child detention

Kids told lawyers they're sick, cold, wake up hungry in the middle of the night, sleep on cement floors, and take care of babies separated from their families.
"I can't imagine my own child being there and not being broken," said Dr. Dolly Lucio Sevier.
The former White House chief of staff was instrumental in President Trump's immigration policy.
The 16-year-old Guatemalan boy died at a hospital Tuesday after being detained last month at a government-contracted migrant youth detention center in Texas.
Lawyers say that due to the Trump's administration's recent crackdown on sponsors, children are languishing in detention for “egregious” amounts of time.
Lawyers say that new Trump administration regulations could keep immigrant children detained indefinitely in unlicensed facilities.
A recent crackdown on sponsors means teenagers are being shackled and sent to adult detention at unprecedented rates.
Children told harrowing stories of detention center staff forcing them to take psychotropic drugs.
Leaked audio and video shared with MSNBC features an adult cautioning child detainees.