinton.
Reading LGBTQ inclusive stories is a way to validate what they may be already be thinking around gender and gender roles.
"We need a guard dog, not a lap dog," demonstrators shouted.
When I look around me today, I see not just hatred, but also hope.
Even in California's bountiful Central Valley, prices can put healthy fruit and vegetables out of reach.
The nation's dams now earn an unnerving D grade.
California's Jeff Denham should be coasting to re-election. Instead, he's trying to explain his backing of Trump.