Cet article fait partie des archives en ligne du HuffPost Québec, qui a fermé ses portes en 2021.

Intégrisme religieux: Québec s'engage à intervenir avant la fin de l'année

Québec prépare un plan d'action sur l'intégrisme religieux
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QUÉBEC - Québec planche sur un plan d'action pour lutter contre la montée du radicalisme religieux, mais il risque de ne pas être connu avant la fin de l'année, selon ce qu'a appris La Presse Canadienne.

Ceci dit, il faut accélérer les choses et intervenir sans tarder, puisqu'il s'agit d'une question de sécurité nationale, a reconnu la ministre de l'Immigration, Kathleen Weil, en entrevue téléphonique, mardi.

«Il y a urgence d'agir. Il y a toujours urgence d'agir quand la sécurité est en question», a-t-elle soutenu.

Car «il n'y a pas une juridiction ou un État qui est à l'abri. On est tous à risque» devant la menace terroriste.

Le gouvernement Couillard devait présenter un projet de loi regroupant la proclamation de la neutralité religieuse de l'État et des mesures de lutte à l'intégrisme religieux. Cependant, il a finalement choisi de scinder les deux dossiers.

Le projet de loi attendu sur la neutralité religieuse, piloté par la ministre de la Justice, Stéphanie Vallée, aura donc une portée plus restreinte que prévu.

Tout le volet de lutte à l'intégrisme relèvera désormais de la ministre de l'Immigration, qui préside le groupe de travail chargé d'élaborer la stratégie du gouvernement et de dresser la liste des mesures à adopter en vue de prévenir la montée du radicalisme au Québec.

On cherchera surtout à détecter ceux qui flirtent avec les organisations fondamentalistes.

Le but poursuivi sera de «nous protéger collectivement, protéger les familles qui sont à risque avec un enfant qui se radicalise, et protéger le public», a fait valoir Mme Weil.

Pour mener à bien sa tâche, Mme Weil est entourée des ministres de l'Éducation, Yves Bolduc, de la Protection de la jeunesse, Lucie Charlebois, de la Sécurité publique, Lise Thériault, de la Famille, Francine Charbonneau, et de l'Emploi, François Blais.

Les organismes communautaires et religieux, notamment musulmans, sans compter bien sûr les corps policiers (municipaux, Sûreté du Québec et Gendarmerie royale du Canada), seront mis à contribution pour soutenir l'action gouvernementale.

Québec dit vouloir s'inspirer des meilleures pratiques mondiales en ce domaine et présenter des mesures concrètes «pour détecter, contrer la radicalisation» de certains jeunes.

Le bouquet de mesures sera réuni dans un plan d'action interministériel et intersectoriel.

Le travail de déblayage du dossier a déjà été fait par les fonctionnaires. Vendredi, une première réunion ministérielle devrait permettre de préciser le cadre de travail et l'échéancier.

Le plan d'action devrait être rendu public «dans l'année» en cours, a promis la ministre Weil, en s'engageant à ce que le processus ne s'étire pas pendant «trois ans, disons, pas deux ans».

«On ressent tous qu'il ne faut pas fermer les yeux, qu'il faut y travailler. Il ne faut pas rester passif par rapport à ce phénomène-là», a-t-elle dit, un phénomène «pas très bien compris».

Dans l'opposition, à la suite des travaux menés par le groupe de travail dirigé par le député Gilles Ouimet, les libéraux s'étaient engagés l'an dernier à intervenir rapidement, dès la prise du pouvoir, pour contrer l'intégrisme religieux.

Essentiellement, ils voulaient agir de deux façons: en créant un observatoire de recherche visant à documenter le phénomène, et aussi en prévenant les mariages forcés et les crimes d'honneur.

L'idée de l'observatoire, promue par l'ex-députée libérale Fatima Houda-Pepin, est toujours en suspens et son sort est entre les mains de la ministre de la Justice.

La question des mariages forcés et des crimes d'honneur pourrait faire l'objet de modifications à la loi de la Protection de la jeunesse.

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Pakistan: manifestations contre Charlie Hebdo
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Hafiz Saeed, leader of Jamaat-ud-Dawah (JuD) Pakistan, addresses demonstrators during a protest against the printing of satirical sketches of the Prophet Muhammad by French magazine Charlie Hebdo, in Lahore on January 18, 2015. Anti-Charlie Hebdo protests continued across Pakistan as thousands of people came on streets in almost all major cities chanting slogans against the printing of cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed in the French magazine. AFP PHOTO / Arif ALI (Photo credit should read Arif Ali/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:ARIF ALI via Getty Images)
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Hafiz Saeed, leader of Jamaat-ud-Dawah (JuD) Pakistan, addresses demonstrators during a protest against the printing of satirical sketches of the Prophet Muhammad by French magazine Charlie Hebdo, in Lahore on January 18, 2015. Anti-Charlie Hebdo protests continued across Pakistan as thousands of people came on streets in almost all major cities chanting slogans against the printing of cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed in the French magazine. AFP PHOTO / Arif ALI (Photo credit should read Arif Ali/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:ARIF ALI via Getty Images)
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Pakistani protesters shout slogans during a protest against the printing of satirical sketches of the Prophet Muhammad by French magazine Charlie Hebdo, in Lahore on January 18, 2015. Anti-Charlie Hebdo protests continued across Pakistan as thousands of people came on streets in almost all major cities chanting slogans against the printing of cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed in the French magazine. AFP PHOTO / Arif ALI (Photo credit should read Arif Ali/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:ARIF ALI via Getty Images)
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Pakistani religious party leaders raise their hands in solidarity at a protest against the printing of satirical sketches of the Prophet Muhammad by French magazine Charlie Hebdo, in Lahore on January 18, 2015. Anti-Charlie Hebdo protests continued across Pakistan as thousands of people came on streets in almost all major cities chanting slogans against the printing of cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed in the French magazine. AFP PHOTO / Arif ALI (Photo credit should read Arif Ali/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:ARIF ALI via Getty Images)
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Pakistani protesters shout slogans during a protest against the printing of satirical sketches of the Prophet Muhammad by French magazine Charlie Hebdo, in Lahore on January 18, 2015. Anti-Charlie Hebdo protests continued across Pakistan as thousands of people came on streets in almost all major cities chanting slogans against the printing of cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed in the French magazine. AFP PHOTO / Arif ALI (Photo credit should read Arif Ali/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:ARIF ALI via Getty Images)
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Pakistani protesters shout slogans during a protest against the printing of satirical sketches of the Prophet Muhammad by French magazine Charlie Hebdo, in Lahore on January 18, 2015. Anti-Charlie Hebdo protests continued across Pakistan as thousands of people came on streets in almost all major cities chanting slogans against the printing of cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed in the French magazine. AFP PHOTO / Arif ALI (Photo credit should read Arif Ali/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:ARIF ALI via Getty Images)
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Pakistani protesters burn an effigy representing French President Francois Hollande during a protest against the printing of satirical sketches of the Prophet Muhammad by French magazine Charlie Hebdo, in Quetta on January 18, 2015. Anti-Charlie Hebdo protests continued across Pakistan as thousands of people came on streets in almost all major cities chanting slogans against the printing of cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed in the French magazine. AFP PHOTO/Banaras KHAN (Photo credit should read BANARAS KHAN/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:BANARAS KHAN via Getty Images)
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Pakistani protesters holds a poster featuring a portrait of French President Francois Hollande during a protest against the printing of satirical sketches of the Prophet Muhammad by French magazine Charlie Hebdo, in Quetta on January 18, 2015. Anti-Charlie Hebdo protests continued across Pakistan as thousands of people came on streets in almost all major cities chanting slogans against the printing of cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed in the French magazine. AFP PHOTO/Banaras KHAN (Photo credit should read BANARAS KHAN/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:BANARAS KHAN via Getty Images)
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Pakistani protesters burn a poster featuring portrait of French President Francois Hollande during a protest against the printing of satirical sketches of the Prophet Muhammad by French magazine Charlie Hebdo, in Quetta on January 18, 2015. Anti-Charlie Hebdo protests continued across Pakistan as thousands of people came on streets in almost all major cities chanting slogans against the printing of cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed in the French magazine. AFP PHOTO/Banaras KHAN (Photo credit should read BANARAS KHAN/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:BANARAS KHAN via Getty Images)
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A poster featuring portrait of French President Francois Hollande is pictured during a protest against the printing of satirical sketches of the Prophet Muhammad by French magazine Charlie Hebdo, in Quetta on January 18, 2015. Anti-Charlie Hebdo protests continued across Pakistan as thousands of people came on streets in almost all major cities chanting slogans against the printing of cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed in the French magazine. AFP PHOTO/Banaras KHAN (Photo credit should read BANARAS KHAN/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:BANARAS KHAN via Getty Images)
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Pakistani protesters hold a banner during a protest against the printing of satirical sketches of the Prophet Muhammad by French magazine Charlie Hebdo, in Quetta on January 18, 2015. Anti-Charlie Hebdo protests continued across Pakistan as thousands of people came on streets in almost all major cities chanting slogans against the printing of cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed in the French magazine. AFP PHOTO/Banaras KHAN (Photo credit should read BANARAS KHAN/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:BANARAS KHAN via Getty Images)
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Pakistani protesters shout slogans during a protest against the printing of satirical sketches of the Prophet Muhammad by French magazine Charlie Hebdo, in Quetta on January 18, 2015. Anti-Charlie Hebdo protests continued across Pakistan as thousands of people came on streets in almost all major cities chanting slogans against the printing of cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed in the French magazine. AFP PHOTO/Banaras KHAN (Photo credit should read BANARAS KHAN/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:BANARAS KHAN via Getty Images)
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Pakistani protesters burn an effigy representing Charlie Hebdo cartoonists as they march against the printing of satirical sketches of the Prophet Muhammad by the French magazine, in Islamabad on January 18, 2015. Anti-Charlie Hebdo protests continued across Pakistan as thousands of people came on streets in almost all major cities chanting slogans against the printing of cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed in the French magazine. AFP PHOTO/Farooq NAEEM (Photo credit should read FAROOQ NAEEM/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:FAROOQ NAEEM via Getty Images)
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Pakistani protesters burn an effigy representing Charlie Hebdo cartoonists as they march against the printing of satirical sketches of the Prophet Muhammad by the French magazine, in Islamabad on January 18, 2015. Anti-Charlie Hebdo protests continued across Pakistan as thousands of people came on streets in almost all major cities chanting slogans against the printing of cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed in the French magazine. AFP PHOTO/Farooq NAEEM (Photo credit should read FAROOQ NAEEM/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:FAROOQ NAEEM via Getty Images)

-- Cet article fait partie des archives en ligne du HuffPost Canada, qui ont fermé en 2021. Si vous avez des questions ou des préoccupations, veuillez consulter notre FAQ ou contacter support@huffpost.com.