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Boxing Day In Calgary And Edmonton Spurred On By Warm Weather

Albertans Shop 'Til They Drop
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Boxing Day frenzy has officially hit Alberta.

Shoppers in Calgary and Edmonton lined up outside stores before the sun came up Thursday morning, hoping to cash in on some of the season's best prices.

Carli Molnar and her boyfriend told CBC Calgary they were lining up so early "because the deals are worth it."

"We're really just here for a big screen TV. We're moving in together in the next few months, so we're trying to start to get some things together and thought it would be a good time to get the TV."

Sarah Hammond on Twitter tweeted she was up bright and early to scope out the deals at West Edmonton Mall.

Tyler Hahn, general manager at a Visions Electronics in Calgary, told the Calgary Sun this year's hot ticket items would likely include televisions, car starters and home theatres.

“The important thing is having people coming in and getting the experience of Boxing Day — without having the service sacrificed — and then leaving satisfied," he said.

This year's shopping weather is certainly an improvement over 2012, when the weather dipped below -20 C.

For that reason, retailers predicted a busier Boxing Day in 2013, and some store managers said they had been stocking inventory for weeks, getting ready for one of the best sales days of the year.

“We have been prepping for Boxing Day for the last couple of months — stocking up on the stuff that’s hot right now, that we know people want to buy,” Richard Williams, operations and marketing manager for La-Z-Boy Furniture Galleries, told the Calgary Sun.

Still, not everyone planned to hit a mall Thursday, instead deciding to enjoy one more day of holiday relaxation.

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Boxing Day Survival Tips
Wear Appropriate Clothing(01 of11)
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Appropriate for Boxing Day has nothing to do with the weather -- in fact, it generally means dressing the opposite of what's going on outside. We suggest leggings and a tank top, and no coat if at all possible. That way, there's nothing to carry through crowded, and you can easily try clothes on without having to stand in long lines for changerooms. (credit:Shutterstock)
Make A Budget(02 of11)
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Before you head out for the day, know how much you want to spend. That will make buying decisions easier and put a limit on what can be a never-ending shopping spree. (credit:Shutterstock)
Bring Cash(03 of11)
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Having cash on you will not only help you stick to your budget, it will also help you zip through lines. With all of the people shopping on December 26, credit card transmitters inevitably go down, and being prepared with paper goods will ensure you get your deals. (credit:Shutterstock)
Wake Up Early(04 of11)
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We're not talking Black Friday, 4 a.m. type wake ups, but being the early bird on Boxing Day really can help you reap the rewards. Some stores have early morning-only sales, while others could run out of stock by the time 10 a.m. rolls around. So if you're not feeling too shabby from Christmas dinner, try to hit the shops on the earlier side. (credit:Shutterstock)
Take Public Transit(05 of11)
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If it's at all possible, opt for the bus or subway on Boxing Day. It eliminates the annoyance of finding a parking spot, and keeps road rage far out of your sights. (credit:Shutterstock)
Wear Comfortable Shoes(06 of11)
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As much as you may want to look cute while hunting for clothes, making sure you can keep walking for hours is more important than having that added height while trying on dresses. Besides, most stores keep a pair of heels on hand for those kinds of needs. (credit:Shutterstock)
Go With A Friend(07 of11)
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Having a partner in crime is very important for one reason -- when the stores have lineups out the door, one of you can park yourself there while the other finds some bargains. Is it cheating? Maybe slightly, but you know the woman in front of you would have done it if she'd thought of it first. (credit:Shutterstock)
... But Only One Friend(08 of11)
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You also want to make sure you don't end up with more than one person on Boxing Day. A group of anything more than two people will end in wasted time looking for each other in stores, and divided decisions about where to hit up next. (credit:Shutterstock)
Hit Up Alternative Spots(09 of11)
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You may not love going to that less-than-gorgeous mall on a regular Saturday afternoon, but on Boxing Day, it could be the place that no one else thinks of -- which still has the same merchandise as any other shop. Stores in the central business districts of cities have particular potential -- just call to make sure they're open first. (credit:Shutterstock)
Bring A Bottle Of Water(10 of11)
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With all the heating and people, stores can be incredibly dry places. Couple that with the frenzied pace at which you're approaching Boxing Day, and it's easy to get dehydrated very quickly. Keep a bottle of water on hand, and refill it whenever you get the chance. (credit:Shutterstock)
Wear The Right Purse(11 of11)
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A bag that's constantly sliding down your arm is no friend when you're sifting through hangers on racks. Choose an over-the-shoulder, or messenger style bag that will keep your hands free, while also ensuring your cash is secure. (credit:Shutterstock)

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