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“Luckily the 19 year old made it out alive," said officials in Mason County. "A lot of our rescues aren't so lucky."
U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon said in her order that prosecutors didn’t give defense lawyers adequate time to discuss the request before it was filed Friday evening.
"Americans need to wake up," former officer Harry Dunn warned of a second Trump presidency. "This is not a drill.”
Aryeh Neier, a German-born Jewish man who survived the Holocaust, explained his reasoning in an extensive interview Sunday with CNN's Fareed Zakaria.
The decision may generate momentum for the recognition of a Palestinian state by other EU countries and spur further steps at the United Nations.
The former president's legal team said the prosecution's motion represented an "extraordinary, unprecedented, and unconstitutional censorship application."
The former president's criminal trial in New York is close to wrapping up.
The latest strikes occurred in the same area where Israel targeted what it said was a Hamas compound on Sunday night.
Investigators claim he terrorized a Southern California neighborhood for years.
Roberta Kaplan addressed the former president's latest claim about her client.