
Former UFC champion Conor McGregor knocked out the Miami Heat mascot in a midgame bit that went wrong.
The mascot had to be carted off the field for an injury he suffered during an exhibition football game against a youth team.
The mascot, named Murph, is the first for the foam toy maker.
Native American scholars say the plainly racist dance is dehumanizing and reduces diverse cultures to a cartoon mockery.
Yet after a six-year dialogue with “local leaders from diverse American Indian backgrounds and experiences,” the team appears to be keeping its name.
Cosmo flew more than 22 feet for the alley-oop jam to liven up a timeout during a weekend game.
The teenager was part of a photoshoot with the orange-fuzzed, crazy-eyed hockey mascot. The team denies the charge.
What really is the difference between the Covington students and Chiefs fans?