electric vehicles

The EPA said that under its final rule, the industry could meet the limits if 56% of new vehicle sales are electric by 2032.
Gas companies and furnace manufacturers have one more chance to make their case, but it's an uphill battle.
There's a reason Trump makes such a big deal about electric vehicles every time he comes here.
The union’s president called it a major step in a “just transition” for workers toward electric vehicle manufacturing.
You may have heard this argument before, and you'll almost certainly hear it again. But there’s very little to back up the claim.
Republican Wyoming state Sen. Jim Anderson said his joint resolution takes issue with a California plan that bans sales of new fossil-fuel-powered cars by 2035.
It's a case of tribal politics trumping self-interest, because EVs are pretty awesome to own and drive.
A new proposal would get gas-guzzlers off the road in the next decade.
A new group could spend $10 million a year on the campaign.