India Arie

The singer disapproved of a video from the annual New Orleans event that featured twerking during Megan Thee Stallion's headlining performance.
The singer, who had posted a video compilation of the podcaster using the slur, said her message to Spotify was not about "censorship."
Dwayne Johnson said he had a "learning moment" when he was brought up to speed on the video compilation of Rogan's comments.
The Spotify podcaster apologized for using the slur after India.Arie posted the video to illustrate why she's pulling her music from the platform.
Nash said "the opinions publicized by Rogan are so dishonest and unsupported by solid facts that Spotify becomes an enabler in a way that costs people their lives.”
A dos meses de que salga a la venta su nueva producción musical, Jaime Kohen envió un boletín a medios de comunicación: los convocaba a un evento en el Museo Memoria y Tolerancia donde hablaría abiertamente de su preferencia sexual "para plantar semillas de tolerancia en nuestra sociedad".