Leonard Bernstein

"I learned more about the real Leonard Bernstein in one afternoon ... than I learned from seeing 'Maestro.'"
The actor was criticized this summer for wearing a prosthetic nose to portray composer and conductor Leonard Bernstein in the forthcoming biopic.
“Priscilla” and “Maestro” take the tired trope of the supportive but long-suffering wife of a male protagonist and turn it on its head.
Cooper co-wrote, produced and directed the "Maestro" biopic with the blessing of Bernstein's family — but is now being criticized for using a facial prosthesis.
The film, a biopic about the famed conductor and his wife, is set to stream on Netflix later this year.
Disney boss Jeffrey Katzenberg once tried to sell the maestro on a new version of Bernstein's iconic musical — and it did not go well.
The word “shitstorm” had not yet been coined, but that is what the situation became.