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Avant la retraite: à vous glacer le sang

L'Autriche est le berceau du nazisme, l'idéologie de tous les excès. Et, présenté au Perospero, nous lance en plein visage l'idée que le feu couve sous la cendre et qu'il n'en tient qu'à peu de choses pour que l'incendie se déclare.
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J'ai connu l'été dernier, dans d'improbables circonstances, une famille d'immigrés autrichiens venue s'installer au Canada. Des gens relativement à l'aise, instruits, cultivés, qui parlaient bien l'anglais, désireux disaient-ils de donner une meilleure vie à leurs enfants. Ce qui me titillait considérablement puisque l'Autriche n'est pas un pays émergent, loin de là, le niveau de vie est très élevé et les programmes sociaux bien en place. À les connaître davantage, je me suis rendu compte qu'ils étaient habités par un racisme et une intolérance auxquels je n'avais jamais été confrontée. J'ai entendu des commentaires sur notre absence de culture (!), sur le fait qu'il n'y avait rien d'intéressant à Montréal, que parler français n'était vraiment pas une priorité pour eux alors que leur attitude générale en était une de supériorité absolue, de mépris et de condescendance face à ce nouvel environnement où ils n'avaient aucunement l'intention de s'intégrer de quelque manière que ce soit. Inutile de vous dire que nous ne sommes pas devenus des amis et que je me suis lassée de tenter de leur expliquer que c'était formidable ici.

Dans le feu des conversations, j'avais parlé de Thomas Bernhard, le dramaturge autrichien décédé en 1989. J'ignorais à ce moment-là qu'il avait spécifié dans son testament que son théâtre ne pouvait être joué ou diffusé en Autriche pour les 50 années suivant sa mort. Maintenant je comprends.

L'Autriche est le berceau du nazisme, l'idéologie de tous les excès. Et Avant la retraite présenté au Perospero, nous lance en plein visage l'idée que le feu couve sous la cendre et qu'il n'en tient qu'à peu de choses pour que l'incendie se déclare. L'action se passe dans les années 70, mais, comme j'ai pu le constater dans ma vie, elle est toujours d'actualité.

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La pièce est un huis clos, tout d'abord entre les deux sœurs, Véra (Violette Chauveau) et Clara (Marie-France Lambert) auquel se joint leur frère Rudolf (Gabriel Arcand), juge et président du tribunal. Rudolf prendra bientôt sa retraite, mais ce soir du 7 octobre est particulièrement important pour eux puisqu'ils célèbrent dans le secret l'anniversaire de Himmler, chef des SS, responsable des camps de concentration et maître d'œuvre de la solution finale. Je dis pour eux, mais Clara, clouée à un fauteuil roulant, est la fausse note de ce trio infernal. On lui reproche ses lectures et ses idées de gauche, on lui rappelle constamment la reconnaissance qu'elle devrait éprouver envers ce frère et cette sœur qui ne la placent pas dans une institution mais qui la gardent avec eux. Elle est le témoin, souvent silencieux et complètement dégoûté, des dérives idéologiques de sa famille, un rôle ingrat que Marie-France Lambert intègre grâce à ses regards et à ses expressions. En fait, elle est bien davantage juge que son frère ne peut l'être.

Sa sœur Véra est éperdue d'admiration devant Rudolph, suggérant d'ailleurs une relation qui va peut-être au-delà de l'amour fraternel. La fête prévue en l'honneur de Himmler, avec robe de bal et uniforme nazi, dérape complètement et tourne à la beuverie incontrôlée. Rudolf dira à Clara que des gens comme elle auraient été gazés s'il n'en tenait qu'à lui. Il mentionne aussi en passant que deux millions et demi de juifs sont morts à Auschwitz, qu'ils sont responsables de tous les malheurs de la planète et que la démocratie est une escroquerie. Les certitudes de Rudolf glacent le sang. Et lorsqu'il déclare que la majorité pense comme lui et qu'ils doivent le cacher, il y a comme un frisson qui vous court le long de la colonne vertébrale.

Gabriel Arcand est intense et rugueux, magnifique comme d'habitude. Violette Chauveau se révèle absolument convaincante dans son personnage à la fois autoritaire et servile. Le décor, avec ce piano de guingois, mais qui tient toujours, symbole il me semble de cette pensée d'extrême droite qui trouve encore des adeptes, recrée cette maison héritée des parents et où rien n'a changé parce qu'on s'attache à un passé qu'on aimerait voir renaître. La mise en scène de Catherine Vidal donne vie et texture à cette pièce lourde et quelque peu didactique. Le fait est que j'ai véritablement ressenti de l'horreur lors de la représentation. L'horreur devant ce que peuvent cacher les façades des maisons bourgeoises et devant un discours au-delà du malsain, mais qui est visiblement capable de trouver encore des adeptes aujourd'hui.

Avant la retraite : au théâtre Prospero, jusqu'au 13 décembre 2014.


The Life Of Adolf Hitler
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BERLIN, GERMANY: Paul von Hindenburg, 85, (L), German general and President (1847-1934) poses with the flamboyant Nazi leader Adolf Hitler (1889-1945) 30 January 1933 in Berlin after Hindenburg appointed Hitler as Chancellor of Germany. Hitler then suspended the constitution, silenced opposition, exploited successfully the burning of the Reichstag (Parliament) building, and brought the Nazi Party to power. (Photo credit should read AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty)
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Formal portrait of German Chancellor (fuhrer) Adolf Hitler on his forty-fifth birthday. (Photo by Time Life Pictures/Mansell/Time Life Pictures/Getty Images
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BERLIN, GERMANY: Undated and unlocated picture of Nazi leader Adolf Hitler (1889-1945) After Hitler was made Chancellor in January 1933 he suspended the constitution, silenced opposition, exploited successfully the burning of the Reichstag (Parliament) building, and brought the Nazi Party to power. (Photo credit should read AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty)
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An undated picture shows nazi Chancellor Adolf Hitler posing with Paul von Hindenburg (R, 1925-1934), President of the Republic of Weimar. Woman at left is unidentified. AFP PHOTO // FRANCE PRESSE VOIR (Photo credit should read -/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty)
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An undated picture shows nazi Chancellor Adolf Hitler followed by commander-in-chief Hermann Goering (2nd L) and head of the SS Heinrich Himmler (3rd L) marching in Berlin next to the hotel Excelsior which was Hitler\'s base in the city in the early 1930s. AFP PHOTO (Photo credit should read -/AFP/Getty Images)
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Neudeck, Germany, 3rd July, 1933, Nazi Chancellor Adolf Hitler stands with President Von Hindenburg after their meeting (Photo by Popperfoto/Getty Images)
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Germany - 20th century - Adolf Hitler (1889-1945) - Hitler delivers a radio speech to German people (1933)
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A picture taken on June 14, 1934 in Venice shows German Chancellor and Nazi Dictator Adolf Hitler (R) shaking hands with Italian dictator Benito Mussolini. AFP PHOTO FRANCE VOIR (Photo credit should read -/AFP/Getty Images)
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UNITED KINGDOM - CIRCA 1934: Painting of Adolph Hitler, sitting, in uniform. - Date of Photo: 1934 - 1944 (Photo by Studio Villani/Alinari via Getty Images)
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6th September 1934, German Chancellor and Nazi leader Adolf Hitler addresses the Nuremberg Nazi congress (Photo by Popperfoto/Getty Images)
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19th December 1934: German chancellor Adolf Hitler salutes a crowd of 60,000 at a Hitler Youth rally at Nuremberg. (Photo by Central Press/Getty Images)
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GERMANY - SEPTEMBER 08: Adolf Hitler shakes the hand of the bishop Ludwig Muller during the National Socialist Congress held in Nuremberg in 1934 - Date of Photo: 8 Settembre 1934 (Photo by Societe\' du Petit Parisien Dupuy & C.ie, Paris/Alinari via Getty Images)
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UNSPECIFIED - CIRCA 1935: Adolf Hitler (1889-1945). (Photo by Roger Viollet/Getty Images)
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UNITED KINGDOM - CIRCA 1935: Adolf Hitler photographed with Hermann Roechling and other Nazi leaders - Date of Photo: 1940 ca. (Photo by Unidentified Author/Alinari via Getty Images)
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German Chancellor Adolf Hitler pictured at his Obersalzberg, Bavaria Home, 5th April 1935 (Photo by Popperfoto/Getty Images)\r\n
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Fuhrer and Chancellor of Germany Adolf Hitler waving the ships on parade of the German Navy. Sailors in a lifeboat respond to the salute raising oars. Germany, June 1935 (Photo by Mondadori Portfolio via Getty Images)
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10th April 1935: Prussian premier and Reich Air Minister Hermann Goering (1893 - 1946) (R) and his bride, German actor Emmy Sonnemann (1893 - 1973), are joined by German Fuhrer Adolf Hitler (1889 - 1945) (L) at a banquet table during their wedding reception, Berlin, Germany. (Photo by New York Times Co./Getty Images)
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BERLIN - AUGUST 1: Adolf Hitler and his staff salute the teams during the opening ceremonies of the XI Olympic Games on August 1, 936 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Getty Images)
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One million people gather in Berlin\'s Olympic Stadium and adjoining Mayfield, 28 September 1937, to hear speeches of German führer Adolf Hitler and Italian leader Benito Mussolini, who claim the alliance between Italy and Germany. Benito Mussolini visited Germany and his führer Adolf Hitler in September and October 1937. (Photo credit should read OFF/AFP/Getty Images)
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NUREMBERG, GERMANY - JANUARY 1: A picture dated 1936 showing German chancellor Adolf Hitler leaving the Nuremberg Party Congress. // Photo datTe de 1936 du chancelier Adolf Hitler quittant le congrFs du parti nazi a Nuremberg. (Photo credit should read AFP/AFP/Getty Images)
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A picture dated 1936 shows German Chancellor and nazi dictator Adolf Hitler shaking hands with young Harald Quandt (1921-1967) in his uniform of the Hitlerian Youth Movement. Harald Quandt was Magda Goebbels\' son from her first marriage with industrialist Günther Quandt. Magda and Joseph Goebbels committed suicide after murdering their six children in the Führerbunker in May 1945. Then prisoner of the Allied in Italy, Harald was the only one of Magda\'s children to survive. AFP PHOTO (Photo credit should read -/AFP/Getty Images)
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A picture taken in September 1937, in Munich, shows German Chancellor Adolf Hitler (R) riding in a car with Italian dictator Benito Mussolini while the crowd gives the fascist salute. AFP PHOTO / FRANCE PRESSE VOIR (Photo credit should read -/AFP/Getty Images)\r\n
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BERLIN, GERMANY: Undated and unlocated picture of Nazi leader Adolf Hitler (C,1889-1945) with Joseph Goebbels (R), Hitler\'s enthusiastic supporter. After Hitler was made Chancellor in January 1933, he appointed Goebbels head of the Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda. Hitler then suspended the constitution, silenced opposition, exploited successfully the burning of the Reichstag (Parliament) building, and brought the Nazi Party to power. (Photo credit should read AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty)
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Nazism - Germany - 20th century - Nazi gathering in Weimar - Adolf Hitler during the divisions parade - Rudolf Hess standing by the car (1936)
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GERMANY:Undated and unlocated picture of German Chancellor and \'Reichsfnhrer\' (chief) Adolf Hitler relaxing with his mistress Eva Braun. (Photo credit should read AFP/Getty Images)
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During a ceremony in remembrance of 1923 Beer Hall Putsch, German Fuhrer and Reichskanzler Adolf Hitler (1889 - 1945) (center, back to camera) shakes hands with a uniformed Nazi party member as others stand at attention in front of one of the two Ehrentempeln (or Honor Temples), designed by architect Paul Troost, in Koenigplatz, Munich, Germany, November 9, 1937. Also visble are German Reich Marshal Hermann Goering (1893 - 1946) (between the two men in grey overcoats) and Rudolf Hess (1894 - 1987). The temples, and the ceremony, were to honor the sixteen men who died for their participation in the Putsch, Hitler\'s failed 1923 coup attempt. Other visible buildings are, at left, the Verwaltungsbau (or Nazi Party Administration building, also designed by Troost) and, at right, the Staatsgalerie, an art museum. (Photo by Hugo Jaeger/Timepix/Time Life Pictures/Getty Images)
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10th November 1937: Nazi dictator, Adolf Hitler (1889 - 1945) and Hermann Goering (1893 - 1946), leading a procession of Nazis to the Munich Burgerbrau Cellar, to celebrate the Munich Beer Hall Putsch of 1923. (Photo by Keystone/Getty Images)
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Top Nazi Party members march in remembrance of 1923 Beer Hall Putsch, Munich, Germany, November 9, 1938. Front row, from left, Friedrich Weber, Hermann Goering (1893 - 1946), Adolf Hitler (1889 - 1945), Ulrich Graf, and unidentified; back row, Alfred Rosenberg (1883 - 1946) (third from left) and unidentifieds. Accompanied by several rallies, the ceremony was a direct precursor to the events of the Kristallnacht (Night of Broken Glass), the pogrom aimed at Jewish Germans and their property, which began that night. (Photo by Hugo Jaeger/Timepix/Time Life Pictures/Getty Images)
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GERMANY - NOVEMBER 08: Hitler speaks at the Burgerbraukeller in Munich Germany November 8th or 9th, 1938 celebration in remembrance of the Putsch. (Photo by Hugo Jaeger/Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images)
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Lowenbraukeller, Munich during the Putsch commemoration. Novemeber 8 or 9th, 1938. Hitler (L), Graf (2nd R), and others. (Photo by Hugo Jaeger/Timepix/Time Life Pictures/Getty Images)\r\n
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German victory parade in Warsaw. Hitler, two unidentifieds, Keitel behind them, and General Blaskowitz, and General Kesselring. (Photo by Hugo Jaeger/Timepix/Time Life Pictures/Getty Images)
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Third Reich Chancellor Adolf Hitler talking with the apostolic Nuncio Monsignor Cesare Orsenigo during a reception. Berlin, December 1939 (Photo by Heinrich Hoffmann/Mondadori Portfolio via Getty Images)
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A picture dated 1939 shows German nazi Chancellor and dictator Adolf Hitler (R) with Emmy Goering (C) talking to a baby hold by a nun. AFP PHOTO / FRANCE PRESSE VOIR (Photo credit should read -/AFP/Getty Images)
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German nazi Chancellor Adolf Hitler (L) receives Italian Governor of Lybia Italo Balbo (C) at the Berghof near Berchtesgaden on August 13, 1938. AFP PHOTO / FRANCE PRESSE VOIR (Photo credit should read -/AFP/Getty Images)
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German nazi Chancellor Adolf Hitler (4th L) is seen with Admiral Miklos Horthy (2nd L), Regent of Hungary, during the launching ceremonies of the \'Prinz Eugen\' cruiser in Kiel on August 22, 1938. AFP PHOTO / FRANCE PRESSE VOIR (Photo credit should read -/AFP/Getty Images)\r\n
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An undated picture shows German Nazi Chancellor Adolf Hitler in a plane looking at a map with Governor-general of Nazi-occupied Poland, Hans Frank in the background. AFP PHOTO / FRANCE PRESSE VOIR (Photo credit should read -/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty)
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A picture dated 1939 shows German Nazi Chancellor and dictator Adolf Hitler (C) consulting a geographical survey map with his general staff including Heinrich Himmler (L) and Martin Bormann (R) at an unlocated place during World War II. AFP PHOTO / FRANCE PRESSE VOIR (Photo credit should read -/AFP/Getty Images)
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A picture dated 1939 shows German nazi Chancellor and dictator Adolf Hitler (3rd R) confering with leader of the SS Heinrich Himmler (right of Hitler) and other high rank officers of his general staff during a military campaign at the beginning of World War II. AFP PHOTO / FRANCE PRESSE VOIR (Photo credit should read -/AFP/Getty Images)
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A picture dated 1939 shows German nazi Chancellor and dictator Adolf Hitler (4th L, no uniform) having lunch with high rank officers of his general staff during a military campaign at the beginning of World War II. Nazi Field Marshal Wilhelm Keitel (2nd L) and Hitler\'s Secretary Martin Bormann (5th L) can be recognized seated at the table as Rudolf Hess (hands on hips) looks on in the background. AFP PHOTO / FRANCE PRESSE VOIR (Photo credit should read -/AFP/Getty Images)
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GERMANY - DECEMBER 22: Hitler Visiting The Soldiers Of The Wehrmacht After The Western Air Raid In September In Germany On December 22Nd 1941 (Photo by Keystone-France/Gamma-Keystone via Getty Images)
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Nazi leader German Chancellor Adolf Hitler (R) shakes hands with Spanish Generalissimo Francisco Franco at Hendaye train station on the French-Spanish border 23 October 1940. (Photo credit should read -/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty)
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German nazi leader Adolf Hitler meets with Spanish facist leader Francisco Franco, in October 1940, in an unlocated place. (Photo credit should read OFF/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty)
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A picture taken in June 1940 during World War II at Langemark German cemetery, nazi Chancellor Adolf Hitler pays tribute to German soldiers fallen during the First World War as he visits the German troops on the border between France and Belgium. AFP PHOTO / FRANCE PRESSE VOIR (Photo credit should read -/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty)
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French Head of State Philippe Petain (L) shakes hands with German Chancellor Adolf Hitler in Montoire-sur-le-Loir, western France, on October 24, 1940 during talks at the end of which Petain agreed to Hitler\'s conditions including the collaboration of France with nazi Germany. AFP PHOTO / INPLe chef d\'Etat français Philippe Pétain serre la main du chancelier Adolf Hitler à Montoire-sur-le-Loir le 24 octobre 1940. (Photo credit should read /AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty)
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An undated and unlocated picture shows German Nazi chancellor Adolf Hitler receiving flowers from little children. AFP PHOTO / FRANCE PRESSE VOIR (Photo credit should read -/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty)
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A picture dated 1939 shows German nazi Chancellor and dictator Adolf Hitler with his German Shepherd dog. AFP PHOTO / FRANCE PRESSE VOIR (Photo credit should read -/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty)
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BERLIN, GERMANY - MAY 1: German Nazi leader Adolf Hitler (3rd R) gives a Heil Hitler salute to the crowd from a balcony with German Foreign minister Joachim von Ribbentrop (L), Italian Foreign minister Galeazzo Ciano (2nd L), Commander of the Luftwaffe Hermann Goering (2nd R) and Italian General Pariani (R) in a picture dated 1939. (Photo credit should read AFP/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty)
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A picture dated 1939 shows German nazi Chancellor and dictator Adolf Hitler (2nd L) and Italian Duce Benito Mussolini smiling from a balcony with the Italian Kingdom\'s flag in the background. AFP PHOTO / FRANCE PRESSE VOIR (Photo credit should read -/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty)
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German nazi Chancellor Adolf Hitler (R) informs Czech President Emil Hácha of the imminent German invasion of Czechoslovakia on March 15, 1939 in Berlin. Threatening a Luftwaffe attack on Prague, Hitler persuaded Hácha to order the capitulation of the Czechoslovak army. Hácha suffered a heart attack during the meeting, and had to be kept awake by medical staff, eventually giving in and accepting Hitler\'s surrender terms. AFP PHOTO / FRANCE PRESSE VOIR (Photo credit should read -/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty)
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German nazi Chancellor Adolf Hitler looks out from a window of Prague Castle on March 17, 1939 two days after the invasion of Czechoslovakia by the Third Reich\'s army. AFP PHOTO / FRANCE PRESSE VOIR (Photo credit should read -/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty)
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German nazi Chancellor Adolf Hitler and his army parade in Prague on March 15, 1939 day of the invasion of Czechoslovakia by the Wehrmacht. AFP PHOTO / FRANCE PRESSE VOIR (Photo credit should read -/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty)
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A picture dated 1939 shows German Nazi Chancellor Adolf Hitler giving the nazi salute during a rally next to \'Deputy Furhrer\' Rudolf Hess. AFP PHOTO / FRANCE PRESSE VOIR (Photo credit should read -/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty)
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A picture dated 1939 shows German Nazi Chancellor Adolf Hitler and high rank nazi officers lincluding Hermann Goering (4th R) looking at the three-dimensional map of some countryside. AFP PHOTO / FRANCE PRESSE VOIR / Ordnance Survey map (Photo credit should read -/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty)
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A picture taken on November 24, 1938 shows the wax figure of German Nazi Chancellor Adolf Hitler having his moustache combed by a hairdresser at Madame Tussauds Wax museum in London. AFP PHOTO / FRANCE PRESSE VOIR (Photo credit should read -/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty)
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FILE - In this July 31, 1938, file photo German Chancellor Adolf Hitler salutes a huge crowd at a sports meeting in Breslau, Germany. Former Liberian President Charles Taylor is part of a long parade of leaders guilty or accused of similar, and in some cases far more appalling, crimes in modern history. Here is what happened to some: Adolf Hitler: he committed suicide in his Berlin bunker in 1945. The Nazi dictator was responsible for the Holocaust and the deaths of millions during World War II. Karl Doenitz, a naval commander who briefly led Germany after Hitler\'s suicide, was convicted in the Nuremberg trials and served a decade in prison. Doenitz died in 1980. (AP Photo/File) (credit:AP)
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FILE - The May 22, 1939 file photo shows, from left, German Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop; Chief of the German navy, Grand Admiral Dr. H.C. Erich Raeder; Italian Foreign Minister Count Galeazzo Ciano; Chief of the German army, Colonel General Walter von Brauchitsch; the Fuehrer Adolf Hitler; Chief of the Supreme Command of the German army, Colonel General Keitel; Field Marshal Hermann Goering; and Chief of the Italian army, General Pariani after having signed the German-Italian military pact in the rooms of the new Reichs Chancellory in Germany. On Monday, Oct. 25, 2010 the book \"Das Amt\" came into German shops describing that the German Foreign Office was more deeply involved in the genocide of the Jews than previously known. (AP Photo) (credit:AP)
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German Fuhrer and Reichskanzler (essentially Chancellor) Adolf Hitler (1889 - 1945) sits with other Nazi Party officials at a Christmas party for of Waffen SS (or Schutzstaffel) officer cadets at the Lowenbraukeller. Munich, Germany, December 18, 1941. (Photograph by Hugo Jaeger/Time & Life Pictures)
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GERMANY - DECEMBER 11: Speech Of The Fuhrer During The Assembly Of The Reichstags In Berlin-Germany On December 11St 1941 (Photo by Keystone-France/Gamma-Keystone via Getty Images)
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Hitler at funeral of NSKK leader Adolf Huenlein. (Photo by Hugo Jaeger/Timepix/Time Life Pictures/Getty Images)
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Hitler\'s 54th birthday; the Philharmonie. (Photo by Hugo Jaeger/Timepix/Time Life Pictures/Getty Images)
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April 1943: German Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler planning his next move. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
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Chancellor Adolf Hitler leaving the Headquarters of the Armies accompanied by Field Marshal Hans von Kluge. Russia, March 1943 (Photo by Heinrich Hoffmann/Mondadori Portfolio via Getty Images)
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Adolf Hitler (1889 - 1945) with Gertrud Forster, born Deetz, the wife of Albert Forster (1902 - 1952), Gauleiter of Danzig, at the Teehaus Moslahnerkopf, Berchtesgaden, Germany, 1943. (Photo by Galerie Bilderwelt/Getty Images)
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UNSPECIFIED - OCTOBER 13: The Fuhrer Adolf Hitler Visiting His Headquarters And Congratulating Heinrich Himmler (Right), Head Of The Ss And The Gestapo, For His 43Rd Birthday, On October 13, 1943. (Photo by Keystone-France/Gamma-Keystone via Getty Images)
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Austrian-born German Fuhrer and Reichskanzler (essentially Chancellor) Adolf Hitler (1889 - 1945) (left) greets his Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels (1987 - 1945) a few hours after Hitler survived an assassination attempt by members of the German military, Germany, July 20, 1944. (Photo by Heinrich Hoffmann/Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images)\r\n
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GERMANY - MAY 02: National Funeral Of General Colonel Hube In Berlin-Germany On May 2Nd 1944 (Photo by Keystone-France/Gamma-Keystone via Getty Images)
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Austrian-born German Fuhrer and Reichskanzler (essentially Chancellor) Adolf Hitler (1889 - 1945) (foreground, left) visits with officers wounded in the July 20 attempt to assassinate Hitler by members of the German military, Germany, late July, 1944. The injured man in the bed is Generalmajor Walter Scherff, Hitler\'s military historian. (Photo by Heinrich Hoffmann/Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images)
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14th October 1944: German dictator Adolf Hitler at various moments during his delivery of a speech. (Photo by Keystone/Getty Images)
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GERMANY - JULY 20: (L-R) Deposed Italian dictator Benito Mussolini, German officer Paul Schmidt and Adolf Hitler survey damage at Hitler\'s bunker HQ Wolfschanze, aka the Wolf\'s Lair, hours after a failed bombing attempt on his life by members of his own military. (Photo by Heinrich Hoffmann/Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images)\r\n
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BERLIN, GERMANY - OCTOBER 1: Undated and unlocated picture of one of Adolf Hitler \'s dogs facing his master\'s photo. (credit:Getty Images)
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6th July 1945: A bust of Adolf Hitler lies amidst the ruins of the Chancellery, Berlin. (Photo by Reg Speller/Fox Photos/Getty Images)\r\n

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