t. rex

More than 200 people ran down the track cloaked in inflatable Tyrannosaurus rex dinosaur costumes.
The Tyrannosaurus rex is often shown baring massive, sharp teeth, but new research suggests that this classic image might be wrong.
Meraxes gigas was described as a meat-eating, Tyrannosaurus rex-like dinosaur in a new study.
A whole lot of Tyrannosaurus rexes used to rule the planet.
"We tried to do a picture of her pulling the robe off her shoulder but her arms weren’t long enough.”
"We know next to nothing about sex-linked traits in extinct dinosaurs."
The newly discovered species is being called a missing link.
It's been described as the "cheetah" of the dinosaur world, but many paleontologists disagree on whether it even existed.
Rare footprints indicate a pace of just 3 to 5 miles per hour, but the dinosaur that made them wasn't in a hurry.