daisy ridley

Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy is set to make an upcoming movie in the franchise that will bring back Daisy Ridley's character.
The “Star Wars” actor’s pride in her lumpy and “chewy” sponge made quite a splash on Twitter.
The “Star Wars” actor told Jimmy Kimmel she panicked after her snide clapback.
The Texas senator picked the wrong "Star Wars" target while defending Gina Carano.
"I remember thinking, ’God, should I be smaller? Should I be quieter?” the "Star Wars" star said.
Your "Star Wars" theory was actually true! From a certain point of view.
The actor feels his character was "pushed to the side" in later films, compared to his white co-stars.
The actor gets candid about the lukewarm response to "Rise of Skywalker."