Cet article fait partie des archives en ligne du HuffPost Québec, qui a fermé ses portes en 2021.

L'idiocratie, c'est pour bientôt

On parle beaucoup ces temps-ci du quatrième pouvoir, celui des médias et des communications, qui est de grossir certains faits ou d'en ignorer d'autres, ce qui influence par la suite la population. On dit que la médiacratie tue la démocratie. Mais on oublie qu'un autre danger guette notre belle démocratie; les idiots.
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On parle beaucoup ces temps-ci du quatrième pouvoir, celui des médias et des communications, qui est de grossir certains faits ou d'en ignorer d'autres, ce qui influence par la suite la population. On dit que la médiacratie tue la démocratie. Mais on oublie qu'un autre danger guette notre belle démocratie; les idiots.

En regardant le résultat des élections municipales et le faible taux de participation, je n'avais ni les médias, ni la démocratie à blâmer, mais bien la nullité des gens qui se sont abstenus de voter ou de regarder le programme des candidats.

Ça me rappelle un des mes films américains préférés : Idiocracy. C'est l'histoire d'un militaire utilisé comme cobaye dans un programme d'hibernation censé durer un an. Mais le programme étant annulé, on le laisse là et il ne se réveille que 500 ans plus tard. L'évolution de l'humanité a fait en sorte que tous les citoyens responsables et intelligents ont fait 0,5 enfant en moyenne alors que les tarés se sont multipliés comme des petits pains chauds. Résultat ? En l'an 2500, le président des États-Unis est un ex-champion de lutte, l'orthographe n'existe plus, l'émission la plus écoutée est « Ouch ! Mes couilles ! » (une version encore plus débile de Jackass), les gens vénèrent l'argent et les grandes compagnies qui les crossent et la plus haute distinction que l'on puisse obtenir de l'État est le pardon criminel. Notre militaire est celui qui a le plus haut QI de l'humanité et tente de convaincre la population qu'il vaut mieux arroser nos plantes avec de l'eau qu'avec du Gatorade.

Je ne crois pas qu'on ait besoin d'attendre jusqu'en 2500 pour constater que nos émissions les plus écoutées sont parfois les plus débiles, que nos politiciens sont élus dans une absolue indifférence de ce qu'ils proposent, que la population n'a encore aucune conscience des effets de la pollution sur la planète... Ai-je besoin de rappeler que le maire actuel de Toronto est très populaire alors qu'il boit et qu'il a avoué avoir fumé du crack ? Le gars demeure populaire et continue de diriger la ville avec son bro. Oui, l'idiocratie, c'est pour bientôt. Revenons chez nous.

Si j'avais été dans les souliers de Denis Coderre, j'aurais fait la même chose que lui. Il s'est d'abord assuré de se faire élire, ce que Richard Bergeron et Marcel Côté n'ont pas compris, trop impatients de se mettre à l'ouvrage. J'ai confiance que Denis Coderre dans les prochains mois ou années n'aura d'autre choix que d'adopter des projets grandioses pour Montréal et suivre minimalement ce que l'opposition et son équipe lui amèneront comme projets rassembleurs. Il est peut-être capable de faire la job. Qui sait, c'est peut-être lui, le plus smart de la gang.

Que je n'en vois plus un dénoncer les stratégies électoralistes des partis. C'est ça la game, donc si une personne est ultra compétente pour diriger un parti, une ville, une province, un pays, pourquoi elle n'utiliserait pas des phrases creuses, des slogans populaires et des poignées de main remplies de promesses inappropriées pour obtenir la victoire ?

Si Marcel Côté et Richard Bergeron avaient montré un côté un peu plus people, un peu moins de gris dans leurs cheveux, s'ils avaient appris à défiler sur le podium de la scène politique comme l'ont fait Mélanie Joly et Denis Coderre, peut-être seraient-ils au pouvoir. Tous les chroniqueurs le disent, mais ça change quoi ? Rien.

Si un parti décidait d'utiliser, je dis ça de même là, la Charte des valeurs québécoises pour se faire réélire, eh bien tant mieux pour lui. Si un maire utilise les méchants syndicats pour gagner des votes, bravo ! C'est à nous les citoyens d'investiguer leur façon de diriger, de mettre en œuvre leurs promesses, de gérer les budgets et les grands projets. Moi, si le bulletin est bon à la fin, je vais les féliciter d'avoir utilisé une bonne stratégie électorale pour ramasser une gang d'idiots qui ne savent pas faire la différence entre un programme électoral et une pub à la télé.

C'est comme au fédéral, si un parti aux valeurs nobles remporte les élections parce que son chef est cute ou parce qu'il est moustachu et souriant, je dis : pourquoi pas ? C'est moins pire qu'un gars sérieux qui gère en roi despote.

Même qu'aujourd'hui, j'implore officiellement les politiciens et futurs politiciens compétents de mentir, de nous faire la grande séduction et d'en beurrer épais pour être élus. Oui, endormez-nous avec des phrases creuses et une fois élus, je vous en prie, faites de grandes réformes (surtout en santé et en éducation) qui peut-être, si nous sommes chanceux, nous éviteront l'idiocratie imminente.


Best Rob Ford GIFs
Time For His Close-Up(01 of59)
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Rob Ford proves you can run from the media, you can run into the media, and sometimes, you can do both at the same time. GIF from Imgur
Flashdance(02 of59)
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He's got the moves like Jagger.. He's got the moves like Jagger.From PostCity
'Wrecking Ball' Ford(03 of59)
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Drinking And Driving(04 of59)
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We saw that, Rob. From Buzzfeed
Muuah!(05 of59)
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Ford blows us a kiss.From Twitchy
Ford vs. Hulk Hogan(06 of59)
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We still can't believe he won, either.From Buzzfeed
Bongos(07 of59)
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Self-Fumble(08 of59)
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Invisible defenders take down the mayor with an invisible tackle. (credit:Source: Imgur )
Foiled By The Jedi(09 of59)
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Falling Off The Scale(10 of59)
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Running Man(11 of59)
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That's one way to deal with reporters.From Ford For Toronto by Matt Elliott
Maniacal Laugh(12 of59)
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Maniacal Laugh II(13 of59)
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Robbie Boo Boo(14 of59)
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Word Vomit(15 of59)
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Who needs words when you can just pretend to vomit? From Imgur
Bitchin' Sweater(16 of59)
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Bonus image. Want. Thank you Imgur
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Toronto Rob Ford, right, gestures to Councillor Paul Ainslee in the council chamber as councillors look to pass motions to limit his powers in Toronto on Monday, Nov. 18, 2013. Blasting what he called a "coup d'etat," Ford said voters should be able to pass judgment on him, not his fellow councillors. (credit:AP Photo/The Canadian Press, Chris Young)
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Toronto Mayor Rob Ford (centre) dances with participants ahead of the Toronto Caribbean Carnival in Toronto on Saturday July 30, 2011. (credit:THE CANADIAN PRESS/Chris Young)
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Toronto City Mayor Rob Ford, left, celebrates after defeating wrestler Hulk Hogan in an arm-wrestling match to promote Fan Expo in Toronto on Friday, Aug. 23, 2013 . (credit:AP Photo/The Canadian Press, Chris Young)
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Twenty-two month-old Micah MacMilan reacts as he is picked up by Toronto Mayor Rob Ford while Ford was signing bobblehead dolls in his likeness at City Hall in Toronto on Tuesday November 12, 2013. (credit: THE CANADIAN PRESS/Frank Gunn)
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Toronto Mayor Rob Ford holds up a replica Grey Cup as he attends the Toronto Argonauts and Hamilton Tiger-Cats CFL Eastern Conference final football game in Toronto on Sunday, Nov. 17, 2013. (credit:AP Photo/The Canadian Press, Nathan Denette)
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Toronto Mayor Rob Ford laughs with fans as he attends the Toronto Argonauts and Hamilton Tiger-Cats CFL Eastern Conference final football game in Toronto on Sunday, Nov. 17, 2013. Ford showed up at Sunday's Canadian Football League playoff game, despite a request by the league's commissioner that he stay away. (credit:AP Photo/The Canadian Press, Nathan Denette)
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Canadian recording artist Drake, left, and Toronto Mayor Rob Ford laugh at a news conference announcing that Toronto will host the 2016 NBA All-Star game, in Toronto, Monday, Sept. 30, 2013. (credit:AP Photo/The Canadian Press, Frank Gunn)
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Toronto Mayor Rob Ford displays a milk moustache as he takes part in voting with city council members in Toronto on Thursday, Nov. 14, 2013. (credit:AP Photo/The Canadian Press, Nathan Denette)
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Toronto Mayor Rob Ford watches from the sidelines near the Argos bench during a CFL football game between the Toronto Argonauts and Calgary Stampeders in Calgary on Saturday, August 18, 2012. (credit:THE CANADIAN PRESS/Larry MacDougal)
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Toronto Mayor Rob Ford poses for photographs inside a giant shark mouth while attending the grand opening of the Ripley's Aquarium of Canada in Toronto on Wednesday, Oct. 16, 2013. After two years of construction, delays and (Canadian) $130 million in costs, Ripley's Aquarium of Canada opened to the public Wednesday. (credit:AP Photo/The Canadian Press, Nathan Denette)
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City of Toronto Mayor Rob Ford poses for a photo opportunity with other dignitaries in a shark's jaws at the opening of Ripley's Aquarium of Canada in Toronto on Wednesday, October 16, 2013. (credit:THE CANADIAN PRESS/Chris Young)
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Toronto Mayor Rob Ford is hoisted into the air by his Don Bosco Eagles team after winning the Metro Bowl quarter-final at Birchmount Park in Toronto, Thursday Nov. 15, 2012. A civil trial hearing in which the mayor is accused of libel against a restaurant owner went on without him. (credit:THE CANADIAN PRESS/Christopher Drost)
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Toronto Mayor Rob Ford (center) smiles as he officially opens the refurbished Sunnydale rink with Toronto Maple Leafs' coach Ron Wilson (right) and other dignitaries who were on hand as well as the Toronto Maple Leafs who practiced on the outdoor rink in Toronto on Wednesday, January 4, 2012. (credit:THE CANADIAN PRESS/Pawel Dwulit)
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Toronto Mayor Rob Ford grabs the Grey Cup by the handles during a parade celebrating the Toronto Argonauts victory in the Grey Cup final in Toronto on Tuesday November 27, 2012 . (credit:THE CANADIAN PRESS/ Chris Young)
Rob Ford Meets Butter Rob Ford(31 of59)
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Butter Rob Ford(32 of59)
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As part of an exhibition at the CNE, Toronto-based artist Olenka Kleban has made a butter sculpture of Toronto's mayor. (credit:(James MacNevin/Toronto Review Of Books))
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Toronto Mayor Rob Ford hoists the Grey Cup on stage with Toronto Argonauts players while celebrating the team's Grey Cup victory in downtown Toronto on Tuesday, Nov.27, 2012. (credit:THE CANADIAN PRESS/Nathan Denette)
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Toronto Mayor Rob Ford stands at the door to his office as he waits for an elevator in Toronto on Thursday November 14, 2013. (credit:THE CANADIAN PRESS/Chris Young)
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Mayor Rob Ford speaks at city council in Toronto on Wednesday, Nov. 13, 2013. (credit:THE CANADIAN PRESS/Nathan Denette)
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Nov. 13 2013. Toronto mayor Rob Ford during the afternoon session as councillors continued to debate a motion asking mayor Rob Ford to apologize to Torontonians for misleading therm about his use of crack cocaine. (credit:Fred Lum, The Globe and Mail/CP)
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Toronto Mayor Rob Ford speaks to his Don Bosco Eagles team during the Metro Bowl quarter-final at Birchmount Park in Toronto, Thursday, Nov. 15, 2012. (credit:THE CANADIAN PRESS/Christopher Drost)
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In this Tuesday, Nov. 12, 2013 file photo, Toronto Mayor Rob Ford holds a bobblehead doll depicting him at Toronto City Hall. An electoral map of the 2010 mayoral election shows that Ford's voter base resides mainly in a more conservative constituency than the downtown electorate. (credit:AP Photo/The Canadian Press, Frank Gunn)
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Toronto Mayor Rob Ford (left) and city councillor Michelle Berardinetti (right) smile on stage during a performance of the Nutcracker in Toronto on Saturday, December 10, 2011. (THE CANADIAN PRESS/Pawel Dwulit) (credit:CP)
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Toronto Mayor Rob Ford jumps on stage dressed as a Cannon Doll during a performance of the Nutcracker in Toronto on Saturday, December 10, 2011. (THE CANADIAN PRESS/Pawel Dwulit) (credit:CP)
Rob Ford's ballet debut(41 of59)
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Toronto Mayor Rob Ford acts on stage dressed as a Cannon Doll during a performance of the Nutcracker in Toronto on Saturday, December 10, 2011. (THE CANADIAN PRESS/Pawel Dwulit) (credit:CP)
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City of Toronto Mayor Rob Ford addresses the media outside office in Toronto on Thursday, Nov. 7, 2013, after the release of a video. A new video surfaced showing Ford in a rage, using threatening words including "kill" and "murder." (credit:AP Photo/The Canadian Press,Nathan Denett)
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Toronto Mayor Rob Ford emerges from his office holding slices of a birthday cake to offer to members of the media at city hall in Toronto on Tuesday May 28, 2013. (credit:AP Photo/The Canadian Press, Chris Young)
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Toronto Mayor Rob Ford arrives at City Hall in Toronto amid allegations of crack cocaine use on Friday May 17, 2013, in Toronto. Published reports say a video appears to show Ford smoking crack cocaine. Ford called the allegations ridiculous. (credit:AP Photo/The Canadian Press, Frank Gunn)
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Toronto City Mayor Rob Ford watches players from Don Bosco Eagles, the High School team he coaches, warm up before they compete against the Huron Heights Warriors in the Metro Cup in Toronto on Tuesday November 27, 2012 Those whose antics threaten to besmirch the party name normally don't get a second chance with Canada's federal Conservatives. Not so, it would seem, for Toronto Mayor Rob Ford. (credit:THE CANADIAN PRESS/Chris Young)
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Toronto Mayor Rob Ford carries the Pan American games flag in Omnilife Stadium during the closing ceremonies of the 2011 Pan American Games in Guadalajara, Mexico on Sunday, Oct. 30, 2011. Toronto will host the games in 2015. (credit: THE CANADIAN PRESS/Nathan Denette)
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Toronto City Mayor Rob Ford reacts after Don Bosco Eagles, the High School team he coaches, lost 28-14 to Huron Heights Warriors in the Metro Cup in Toronto on Tuesday November 27, 2012. (credit:THE CANADIAN PRESS/Chris Young)
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Toronto Mayor Rob Ford talks to a staff member at city hall in Toronto on Wednesday November 6, 2013.THE CANADIAN PRESS/Chris Young
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Toronto Mayor Rob Ford addresses reporters at City Hall in Toronto on Tuesday November 27, 2012. (credit:THE CANADIAN PRESS/Chris Young)
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Toronto Mayor Rob Ford briefly takes the stage to greet the crowd as part of the New Years Eve celebrations at Nathan Phillips Square in Toronto on Monday, December 31, 2012. (credit:THE CANADIAN PRESS/Michelle Siu)
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Toronto Mayor Rob Ford sits on the back of Chicago's First Lady as he takes in an architectural boat tour on the Chicago River Wednesday, Sept. 19, 2012. Ford was visiting the city on a Toronto-Chicago Business Mission. (credit:AP Photo/Kiichiro Sato)
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Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, left, makes a light hearted comment as Toronto Mayor Rob Ford laughs during the signing of a new "sister cities" declaration Wednesday, Sept. 19, 2012, in Chicago. (credit:AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast)
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Toronto Mayor-elect Rob Ford, centre, raises his arms with his wife Renata, right, and mother Diane, left, as he speaks to supporters in Toronto on Monday, October 25, 2010. (credit:THE CANADIAN PRESS/Nathan Denette)
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Toronto Mayor Rob Ford, top right, waves to photographers during a boat tour with members of the Toronto-Chicago Business Mission on the Chicago River waterfront Wednesday, Sept. 19, 2012, in Chicago. (credit:AP Photo/Kiichiro Sato)
Dave Chappelle And Rob Ford(56 of59)
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Comedian Dave Chappelle met briefly with Toronto Mayor Rob Ford on Wednesday, Aug. 22, 2012 (credit:Isaac Ransom)
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Rob Ford is seen reading while driving in this photo from Twitter. (credit:(Twitter/RyanGHaughton))
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