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5 Ways To Live Smart In A Small Space

Simple Solutions For Small-Space Living

Whether saving up for something bigger, or simply choosing to live minimally, urban dwellers are finding themselves in petite quarters more and more. But these days, tight on space doesn't mean sacrificing on style! With the right amount of planning and practicality, it's easy to see how any size of home can work for you. In partnership with IKEA, here are five smart ways to live big in a small space.

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Photo by Milada Vigerova on Unsplash

Illusions Of More

Want to make more out of less? Using a small glass wall to divide up a room can create the concept of having a larger space. Glass means that natural light can still shine through, so your quarters won't feel dark no matter the square footage. And while you're at it, a few accent mirrors are pretty powerful too, for amping up the illusion of light and space. Why not cue up a gallery wall and get creative!

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Photo by Patrick Perkins on Unsplash

Multipurpose Is A Must

You're probably a master of multitasking—so why would you expect anything less from your furniture? A stylish table can serve as a dining area when you're hungry, and an office space when you've got work at hand. Smart entertainment units and seating options can provide clever storage solutions, too. Multipurpose wonders like these are a design lover's dream!

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Getty Images

Open Shelving

The concept of what you see is what you get can be crucial for tinier than usual living quarters, in order to avoid a build up of extra clutter behind closed doors. When your space is open, shelves included, you know exactly what you have and where it is. Even better, open shelving is a way to showcase the things that bring love into your home, so break out those trinkets, terrariums and photographs.

Up In The Air?

When we were kids, bunk bed-living was an exciting prospect, reigning over everything from high above. So why not consider that idea in adulthood for smaller units? A raised bed or loft bed saves an incredible amount of space by providing a quasi-ceiling for a functional den, office area or relaxing nook below. We say playful has never been more practical.

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Getty Images/iStockphoto

Neat and Tidy

Organizational guru Marie Kondo lives by a simple purging principle: If it doesn't bring you joy, it's time to say goodbye. Start your spring cleaning engines; this is especially true for tight quarters. A small space that is neat and organized goes a long way towards maximizing your square footage, and creating a zen space. Kondo suggests purging in quiet, family-free situations to create your happiest home.

Living small is what you make it! With clever and stylish solutions from IKEA, it's easy to customize a perfect-for-you home.

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