
Lesley Stern

Writer, counselor to the nouveau poor

2009-04-25-botox0011.jpgLesley was once an award winning NYC advertising copywriter known for her work on luxury, blue chip products . She gave it all up to travel and freelance when the economy was booming. Now the only luxury, blue chip products she comes in contact with are stolen or very, very old.

As a trailblazer in the area of economic collapse and depression, Lesley offers her wisdom and guidance to those experiencing it for the first time.

A published travel writer (written from memories of better days), Lesley currently lives in the SF Bay area. When she isn’t altruistically helping the nouveau poor, she spends her time groveling for work, writing and trying to decide in which city she’d like to starve next.

For more information, go to

Check out Lesley's blog, Real France, about being broke in France.