christian values

The Delaware senator will highlight Joe Biden's faith at the Democratic National Convention in an effort to engage religious voters.
Most churches are livestreaming Easter Sunday services -- but some are planning to defy government restrictions on in-person gatherings.
The Indiana pastor puts evangelicals who support Trump on notice.
The 2020 Democrat, an Episcopalian, says it's hard to imagine Trump believes in God.
Rider University in New Jersey said it won't feature the restaurant because of its opposition to the LGBTQ community.
Trump is a chess master, moving Christians toward the death of their integrity and the increase of his own power.
Another supporter at the Values Voter Summit said God works through Trump even if the Almighty doesn't "approve" of him.
The move is a payback for the evangelicals who helped elect him.
"Jesus reached out to those on the margins of society. He did not build walls."