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10 Most Annoying People You Meet On Public Transit

The 10 Most Annoying People On Public Transit
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Public transit is wonderful. It usually costs less than owning a car, offers frequent service (most of the time) and allows you to get home safe when you're drunk. But its benefits mean it attracts people in all moods, at all stages of their day, people who often seem to forget that they're still in public.

So here is a short list of some of these passengers, many of whom we can probably all see in ourselves at one time or another.

The 10 People You Don't Want To Meet On Public Transit
1. The person who is sitting on the outside seat and won't move over(01 of10)
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Transit is often packed, and even if it isn't, most people are usually looking to sit down. That's why it's really irritating when you sit on the outside seat and won't move over to let another person sit down. It's awkward to have to squeeze by your legs to sit down, and much of the time we don't bother and stand up instead. It makes it look like you have the right to both the seats. Who's sitting there? Your imaginary friend? (credit:Getty)
2. The person wearing way too much perfume(02 of10)
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Whether underground or on a bus, there isn't a ton of oxygen to go around, and your Old Spice or Anais Anais is all we can smell. The prevailing wisdom when it comes to fragrance is to wear just enough that a person standing close to you notices — something to keep in mind since you'll be spending plenty of time getting up close and personal with dozens of strangers. (credit:Getty)
3. The person who clips their fingernails(03 of10)
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This happens. Just.. no. (credit:Getty)
4. The person who brings their dog on the bus (excluding service dogs)(04 of10)
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Though some public transit companies allow pets on leashes to ride with you, we feel like they meant tiny lap dogs, not your German Shepherd that sheds and tries to lick everyone that passes. Maybe times are changing, but not everyone wants to ride next to your massive pet. (credit:Getty)
5. The person who's talking on their phone really loudly(05 of10)
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Answering to tell the person you'll call them right back is just fine, as is having a quick, quiet conversation. But no one wants to hear you moan to your girlfriend about whatever drama you're currently experiencing. This is even worse when your phone's volume is turned up loud enough that we can hear the person on the other end. Can't it wait? (credit:Getty)
6. The person who sneaks on and thinks the driver won't notice, or picks a fight with the driver when they question them(06 of10)
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The last time we checked, transit systems are expensive to operate and part of the reason the bus runs as often as it does is because we all pay into it. So don't try and sneak onto the bus with your expired transfer or feed a piddly number of nickels into the machine and then challenge the driver when he or she brings it up. It's their job to make sure people are paying the proper fare and it's an insult to the rest of us that shell out for pricey passes. (credit:Getty)
7. The person who falls asleep when it's packed(07 of10)
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The seat is warm, you're exhausted and you have about 58 stops ahead of you. Maybe this is the only time in your day you get to sit down. But if you know you'll have to interact with another passenger, please be sure you're awake. We feel like bad people when we shake your shoulder to wake you up so we can get off. (credit:Getty)
8. The person on the inside seat who doesn't tell you when they need to get up(08 of10)
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The general rule on public transit is not to talk to strangers, but is it really too much to say, 'sorry, I need to get up'? We're all in our own worlds, texting, reading or playing a game, and no one is reading your body language to notice when you start standing up. (credit:Getty)
9. The people who shove their way onto the train(09 of10)
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Rush hour is potentially the worst time of day. Actually, no, it is the worst. We all feel like sheep in the back of a transport truck, our limbs squished in strange positions as we breathe on each other. So don't make it worse by launching yourself into the mass. No one likes missing the train or bus because it's too full, but unless you live in a small, rural area with sporadic service (in which case, we're sorry), there WILL be another vehicle coming soon. Your boss will understand. (credit:Getty)
10. The driver, sometimes(10 of10)
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Dealing with tired, hungry, agitated people all day certainly wears on one's patience. We get it. But you're not helping matters when you yell at customers, complain to us about your jobs, or act exasperated when we ask you questions. You're the face of public transit, and your behavior reflects the organization as a whole. We'll try to be better passengers if you'll try to be a better service provider. (credit:Getty)

Do you have any pet peeves that we didn't list? Tell us in the comments below.

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