Howard Hughes Medical Institute

It turns out that the asteroid Dinkinesh has a dinky sidekick — a mini moon.
The Space Agency plans to release a full report about unexplained sightings in July.
The Tyrannosaurus rex is often shown baring massive, sharp teeth, but new research suggests that this classic image might be wrong.
The last dodo, a flightless bird about the size of a turkey, was killed in 1681 on the Indian Ocean island of Mauritius
The lander’s power levels have been dwindling for months because of all the dust coating its solar panels, but the team will keep trying to make contact with it, just in case.
Scientists reported Friday that this black hole is 10 times more massive than our sun. And it’s three times closer than the previous record-holder.
The fossils come from a period when our aquatic ancestors may have started evolving teeth and jaws.
Pictures taken by the James Webb Space Telescope show Neptune’s thin rings, its faint dust bands as well as seven of its 14 known moons.
The moon plants grew more slowly than seedlings planted in fake moon dirt from Earth.
As a result, 35,000 U.S. children entered kindergarten without evidence that they were vaccinated for extremely contagious diseases.