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L'apartheid palestinien

J'ai dit et écrit partout que je suis en faveur de la création d'un État palestinien démocratique, pacifique et viable à côté de l'État juif d'Israël. Je précise ceci car je ne veux pas que ce qui suit soit déformé par les adversaires de l'État d'Israël. Ceci étant dit, tout en étant un partisan déclaré de la solution, il n'en demeure pas moins que certains éléments troublants de la société palestinienne, trop souvent occultés par nos médias, doivent être pris en compte.
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Palestinian refugees chant slogans and wave Palestinian flags during a rally supporting the Palestinian UN bid for observer state status, in front the United Nations headquarters in Beirut, Lebanon, Thursday Nov. 29, 2012. The Palestinians will request to upgrade their status on November 29. The status could add weight to Palestinian claims for a state in the West Bank, Gaza Strip and east Jerusalem, territories captured by Israel in the 1967 Mideast war from Jordan.. (AP Photo/Bilal Hussein)

J'ai dit et écrit partout que je suis en faveur de la création d'un État palestinien démocratique, pacifique et viable à côté de l'État juif d'Israël. Je précise ceci car je ne veux pas que ce qui suit soit déformé par les adversaires de l'État d'Israël, tout en sachant que de simplement défendre le droit de la nation juive à l'autodétermination dans ses terres ancestrales donne de l'urticaire à certains.

Ceci étant dit, tout en étant un partisan déclaré de la solution de 'Deux États pour deux peuples' (l'État juif d'Israël et l'État palestinien), il n'en demeure pas moins que certains éléments troublants de la société palestinienne, trop souvent occultés par nos médias, doivent être pris en compte.

Il n'est pas rare de voir des militants anti-Israël (oui, ils sont plus souvent anti-Israël que pro-palestiniens, malheureusement..) accuser Israël d'être un État d'apartheid.

Quand on analyse Israël avec des critères objectifs (démocratie, traitement des minorités religieuses, traitement des minorités ethniques, traitement des femmes, traitement des gays et lesbiennes), on voit bien l'absurdité de l'accusation.

Cependant, il est temps de regarder la situation dans les territoires palestiniens.

Une démocratie palestinienne moribonde

La démocratie y est moribonde. Dans Gaza, sous la coupe du Hamas, toute opposition au groupe islamiste est clairement interdite. En Cisjordanie, le Parlement ne s'est pas réuni depuis juin 2007 et le Président palestinien est dans la 9e année de son mandat... de quatre ans. Et aucune élection n'est prévue.

Les minorités: un sort peu enviable

Selon la Loi fondamentale de l'Autorité palestinienne, l'islam est la religion officielle des territoires palestiniens, les principes du droit religieux islamique (charia) sont la principale source de la législation, et l'arabe est la seule langue officielle (article IV).

(Je rappelle que la base du droit israélien est la common law anglo-saxonne - comme au Canada anglais, aux États-Unis et en Grande-Bretagne - et que l'arabe est une langue officielle de l'État d'Israël).

L'Autorité palestinienne a une loi qui autorise l'exécution de Palestiniens qui vendent leurs terres à des Juifs. En effet, l'attitude de discrimination contre les Juifs est telle dans les territoires palestiniens que même le système judiciaire palestinien impose la peine de mort à tout Palestinien qui vend sa terre à un Israélien. De plus, comme cette loi s'étend théoriquement au territoire d'Israël même, un Arabe israélien qui vendrait sa propriété à un de ses concitoyens juifs serait sujet à cette même peine.

Quant à l'avenir que dessinent les Palestiniens pour leur futur État, il est clair que celui-ci sera arabe et musulman. Leur ébauche de constitution prévoit que « Cette constitution se fonde sur la volonté du peuple arabe palestinien » (Art. 1), que « le peuple palestinien est une partie des nations arabes et islamiques » (Art. 3), que « la souveraineté appartient au peuple arabe palestinien » (Art. 10), et que « le caractère légal du peuple arabe palestinien sera incarné par l'État » (Art. 13). De plus, non seulement « L'islam sera la religion officielle de l'État » (Art. 6), mais « L'arabe sera la langue officielle » (Art. 5). Et « Les principes de la charia islamique seront la source première de la législation. » (Art 7) (je souligne).

Une illustration: le président Mahmoud Abbas refuse d'interdire les « crimes d'honneur », (i.e. quand une femme est tuée pour avoir «déshonoré» sa famille, souvent par des accusations de relations illicites - pas nécessairement sexuelles - avec un homme qui n'est pas de sa famille).

Aucun Juif en Palestine alors que les chrétiens quittent

Des officiels Palestiniens ont déclaré - alors que 20% de la population israélienne est arabe - qu'un éventuel État palestinien n'aura aucun Juif sur son territoire.

Le président Abbas lui-même a déclaré qu'il n'y aura pas un seul Israélien sur le territoire palestinien.

Vous imaginez la réaction du monde si Israël disait qu'il ne peut y avoir aucun Arabe sur son territoire?

En passant, il est intéressant de noter qu'Israël est le seul pays au Moyen-Orient dont la population chrétienne est en croissance constante avec un taux extraordinaire de 345 % depuis la fondation de l'État juif. Depuis 1995, la communauté chrétienne d'Israël a connu un taux de croissance de 26 %, passant de 120 300 à 151 700 âmes en 2009. Par contraste, lorsqu'Israël a cédé Bethléem à l'administration de l'Autorité palestinienne en 1995, 60 % de ses habitants étaient chrétiens. Aujourd'hui, Bethléem est devenue une ville musulmane dont seulement 20 % de la population est chrétienne. En fait, il y est même « difficile à un chrétien d'acquérir une maison ou un terrain parce qu'« on ne cède pas la terre de l'islam à un croisé ». (« Le calvaire des chrétiens », Le Point, no 1999, 6 janvier 2011, p. 42).

De vrais amis

Un vrai pro-Palestinien, quelqu'un qui désire véritablement que les Palestiniens aient leur État indépendant, démocratique, viable et pacifique, doit prendre ceux-ci pour des adultes, cesser de les infantiliser, exiger d'eux qu'ils respectent les valeurs fondamentales auxquelles nous tenons (libertés fondamentales, règlement pacifique des disputes, etc.) et les juger selon les mêmes normes que le monde applique aux Israéliens.

Si, comme je le pense, l'indépendance signifie pour un peuple assumer l'ensemble de ses responsabilités, il faut cesser de déresponsabiliser les Palestiniens et cesser de faire systématiquement porter la responsabilité de leurs nombreuses erreurs sur les épaules des Israéliens, des Américains ou de qui que ce soit d'autre.

C'est desservir les Palestiniens que d'être ainsi paternalistes à leur endroit, « comme s'ils étaient des mineurs auxquels on pardonne tout » pour reprendre l'expression de l'auteur et activiste pour la paix A.B. Yehoshua. (Cité par Jean-Luc Allouche, Les jours redoutables, Israël-Palestine: la paix dans mille ans, Denoël Impact, 2010, p.45).

VOIR AUSSI Des images du conflit israélo-palestinien de novembre 2012, compilées par le HuffPost.com

GRAPHIC WARNING: Israel And Gaza Tensions
(01 of93)
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Zaka volunteers and rescue personnel carry the plastic wrapped body of a victim from an apartment building that was hit by a rocket fired from the Gaza Strip, where three people were killed in Kiryat Malachi, southern Israel, Kiryat Malachi, southern Israel,Thursday, Nov. 15, 2012. Militants in the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip killed three Israelis on Thursday in a rocket attack liable to deepen a bruising Israeli air, naval and artillery offensive against Palestinian rocket squads. The casualties were the first in Israel since it launched its operation on Wednesday with the assassination of Hamas top military commander. (AP Photo/Ariel Schalit) (credit:AP)
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The parents of 11 month-old Palestinian baby Ahmed Masharawi, killed in an Israeli strike, hold his body during his funeral in Gaza City, Thursday, Nov. 15, 2012. (AP Photo/Adel Hana) (credit:AP)
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People run to a safe place, as siren sounds warn for incoming rockets from the Gaza Strip, near the building that was hit by a rocket fired from the Gaza Strip, where three people were killed in Kiryat Malachi, southern Israel, Kiryat Malachi, southern Israel,Thursday, Nov. 15, 2012. Militants in the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip killed three Israelis on Thursday in a rocket attack liable to deepen a bruising Israeli air, naval and artillery offensive against Palestinian rocket squads. The casualties were the first in Israel since it launched its operation on Wednesday with the assassination of Hamas top military commander. (AP Photo/Ariel Schalit) (credit:AP)
(04 of93)
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Blood stains on a shoe and on a shirt in apartment in a building that was hit by a rocket fired from the Gaza Strip, where three people were killed in Kiryat Malachi, southern Israel, Kiryat Malachi, southern Israel,Thursday, Nov. 15, 2012. Militants in the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip killed three Israelis on Thursday in a rocket attack liable to deepen a bruising Israeli air, naval and artillery offensive against Palestinian rocket squads. The casualties were the first in Israel since it launched its operation on Wednesday with the assassination of Hamas top military commander. (AP Photo/Ariel Schalit) (credit:AP)
(05 of93)
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A Zaka volunteers clean blood stains from a children\'s room in an apartment in a building that was hit by a rocket fired from the Gaza Strip, where three people were killed in Kiryat Malachi, southern Israel, Kiryat Malachi, southern Israel,Thursday, Nov. 15, 2012. Militants in the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip killed three Israelis on Thursday in a rocket attack liable to deepen a bruising Israeli air, naval and artillery offensive against Palestinian rocket squads. The casualties were the first in Israel since it launched its operation on Wednesday with the assassination of Hamas top military commander. (AP Photo/Ariel Schalit) (credit:AP)
(06 of93)
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Zaka volunteers clean blood stains from a children\'s room in apartment building that was hit by a rocket fired from the Gaza Strip, where three people were killed in Kiryat Malachi, southern Israel, Kiryat Malachi, southern Israel,Thursday, Nov. 15, 2012. Militants in the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip killed three Israelis on Thursday in a rocket attack liable to deepen a bruising Israeli air, naval and artillery offensive against Palestinian rocket squads. The casualties were the first in Israel since it launched its operation on Wednesday with the assassination of Hamas top military commander. (AP Photo/Ariel Schalit) (credit:AP)
(07 of93)
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Zaka volunteers clean blood stains from a pillow and a baby toy in a children\'s room in apartment building that was hit by a rocket fired from the Gaza Strip, where three people were killed in Kiryat Malachi, southern Israel, Kiryat Malachi, southern Israel,Thursday, Nov. 15, 2012. Militants in the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip killed three Israelis on Thursday in a rocket attack liable to deepen a bruising Israeli air, naval and artillery offensive against Palestinian rocket squads. The casualties were the first in Israel since it launched its operation on Wednesday with the assassination of Hamas top military commander. (AP Photo/Ariel Schalit) (credit:AP)
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Israeli Zaka emergency services volunteers clean human remains from a house hit by a rocket fired by Palestinian militants killing 3 people in southern city of Kiryat Malahi on November 15, 2012. The attack on Kiryat Malachi was claimed by Hamas\'s armed wing, the Ezzedine al-Qassam Brigades in a statement on its website as tensions escalated between Israel and Gaza after the Israeli military carried out more than 20 air strikes and sea artillery attacks on the Palestinian territory, killing the military commander for Hamas on November 14. AFP PHOTO/JACK GUEZ (Photo credit should read JACK GUEZ/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
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Israeli Zaka emergency services volunteers wheel the body of an Israeli killed when a house was hit by a rocket fired by Palestinian militants into an ambulance in the southern Israeli city of Kiryat Malahi on November 15, 2012. The attack on Kiryat Malachi was claimed by Hamas\'s armed wing, the Ezzedine al-Qassam Brigades in a statement on its website as tensions escalated between Israel and Gaza after the Israeli military carried out more than 20 air strikes and sea artillery attacks on the Palestinian territory, killing the military commander for Hamas on November 14. AFP PHOTO/JACK GUEZ (Photo credit should read JACK GUEZ/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
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Israeli Zaka emergency services volunteers clean human remains from a house hit by a rocket fired by Palestinian militants killing 3 people in southern city of Kiryat Malahi on November 15, 2012. The attack on Kiryat Malachi was claimed by Hamas\'s armed wing, the Ezzedine al-Qassam Brigades in a statement on its website as tensions escalated between Israel and Gaza after the Israeli military carried out more than 20 air strikes and sea artillery attacks on the Palestinian territory, killing the military commander for Hamas on November 14. AFP PHOTO/JACK GUEZ (Photo credit should read JACK GUEZ/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
(11 of93)
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Smoke rises following an Israeli air strike in the northern Gaza Strip, seen from the Israel Gaza Border, southern Israel,Thursday, Nov. 15, 2012. (AP Photo/Ariel Schalit) (credit:AP)
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Israeli Zaka emergency services volunteers carry out a dead body from a house hit by a rocket fired by Palestinian militants killing 3 people in southern city of Kiryat Malahi on November 15, 2012. The attack on Kiryat Malachi was claimed by Hamas\'s armed wing, the Ezzedine al-Qassam Brigades in a statement on its website as tensions escalated between Israel and Gaza after the Israeli military carried out more than 20 air strikes and sea artillery attacks on the Palestinian territory, killing the military commander for Hamas on November 14. AFP PHOTO/DAVID BUIMOVITCH (Photo credit should read DAVID BUIMOVITCH/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
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An Israeli reacts after a rocket launched from Gaza strip hit a building killing 3 people in the city of Kiryat Malachi on November 15, 2012. The attack on Kiryat Malachi was claimed by Hamas\'s armed wing, the Ezzedine al-Qassam Brigades in a statement on its website as tensions escalated between Israel and Gaza after the Israeli military carried out more than 20 air strikes and sea artillery attacks on the Palestinian territory, killing the military commander for Hamas on November 14. AFP PHOTO/DAVID BUIMOVITCH (Photo credit should read DAVID BUIMOVITCH/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
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Palestinian medics carry a wounded man into the al-shifa hospital in Gaza City following an Israeli air strike on November 14, 2012. An Israeli strike that killed Hamas\'s top commander in Gaza is only \'the beginning\' of an operation to target militant groups in the strip, a military spokeswoman said. AFP PHOTO/MAHMUD HAMS (Photo credit should read MAHMUD HAMS/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
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Palestinian medics carry a wounded baby into the al-shifa hospital in Gaza City following an Israeli air strike on November 14, 2012. An Israeli strike that killed Hamas\'s top commander in Gaza is only \'the beginning\' of an operation to target militant groups in the strip, a military spokeswoman said. AFP PHOTO/MAHMUD HAMS (Photo credit should read MAHMUD HAMS/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
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Palestinian men evacuate an elderly woman following an Israeli air strike on November 14, 2012 in Gaza City. A top Hamas commander was among seven people killed in more than 20 Israeli air strikes on the Gaza Strip, as Israel began an operation targeting militant groups. AFP PHOTO/MOHAMMED ABED (Photo credit should read MOHAMMED ABED/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Jihad Masharawi (17 of93)
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Jihad Masharawi weeps while he holds the body of his 11-month old son Ahmad, at Shifa hospital following an Israeli air strike on their family house, in Gaza City, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. The Israeli military said its assassination of the Hamas military commander Ahmed Jabari, marks the beginning of an operation against Gaza militants. (Picture EYEVINE)
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Jihad Masharawi weeps while he holds the body of his 11-month old son Ahmad, at Shifa hospital following an Israeli air strike on their family house, in Gaza City, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. The Israeli military said its assassination of the Hamas military commander Ahmed Jabari, marks the beginning of an operation against Gaza militants. (AP Photo/Majed Hamdan)
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A Palestinian boy holds a window pane taken from a damaged house hit in an Israeli strike, in Gaza City, Thursday, Nov. 15, 2012. Israeli aircraft, tanks and naval gunboats pounded the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip and rocket salvoes thudded into southern Israel, as residents on both sides of the frontier holed up at home in anticipation of heavy fighting on the second day of Israel\'s offensive against Islamic militants. (AP Photo/Hatem Moussa)
(20 of93)
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A Palestinian youth walks through a damaged apartment hit in an Israeli strike, in Gaza City ,Thursday, Nov. 15, 2012. Israeli aircraft, tanks and naval gunboats pounded the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip and rocket salvoes thudded into southern Israel, as residents on both sides of the frontier holed up at home in anticipation of heavy fighting on the second day of Israel\'s offensive against Islamic militants. (AP Photo/Hatem Moussa)
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Palestinian youths evacuate an elderly man following an Israeli air strike on November 14, 2012 in Gaza City. A top Hamas commander was among seven people killed in more than 20 Israeli air strikes on the Gaza Strip, as Israel began an operation targeting militant groups. AFP PHOTO/MOHAMMED ABED (Photo credit should read MOHAMMED ABED/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
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Smoke rises following an Israeli air strike on a house in Gaza City, on November 14, 2012. Israel killed a top Hamas military commander in a targeted strike in Gaza , prompting outrage from militants who said the Jewish state had opened \'the gates of hell.\' AFP PHOTO/HOSAM SALEM (Photo credit should read HOSAM SALEM/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
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Palestinian medics wheel a wounded man into the al-shifa hospital in Gaza City following an Israeli air strike on November 14, 2012. An Israeli strike that killed Hamas\'s top commander in Gaza is only \'the beginning\' of an operation to target militant groups in the strip, a military spokeswoman said. AFP PHOTO/MAHMUD HAMS (Photo credit should read MAHMUD HAMS/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
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Smoke rises following an Israeli air strike on a house in Gaza City, on November 14, 2012. Israel killed a top Hamas military commander in a targeted strike in Gaza , prompting outrage from militants who said the Jewish state had opened \'the gates of hell.\' AFP PHOTO/HOSAM SALEM (Photo credit should read HOSAM SALEM/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
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Palestinian civilians leave their houses following an Israeli air strike on November 14, 2012 in Gaza City. A top Hamas commander was among seven people killed in more than 20 Israeli air strikes on the Gaza Strip, as Israel began an operation targeting militant groups. AFP PHOTO/MOHAMMED ABED (Photo credit should read MOHAMMED ABED/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
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Palestinian firefighters extinguish fire from the car of Ahmaed Jaabari, head of the military wing of the Hamas movement, the Ezzedin Qassam Brigades, after it was hit by an Israeli air strike in Gaza City on November 14, 2012. The top Hamas commander Ahmed al-Jaabari was killed in an Israeli air strike , medics and a Hamas source told . AFP PHOTO/MAHMUD HAMS (Photo credit should read MAHMUD HAMS/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
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Palestinians extinguish fire from the car of Ahmaed Jaabari, head of the military wing of the Hamas movement, the Ezzedin Qassam Brigades, after it was hit by an Israeli air strike in Gaza City on November 14, 2012. The top Hamas commander Ahmed al-Jaabari was killed in an Israeli air strike , medics and a Hamas source told . AFP PHOTO/MAHMUD HAMS (Photo credit should read MAHMUD HAMS/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
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Palestinian medics wheel a wounded boy into the al-shifa hospital in Gaza City following an Israeli air strike on November 14, 2012. An Israeli strike that killed Hamas\'s top commander in Gaza is only \'the beginning\' of an operation to target militant groups in the strip, a military spokeswoman said. AFP PHOTO/MAHMUD HAMS (Photo credit should read MAHMUD HAMS/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
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Palestinian firefighters extinguish fire from the car of Ahmaed Jaabari, head of the military wing of the Hamas movement, the Ezzedin Qassam Brigades, after it was hit by an Israeli air strike in Gaza City on November 14, 2012. The top Hamas commander Ahmed al-Jaabari was killed in an Israeli air strike , medics and a Hamas source told . AFP PHOTO/MAHMUD HAMS (Photo credit should read MAHMUD HAMS/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
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Palestinians extinguish fire from the car of Ahmaed Jaabari, head of the military wing of the Hamas movement, the Ezzedin Qassam Brigades, after it was hit by an Israeli air strike in Gaza City on November 14, 2012. The top Hamas commander Ahmed al-Jaabari was killed in an Israeli air strike , medics and a Hamas source told . AFP PHOTO/MAHMUD HAMS (Photo credit should read MAHMUD HAMS/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
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Palestinians extinguish fire from the car of Ahmaed Jaabari, head of the military wing of the Hamas movement, the Ezzedin Qassam Brigades, after it was hit by an Israeli air strike in Gaza City on November 14, 2012. The top Hamas commander Ahmed al-Jaabari was killed in an Israeli air strike , medics and a Hamas source told . AFP. AFP PHOTO/MAHMUD HAMS (Photo credit should read MAHMUD HAMS/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
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GRAPHIC CONTENT Palestinian security forces wheel into a hospital the body of Ahmaed Jaabari, head of the military wing of the Hamas movement, the Ezzedin Qassam Brigades, after the car he was riding was hit by an Israeli air strike in Gaza City on November 14, 2012. The top Hamas commander Ahmed al-Jaabari was killed in an Israeli air strike , medics and a Hamas source told . AFP PHOTO/MOHAMMED ABED (Photo credit should read MOHAMMED ABED/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
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GRAPHIC CONTENT Palestinian men carry the body of baby to the al-shifa hospital in Gaza City following an Israeli air strike on 14 November 2012. An Israeli strike that killed Hamas\'s top commander in Gaza is only \'the beginning\' of an operation to target militant groups in the strip, a military spokeswoman said. AFP PHOTO/MAHMUD HAMS (Photo credit should read MAHMUD HAMS/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
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Palestinian youths look inside a building where the body of Ahmaed Jaabari, head of the military wing of the Hamas movement, the Ezzedin Qassam Brigades, was brought to after the car he was riding was hit by an Israeli air strike in Gaza City on November 14, 2012. An Israeli air strike killed the senior Hamas military commander in Gaza City, prompting a furious response from militants who said it had opened \'the gates of hell.\' AFP PHOTO/MOHAMMED ABED (Photo credit should read MOHAMMED ABED/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
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Palestinian men react as security forces wheel into a hospital the body of Ahmaed Jaabari (unseen), head of the military wing of the Hamas movement, the Ezzedin Qassam Brigades, after the car he was riding was hit by an Israeli air strike in Gaza City on November 14, 2012. An Israeli air strike killed the senior Hamas military commander in Gaza City, prompting a furious response from militants who said it had opened \'the gates of hell.\' AFP PHOTO/MOHAMMED ABED (Photo credit should read MOHAMMED ABED/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
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A Palestinian youth walks amid destruction following an Israeli air strike on a residential neighbourhood in Gaza City in the early hours of November 15, 2012. Israel killed on November 14 top Hamas commander Ahmed Jaabari, followed by what Palestinians said were at least 60 Israeli air strikes in which several people were killed and wounded as the UN Security Council held a late night emergency meeting on escalating tensions. AFP PHOTO/MAHMUD HAMS (Photo credit should read MAHMUD HAMS/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
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A general view shows Gaza City in the early hours of the morning with what appears to be warning statements released by Israeli military planes on November 15, 2012. The UN Security Council held a late night emergency meeting on escalating tensions between Israel and the Palestinian territory of Gaza after Israel carried out more than 20 air strikes and sea artillery attacks on Gaza, killing the military commander for Hamas, which controls the territory. AFP PHOTO/MOHAMMED ABED (Photo credit should read MOHAMMED ABED/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
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Smoke rises following an Israeli air strike on the northern Gaza Strip on November 15, 2012. Israel continued its airstrikes on Gaza in the early morning in an operation which started on November 14 with the killing of top Hamas commander Ahmed Jaabari, followed by what Palestinians said were at least 60 Israeli air strikes. AFP PHOTO/MOHAMMED ABED (Photo credit should read MOHAMMED ABED/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
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Smoke rises following an Israeli air strike on the northern Gaza Strip on November 15, 2012. Israel continued its airstrikes on Gaza in the early morning in an operation which started on November 14 with the killing of top Hamas commander Ahmed Jaabari, followed by what Palestinians said were at least 60 Israeli air strikes. AFP PHOTO/MOHAMMED ABED (Photo credit should read MOHAMMED ABED/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
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Palestinians inspect an area targeted by an Israeli air strike in Gaza City in the early hours of November 15, 2012. Israel killed on November 14 top Hamas commander Ahmed Jaabari, followed by what Palestinians said were at least 60 Israeli air strikes in which several people were killed and wounded as the UN Security Council held a late night emergency meeting on escalating tensions. AFP PHOTO/MAHMUD HAMS (Photo credit should read MAHMUD HAMS/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
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A general view shows a crater at a sport targeted by an Israeli air strike in Gaza City in the early hours of November 15, 2012. Israel killed on November 14 top Hamas commander Ahmed Jaabari, followed by what Palestinians said were at least 60 Israeli air strikes in which several people were killed and wounded as the UN Security Council held a late night emergency meeting on escalating tensions. AFP PHOTO/MAHMUD HAMS (Photo credit should read MAHMUD HAMS/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
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A general view shows destruction in a residential area targeted by an Israeli air strike in Gaza City in the early hours of November 15, 2012. Israel killed on November 14 top Hamas commander Ahmed Jaabari, followed by what Palestinians said were at least 60 Israeli air strikes in which several people were killed and wounded as the UN Security Council held a late night emergency meeting on escalating tensions. AFP PHOTO/MAHMUD HAMS (Photo credit should read MAHMUD HAMS/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
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Palestinians inspect a destroyed building in an area targeted by an Israeli air strike in Gaza City in the early hours of November 15, 2012. Israel killed on November 14 top Hamas commander Ahmed Jaabari, followed by what Palestinians said were at least 60 Israeli air strikes in which several people were killed and wounded as the UN Security Council held a late night emergency meeting on escalating tensions. AFP PHOTO/MAHMUD HAMS (Photo credit should read MAHMUD HAMS/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
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A picture taken from the southern Israeli town of Sderot shows smoke billowing from a spot targeted by an Israeli air strike inside the Gaza strip on November 15, 2012. The UN Security Council held a late night emergency meeting on escalating tensions between Israel and Gaza after Israel carried out more than 20 air strikes and sea artillery attacks on the Palestinian territory, killing the military commander for Hamas, which controls the territory. AFP PHOTO/JACK GUEZ (Photo credit should read JACK GUEZ/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
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A general view shows a crater at a sport targeted by an Israeli air strike in Gaza City in the early hours of November 15, 2012. Israel killed on November 14 top Hamas commander Ahmed Jaabari, followed by what Palestinians said were at least 60 Israeli air strikes in which several people were killed and wounded as the UN Security Council held a late night emergency meeting on escalating tensions. AFP PHOTO/MAHMUD HAMS (Photo credit should read MAHMUD HAMS/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
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Palestinians inspect a destroyed building in an area targeted by an Israeli air strike in Gaza City in the early hours of November 15, 2012. Israel killed on November 14 top Hamas commander Ahmed Jaabari, followed by what Palestinians said were at least 60 Israeli air strikes in which several people were killed and wounded as the UN Security Council held a late night emergency meeting on escalating tensions. AFP PHOTO/MAHMUD HAMS (Photo credit should read MAHMUD HAMS/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
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A general view shows destruction in a residential area targeted by an Israeli air strike in Gaza City in the early hours of November 15, 2012. Israel killed on November 14 top Hamas commander Ahmed Jaabari, followed by what Palestinians said were at least 60 Israeli air strikes in which several people were killed and wounded as the UN Security Council held a late night emergency meeting on escalating tensions. AFP PHOTO/MAHMUD HAMS (Photo credit should read MAHMUD HAMS/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
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A picture taken from the southern Israeli town of Sderot shows an Israeli air force A-4N Skyhawk dropping a bomb over the Gaza strip on November 15, 2012. The UN Security Council held a late night emergency meeting on escalating tensions between Israel and Gaza after Israel carried out more than 20 air strikes and sea artillery attacks on the Palestinian territory, killing the military commander for Hamas, which controls the territory. AFP PHOTO/JACK GUEZ (Photo credit should read JACK GUEZ/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
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A picture taken from the southern Israeli town of Sderot shows smoke billowing from a spot targeted by an Israeli air strike inside the Gaza strip on November 15, 2012. Rockets were launched by Palestinian militants in Gaza into Israel amid a vast Israeli operation against Gaza militants which began on November 14 with the killing of a top Hamas chief along with ten other Palestinians. AFP PHOTO/JACK GUEZ (Photo credit should read JACK GUEZ/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
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Palestinians inspect an area targeted by an Israeli air strike in Gaza City in the early hours of November 15, 2012. Israel killed on November 14 top Hamas commander Ahmed Jaabari, followed by what Palestinians said were at least 60 Israeli air strikes in which several people were killed and wounded as the UN Security Council held a late night emergency meeting on escalating tensions. AFP PHOTO/MAHMUD HAMS (Photo credit should read MAHMUD HAMS/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
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A Palestinian man sits amid the rubble in his bombed house following an Israeli air strike on Gaza City on November 15, 2012. The UN Security Council held a late night emergency meeting on escalating tensions between Israel and Gaza after Israel carried out more than 20 air strikes and sea artillery attacks on the Palestinian territory, killing the military commander for Hamas, which controls the territory. AFP PHOTO/MAHMUD HAMS (Photo credit should read MAHMUD HAMS/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
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A Palestinian youth walks amid destruction following an Israeli air strike on a residential neighbourhood in Gaza City in the early hours of November 15, 2012. Israel killed on November 14 top Hamas commander Ahmed Jaabari, followed by what Palestinians said were at least 60 Israeli air strikes in which several people were killed and wounded as the UN Security Council held a late night emergency meeting on escalating tensions. AFP PHOTO/MAHMUD HAMS (Photo credit should read MAHMUD HAMS/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
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A Palestinian man inspects his damaged house following an Israeli air strike on a residential neighbourhood in Gaza City in the early hours of November 15, 2012. The UN Security Council held a late night emergency meeting on escalating tensions between Israel and Gaza after Israel carried out more than 20 air strikes and sea artillery attacks on the Palestinian territory, killing the military commander for Hamas, which controls the territory. AFP PHOTO/MAHMUD HAMS (Photo credit should read MAHMUD HAMS/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
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A Palestinian man points to a destroyed house following an Israeli air strike on a residential neighbourhood in Gaza City in the early hours of November 15, 2012. The UN Security Council held a late night emergency meeting on escalating tensions between Israel and Gaza after Israel carried out more than 20 air strikes and sea artillery attacks on the Palestinian territory, killing the military commander for Hamas, which controls the territory. AFP PHOTO/MAHMUD HAMS (Photo credit should read MAHMUD HAMS/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
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A Palestinian boy pushes his bycicle through the rubble in an area targeted by an Israeli air strike in Gaza City in the early hours of November 15, 2012. Israel killed on November 14 top Hamas commander Ahmed Jaabari, followed by what Palestinians said were at least 60 Israeli air strikes in which several people were killed and wounded as the UN Security Council held a late night emergency meeting on escalating tensions. AFP PHOTO/MAHMUD HAMS (Photo credit should read MAHMUD HAMS/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
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A picture taken from the southern Israeli town of Sderot shows a rocket being launched from the Gaza strip into Israel on November 15, 2012. Rockets were launched by Palestinian militants in Gaza into Israel amid a vast Israeli operation against Gaza militants which began on November 14 with the killing of a top Hamas chief along with ten other Palestinians. AFP PHOTO/JACK GUEZ (Photo credit should read JACK GUEZ/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
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A Palestinian youth walks through a crater following an Israeli air strike on a residential neighbourhood in Gaza City in the early hours of November 15, 2012. Israel killed on November 14 top Hamas commander Ahmed Jaabari, followed by what Palestinians said were at least 60 Israeli air strikes in which several people were killed and wounded as the UN Security Council held a late night emergency meeting on escalating tensions. AFP PHOTO/MAHMUD HAMS (Photo credit should read MAHMUD HAMS/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
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A picture taken from the southern Israeli town of Sderot shows a rocket being launched from the Gaza strip into Israel on November 15, 2012. Rockets were launched from Gaza into Israel amid a vast Israeli operation against Gaza militants which began on November 14 with the killing of a top Hamas chief along with ten other Palestinians. AFP PHOTO/JACK GUEZ (Photo credit should read JACK GUEZ/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
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A picture taken from the southern Israeli town of Sderot shows a rocket being launched from the Gaza strip into Israel on November 15, 2012. Rockets were launched by Palestinian militants in Gaza into Israel amid a vast Israeli operation against Gaza militants which began on November 14 with the killing of a top Hamas chief along with ten other Palestinians. AFP PHOTO/JACK GUEZ (Photo credit should read JACK GUEZ/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
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An Israeli missile is launched from the Iron Dome missile system in the southern Israeli city of Beer Sheva in response to a rocket launch from the nearby Palestinian Gaza Strip, on November 15, 2012. Israel yesterday killed a top Hamas military commander in a targeted strike in Gaza on Wednesday, prompting outrage from militants who said the Jewish state had opened \'the gates of hell.\' AFP PHOTO/MENAHEM KAHANA (Photo credit should read MENAHEM KAHANA/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
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The Israeli military launch a missile from the Iron Dome missile system in the southern Israeli city of Beer Sheva into the Gaza Strip on November 15, 2012. The UN Security Council held a late night emergency meeting on escalating tensions between Israel and the Palestinian territory of Gaza after Israel carried out more than 20 air strikes and sea artillery attacks on Gaza, killing the military commander for Hamas, which controls the territory. AFP PHOTO/MENAHEM KAHANA (Photo credit should read MENAHEM KAHANA/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
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An Israeli missile is launched from the Iron Dome missile system in the southern Israeli city of Beer Sheva in response to a rocket launch from the nearby Palestinian Gaza Strip, on November 15, 2012. Israel yesterday killed a top Hamas military commander in a targeted strike in Gaza on Wednesday, prompting outrage from militants who said the Jewish state had opened \'the gates of hell.\' AFP PHOTO/MENAHEM KAHANA (Photo credit should read MENAHEM KAHANA/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
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The Israeli military launch a missile from the Iron Dome missile system in the southern city of Beer Sheva into the Gaza Strip on November 15, 2012. Rockets were launched from Gaza into Israel amid a vast Israeli operation against Gaza militants which began on November 14 with the killing of a top Hamas chief along with ten other Palestinians. AFP PHOTO/MENAHEM KAHANA (Photo credit should read MENAHEM KAHANA/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
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A general view shows Gaza City in the early hours of November 15, 2012. Israel killed on November 14 top Hamas commander Ahmed Jaabari, followed by what Palestinians said were at least 60 Israeli air strikes in which several people were killed and wounded. AFP PHOTO/MOHAMMED ABED (Photo credit should read MOHAMMED ABED/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
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Smoke rises following an Israeli air strike on the northern Gaza Strip on November 15, 2012. Israel continued its airstrikes on Gaza in the early morning in an operation which started on November 14 with the killing of top Hamas commander Ahmed Jaabari, followed by what Palestinians said were at least 60 Israeli air strikes. AFP PHOTO/MOHAMMED ABED (Photo credit should read MOHAMMED ABED/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
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Smoke rises following an Israeli air strike on the northern Gaza Strip on November 15, 2012. Israel continued its airstrikes on Gaza in the early morning in an operation which started on November 14 with the killing of top Hamas commander Ahmed Jaabari, followed by what Palestinians said were at least 60 Israeli air strikes. AFP PHOTO/MOHAMMED ABED (Photo credit should read MOHAMMED ABED/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
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A picture taken from the southern Israeli town of Sderot shows warning leaflets falling on the Gaza Strip dropped by Israeli military planes on November 15, 2012. Rockets were launched from Gaza into Israel amid a vast Israeli operation against Gaza militants which began on November 14 with the killing of a top Hamas chief along with ten other Palestinians. AFP PHOTO/JACK GUEZ (Photo credit should read JACK GUEZ/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
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A picture taken from the southern Israeli town of Sderot shows a rocket being launched from the Gaza strip into Israel on November 15, 2012. Rockets were launched by Palestinian militants in Gaza into Israel amid a vast Israeli operation against Gaza militants which began on November 14 with the killing of a top Hamas chief along with ten other Palestinians. AFP PHOTO/JACK GUEZ (Photo credit should read JACK GUEZ/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
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The Israeli military launch a missile from the Iron Dome missile system in the southern city of Beer Sheva into the Gaza Strip on November 15, 2012. Rockets were launched from Gaza into Israel amid a vast Israeli operation against Gaza militants which began on November 14 with the killing of a top Hamas chief along with ten other Palestinians. AFP PHOTO/MENAHEM KAHANA (Photo credit should read MENAHEM KAHANA/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
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The Israeli military launch a missile from the Iron Dome missile system in the southern Israeli city of Beer Sheva into the Gaza Strip on November 15, 2012. The UN Security Council held a late night emergency meeting on escalating tensions between Israel and the Palestinian territory of Gaza after Israel carried out more than 20 air strikes and sea artillery attacks on Gaza, killing the military commander for Hamas, which controls the territory. AFP PHOTO/MENAHEM KAHANA (Photo credit should read MENAHEM KAHANA/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
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A general view shows Gaza City in the early hours of the morning with what appears to be warning statements released by Israeli military planes on November 15, 2012. The UN Security Council held a late night emergency meeting on escalating tensions between Israel and the Palestinian territory of Gaza after Israel carried out more than 20 air strikes and sea artillery attacks on Gaza, killing the military commander for Hamas, which controls the territory. AFP PHOTO/MOHAMMED ABED (Photo credit should read MOHAMMED ABED/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
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A picture taken from the southern Israeli town of Sderot shows smoke billowing from a spot targeted by the Israeli military inside the Gaza Strip on November 15, 2012. The UN Security Council held a late night emergency meeting on escalating tensions between Israel and Gaza after Israel carried out more than 20 air strikes and sea artillery attacks on the Palestinian territory, killing the military commander for Hamas, which controls the territory. AFP PHOTO/JACK GUEZ (Photo credit should read JACK GUEZ/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
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Israelis prepare to spend the night in a shelter in the southern Israeli town of Netivot, which neighbors the Gaza Strip, after dozens of rockets fire from Gaza hit the area in retaliation of the assassination of top Hamas chief Ahmed Jaabari, on November 14, 2012. Israel killed a top Hamas military commander in a targeted strike in Gaza on Wednesday, prompting outrage from militants who said the Jewish state had opened \'the gates of hell.\' AFP PHOTO/MENAHEM KAHANA (Photo credit should read MENAHEM KAHANA/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
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Israelis prepare to spend the night in a bomb shelter in the southern Israeli town of Netivot, neighboring the Gaza Strip, on November 14, 2012. Israel killed a top Hamas military commander in a targeted strike in Gaza on Wednesday, prompting outrage from militants who said the Jewish state had opened \'the gates of hell.\' AFP PHOTO/MENAHEM KAHANA (Photo credit should read MENAHEM KAHANA/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
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Smoke rises following an Israeli air strike on a house in Gaza City, on November 14, 2012. Israel killed a top Hamas military commander in a targeted strike in Gaza , prompting outrage from militants who said the Jewish state had opened \'the gates of hell.\' AFP PHOTO/HOSAM SALEM (Photo credit should read HOSAM SALEM/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
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Israelis sit outside a bomb shelter as they prepare to spend the night in it, in the southern Israeli town of Netivot, neighboring the Gaza Strip, on November 14, 2012. Israel killed a top Hamas military commander in a targeted strike in Gaza on Wednesday, prompting outrage from militants who said the Jewish state had opened \'the gates of hell.\' AFP PHOTO/MENAHEM KAHANA (Photo credit should read MENAHEM KAHANA/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
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A rocket is launched from Rafah, in the southern Gaza strip towards Israel, on November 14, 2012. Israel killed a top Hamas military commander in a targeted air strike in Gaza, prompting outrage from Palestinian militants who said the Jewish state had opened \'the gates of hell.\' AFP PHOTO / SAID KHATIB (Photo credit should read SAID KHATIB/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
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Palestinians try to extinguish fire following an Israeli air strike on November 14, 2012 in Gaza City. A top Hamas commander was among seven people killed in more than 20 Israeli air strikes on the Gaza Strip, as Israel began an operation targeting militant groups. AFP PHOTO/MOHAMMED ABED (Photo credit should read MOHAMMED ABED/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
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Israeli children play as they prepare to spend the night in a shelter in the southern Israeli town of Netivot, which neighbors the Gaza Strip, after dozens of rockets fire from Gaza hit the area in retaliation of the assassination of top Hamas chief Ahmed Jaabari, on November 14, 2012. Israel killed a top Hamas military commander in a targeted strike in Gaza on Wednesday, prompting outrage from militants who said the Jewish state had opened \'the gates of hell.\' AFP PHOTO/MENAHEM KAHANA (Photo credit should read MENAHEM KAHANA/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
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An Israeli policeman inspects the site where a rocket fired from the Gaza Strip fell in the southern Israeli city of Beersheva, on November 14, 2012. Israel killed a top Hamas military commander in a targeted strike in Gaza on Wednesday, prompting outrage from militants who said the Jewish state had opened \'the gates of hell.\' AFP PHOTO/AMNON GUTMAN ==== ISRAEL OUT===== (Photo credit should read AMNON GUTMAN/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
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GRAPHIC CONTENT Palestinians carry the body of Ahmad Jaabari, head of the military wing of the Hamas movement, the Ezzedin Qassam Brigades, during his funeral in Gaza City, on November 15, 2012. The violence sparked a furious response from Egypt\'s Islamist administration, which has close ties with Gaza\'s ruling Hamas movement, with Cairo recalling its ambassador in protest at Israel\'s killing of Hamas military chief Ahmed Jaabari. AFP PHOTO/MOHAMMED ABED (Photo credit should read MOHAMMED ABED/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
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An Israeli woman is evacuated following a rocket attack by Palestinian militants from the Gaza Strip in the southern Israeli city of Beersheva, on November 14, 2012. Israel killed a top Hamas military commander in a targeted strike in Gaza on Wednesday, prompting outrage from militants who said the Jewish state had opened \'the gates of hell.\' AFP PHOTO/AMNON GUTMAN ==== ISRAEL OUT===== (Photo credit should read AMNON GUTMAN/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
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A Palestinian boy pushes his bycicle through the rubble in an area targeted by an Israeli air strike in Gaza City in the early hours of November 15, 2012. Israel killed on November 14 top Hamas commander Ahmed Jaabari, followed by what Palestinians said were at least 60 Israeli air strikes in which several people were killed and wounded as the UN Security Council held a late night emergency meeting on escalating tensions. AFP PHOTO/MAHMUD HAMS (Photo credit should read MAHMUD HAMS/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
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GRAPHIC CONTENT Palestinians carry the body of Ahmad Jaabari, head of the military wing of the Hamas movement, the Ezzedin Qassam Brigades, during his funeral in Gaza City, on November 15, 2012. The violence sparked a furious response from Egypt\'s Islamist administration, which has close ties with Gaza\'s ruling Hamas movement, with Cairo recalling its ambassador in protest at Israel\'s killing of Hamas military chief Ahmed Jaabari. AFP PHOTO/MOHAMMED ABED (Photo credit should read MOHAMMED ABED/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
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Israelis prepare to spend the night in a shelter in the southern Israeli town of Netivot, which neighbors the Gaza Strip, after dozens of rockets fire from Gaza hit the area in retaliation of the assassination of top Hamas chief Ahmed Jaabari, on November 14, 2012. Israel killed a top Hamas military commander in a targeted strike in Gaza on Wednesday, prompting outrage from militants who said the Jewish state had opened \'the gates of hell.\' AFP PHOTO/MENAHEM KAHANA (Photo credit should read MENAHEM KAHANA/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
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Palestinian mourners carry the body of Ahmad Jaabari, head of the military wing of the Hamas movement, the Ezzedin Qassam Brigades, during his funeral in Gaza City, on November 15, 2012. Tensions between Israel and Gaza have sparked a furious response from Egypt\'s Islamist administration, which has close ties with the Palestinian territory\'s ruling Hamas movement, with Cairo recalling its ambassador in protest at Israel\'s killing of Jaabari on November 14. AFP PHOTO/MOHAMMED ABED (Photo credit should read MOHAMMED ABED/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
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Columns of smoke rise following an Israeli air strike in Gaza City, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Palestinian witnesses say Israeli airstrikes have hit a series of targets across Gaza City, shortly after the assassination of the top Hamas commander. Hamas security officials say two Hamas training facilities were among the targets in the Wednesday afternoon bombings. (AP Photo/Adel Hana)
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Palestinian medics wheel a wounded child into the treatment room of Shifa hospital following an Israeli airstrike in Gaza City, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. The Israeli military said its assassination of the Hamas military commander Ahmed Jabari, marks the beginning of an operation against Gaza militants. (AP Photo/Majed Hamdan)
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A Palestinian relative carries a wounded girl into the treatment room of Shifa hospital following an Israeli airstrike, in Gaza City, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. The Israeli military said its assassination of the Hamas military commander Ahmed Jabari, marks the beginning of an operation against Gaza militants. (AP Photo/Majed Hamdan)
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Palestinian security forces wheel into a hospital the body of Ahmed Jabari, head of the Hamas military wing, in Gaza City, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. The Israeli military said its assassination of the Hamas military commander marks the beginning of an operation against Gaza militants. (AP Photo/Hatem Moussa)
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A rocket is launched from Rafah, in the southern Gaza strip towards Israel, on November 14, 2012. Israel killed a top Hamas military commander in a targeted air strike in Gaza, prompting outrage from Palestinian militants who said the Jewish state had opened \'the gates of hell.\' AFP PHOTO / SAID KHATIB (Photo credit should read SAID KHATIB/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
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A rocket is launched from Rafah, in the southern Gaza strip towards Israel, on November 14, 2012. Israel killed a top Hamas military commander in a targeted air strike in Gaza, prompting outrage from Palestinian militants who said the Jewish state had opened \'the gates of hell.\' AFP PHOTO / SAID KHATIB (Photo credit should read SAID KHATIB/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
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The Israeli military launch a missile from the Iron Dome missile system in the southern city of Beer Sheva into the Gaza Strip on November 15, 2012. Rockets were launched from Gaza into Israel amid a vast Israeli operation against Gaza militants which began on November 14 with the killing of a top Hamas chief along with ten other Palestinians. AFP PHOTO/MENAHEM KAHANA (Photo credit should read MENAHEM KAHANA/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
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