sex ed for grownups

TikTok users are dipping their balls in the name of science, but actual scientists and urologists say folks misunderstood the research.
The next time you're going to press send on that dick pic, send one of these steamy sexts instead.
Coping with rejection, frustration and low self-worth can take a toll on both partners in the relationship.
Experts explain why sex hurts for many people with endo and share tips to make it more pleasurable.
Experts — as well as men and women who love period sex — share how to make sex during your menstrual cycle more enjoyable.
Sex experts help explain the alluring and mysterious sleep orgasm.
Sex experts help explain the alluring and mysterious sleep orgasm.
Penile body dysmorphic disorder goes beyond wishing to be bigger. Men say it affects many parts of their lives.
There are scientific reasons you assume a sexy-voiced stranger on the phone is physically attractive.