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Nos maisons respirent-elles bien?

En étudiant plusieurs maisons au Québec, on se rend compte que la plupart des maisons ne respirent plus.
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En baubiologie (approche allemande pour «habiter et bâtir sain»), on dit qu'une maison est comme un être vivant: si une partie de la maison est défectueuse, c'est comme un organe malade qui un jour ou l'autre se reflétera automatiquement sur la santé des habitants.

En étudiant plusieurs maisons au Québec, on se rend compte que la plupart des maisons ne respirent plus, plus particulièrement les maisons qui n'ont pas d'échangeur d'air. Depuis 2012, cela est obligatoire dans les nouvelles constructions. Pourquoi, me demanderez-vous? Tout simplement parce que les nouvelles fenêtres sont tellement bien isolées que l'air ne circule plus, et comme les hivers sont très longs ici, peu de chances d'ouvrir régulièrement les fenêtres.

Il est important de savoir que la qualité de l'air est un élément essentiel de notre santé, car le fait qu'une maison ne respire plus engendre:

• Un taux de CO2 élevé: nous dégageons du CO2, donc si l'air n'est pas renouvelé, nous commençons par sentir un mal-être (mal de tête, manque de concentration, etc.).

• Une augmentation de l'humidité: avez-vous déjà remarqué de la condensation au bas de vos nouvelles fenêtres? Cela peut amener de la moisissure.

• Un taux de COV (composé organique volatile) élevé: les COV sont présents dans les matelas en polyuréthane, sols stratifiés, meubles en agglomérés ou contreplaqués, peintures à l'huile, papiers peints. On retrouve principalement le formaldéhyde, qui est un polluant sous forme de gaz très volatil, produit depuis environ 110 ans! Il se trouve principalement dans les panneaux de particules et autres matériaux dérivés du bois, mais aussi dans certains isolants (laine de verre), dans les produits de nettoyage, de désinfection et de conservation, dans les détergents, les textiles, les gaz d'échappement de voitures, et dans la fumée de cigarette. Le formaldéhyde est classé cancérigène par l'OMS (l'Organisation mondiale de la santé).

Comment y remédier si vous n'avez pas d'échangeur d'air et que vous ne voulez pas investir? Les recommandations en baubiologie sont de ventiler périodiquement la maison avec des durées variables en fonction de la température. Par exemple, au Québec, nous connaissons des températures extrêmes en hiver, avec des -40 degrés Celsius, ce qui rend l'aération difficile. Plus l'écart de température entre l'extérieur et l'intérieur de la maison est minime, plus on peut aérer.

Il est conseillé d'ouvrir les fenêtres pour aérer avant et après la nuit pour les chambres, et après la douche dans la salle de bain, mais aussi pendant ou après le ménage. Il vaut mieux aérer de façon courte avec toutes les fenêtres et portes complètement ouvertes et en plusieurs fois, plutôt que d'aérer peu et longuement.

D'autres solutions sont de s'assurer que les matériaux de la maison (peinture, revêtement, etc.) ont des propriétés hygroscopiques, installer des grilles d'aération dans les fenêtres ou des ventilateurs dans la cuisine et la salle de bain.

Il existe aussi des plantes d'intérieur qui peuvent changer la qualité de l'air: elles ont la particularité d'être agréables au sein de notre environnement (surtout celles qui ont des feuilles rondes, qui envoient une onde de forme douce) mais certaines plantes ont la propriété d'absorber les COV, donc de régénérer l'air ambiant. Les plantes respirent comme nous et relâchent aussi du C02 (plus particulièrement la nuit), il n'est donc pas recommandé de mettre des plantes en quantité dans votre chambre.

À ce sujet, vous pouvez consulter le site plantes-depolluantes.com, qui est très complet.


Le marché de l'immobilier au Canada: villes les plus et moins accessibles
PLUS ABORDABLE: Windsor, Ontario(01 of73)
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6.4% plus abordable que le niveau historique.Source: Indice d'abordabilité Desjardins, 1er trimestre, 2015 (credit:king_slav via Flickr)
2e plus abordable: Sudbury, Ontario(02 of73)
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4.1% plus abordable que le niveau historique.Source: Indice d'abordabilité Desjardins, 1er trimestre, 2015 (credit:Getty)
Abordable: London, Ontario(03 of73)
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3.3% plus abordable que le niveau historique.Source: Indice d'abordabilité Desjardins, 1er trimestre, 2015 (credit:PC)
Abordable: Calgary, Alberta(04 of73)
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1.4% plus abordable que le niveau historique.Source: Indice d'abordabilité Desjardins, 1er trimestre, 2015 (credit:CP)
Abordable: Ottawa-Gatineau(05 of73)
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0.6% plus abordable que le niveau historique.Source: Indice d'abordabilité Desjardins, 1er trimestre, 2015 (credit:CP)
Abordable: Kitchener, Ontario(06 of73)
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0.5% plus abordable que le niveau historique.Source: Indice d'abordabilité Desjardins, 1er trimestre, 2015 (credit:Getty)
Abordable: Kingston, Ontario(07 of73)
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0.2% moins abordable que le niveau historique.Source: Indice d'abordabilité Desjardins, 1er trimestre, 2015 (credit:Getty)
Abordable: Montréal, Québec(08 of73)
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1% moins abordable que le niveau historique.Source: Indice d'abordabilité Desjardins, 1er trimestre, 2015 (credit:Alamy)
Abordable: Thunder Bay, Ontario(09 of73)
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2.2% moins abordable que le niveau historique.Source: Indice d'abordabilité Desjardins, 3e trimestre, 2015 (credit:Flickr)
Abordable: Saguenay, Québec(10 of73)
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2.4% moins abordable que le niveau historique.Source: Indice d'abordabilité Desjardins, 1er trimestre, 2015 (credit:Getty)
Abordable: Trois-Rivieres, Québec(11 of73)
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3.7% moins abordable que le niveau historique.Source: Indice d'abordabilité Desjardins, 1er trimestre, 2015 (credit:Getty)
«À surveiller»: St. Catharines, Ontario(12 of73)
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5.2% moins abordable que le niveau historique.Source: Indice d'abordabilité Desjardins, 1er trimestre, 2015 (credit:CP)
«À surveiller»: la ville de Québec(13 of73)
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5.2% moins abordable que le niveau historique.Source: Indice d'abordabilité Desjardins, 3e trimestre, 2015 (credit:CP)
Inabordable: Toronto, Ontario(14 of73)
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10.5% moins abordable que le niveau historique.Source: Indice d'abordabilité Desjardins, 1er trimestre, 2015 (credit:Alamy)
Inabordable: Oshawa, Ontario(15 of73)
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11.2% moins abordable que le niveau historique.Source: Desjardins (credit:PC)
Inabordable: Vancouver, Colombie-Britannique(16 of73)
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14.4% moins abordable que le niveau historique.Source: Indice d'abordabilité Desjardins, 1er trimestre, 2015 (credit:Getty)
2e moins abordable: Hamilton, Ontario(17 of73)
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15.7% moins abordable que le niveau historique.Source: Indice d'abordabilité Desjardins, 1er trimestre, 2015 (credit:Getty)
Inabordable: Sherbrooke, Québec(18 of73)
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17.3% moins abordable que le niveau historique.Source: Indice d'abordabilité Desjardins, 1er trimestre, 2015 (credit:Getty)
A restaurant/resort on the Rock(19 of73)
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For the price of an average house in Toronto you can buy a whole resort-restaurant near Corner Brook, Nfld. This place at the Humber Valley Resort has a professional kitchen that can feed 80 guests and a dining hall for 50, making it the ultimate party cottage. Listing. (credit:Sutton Aurora)
A restaurant/resort on the Rock(20 of73)
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For the price of an average house in Toronto you can buy a whole resort-restaurant near Corner Brook, Nfld. This place at the Humber Valley Resort has a professional kitchen that can feed 80 guests and a dining hall for 50, making it the ultimate party cottage. Listing. (credit:Sutton Aurora)
A restaurant/resort on the Rock(21 of73)
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For the price of an average house in Toronto you can buy a whole resort-restaurant near Corner Brook, Nfld. This place at the Humber Valley Resort has a professional kitchen that can feed 80 guests and a dining hall for 50, making it the ultimate party cottage. Listing. (credit:Sutton Aurora)
A restaurant/resort on the Rock(22 of73)
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For the price of an average house in Toronto you can buy a whole resort-restaurant near Corner Brook, Nfld. This place at the Humber Valley Resort has a professional kitchen that can feed 80 guests and a dining hall for 50, making it the ultimate party cottage. Listing. (credit:Sutton Aurora)
A restaurant/resort on the Rock(23 of73)
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For the price of an average house in Toronto you can buy a whole resort-restaurant near Corner Brook, Nfld. This place at the Humber Valley Resort has a professional kitchen that can feed 80 guests and a dining hall for 50, making it the ultimate party cottage. Listing. (credit:Sutton Aurora)
A historic mansion in Nova Scotia(24 of73)
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Martock House is such a prominent part of the community that the town it's in is named after it. This property some 50 km from Halifax was built in 1790 by Col. John Butler, and was occupied by a single family, the Sweets, for the better part of two centuries. Listing. (credit:Realtor.ca)
A historic mansion in Nova Scotia(25 of73)
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Martock House is such a prominent part of the community that the town it's in is named after it. This property some 50 km from Halifax was built in 1790 by Col. John Butler, and was occupied by a single family, the Sweets, for the better part of two centuries. Listing. (credit:Realtor.ca)
A historic mansion in Nova Scotia(26 of73)
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Martock House is such a prominent part of the community that the town it's in is named after it. This property some 50 km from Halifax was built in 1790 by Col. John Butler, and was occupied by a single family, the Sweets, for the better part of two centuries. Listing. (credit:Realtor.ca)
A historic mansion in Nova Scotia(27 of73)
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Martock House is such a prominent part of the community that the town it's in is named after it. This property some 50 km from Halifax was built in 1790 by Col. John Butler, and was occupied by a single family, the Sweets, for the better part of two centuries. Listing. (credit:Realtor.ca)
A historic mansion in Nova Scotia(28 of73)
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Martock House is such a prominent part of the community that the town it's in is named after it. This property some 50 km from Halifax was built in 1790 by Col. John Butler, and was occupied by a single family, the Sweets, for the better part of two centuries. Listing. (credit:Realtor.ca)
A waterfront home in P.E.I.(29 of73)
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This 3,000-square-foot, four-bedroom house in Stratford, P.E.I., may look historic, but is actually 14 years old. The house faces one of P.E.I.'s charming red-earth bluffs and sits on one acre of land. Listing. (credit:Century21)
A waterfront home in P.E.I.(30 of73)
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This 3,000-square-foot, four-bedroom house in Stratford, P.E.I., may look historic, but is actually 14 years old. The house faces one of P.E.I.'s charming red-earth bluffs and sits on one acre of land. Listing. (credit:Century21)
A waterfront home in P.E.I.(31 of73)
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This 3,000-square-foot, four-bedroom house in Stratford, P.E.I., may look historic, but is actually 14 years old. The house faces one of P.E.I.'s charming red-earth bluffs and sits on one acre of land. Listing. (credit:Century21)
A waterfront home in P.E.I.(32 of73)
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This 3,000-square-foot, four-bedroom house in Stratford, P.E.I., may look historic, but is actually 14 years old. The house faces one of P.E.I.'s charming red-earth bluffs and sits on one acre of land. Listing. (credit:Century21)
A waterfront home in P.E.I.(33 of73)
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This 3,000-square-foot, four-bedroom house in Stratford, P.E.I., may look historic, but is actually 14 years old. The house faces one of P.E.I.'s charming red-earth bluffs and sits on one acre of land. Listing. (credit:Century21)
An elegant rowhouse in the Plateau(34 of73)
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This rownhouse in Montreal's hip (or formerly hip, depending on whom you ask) Plateau neighbourhood was built in 1890 and features four bedrooms, two of them with ensuite bathrooms, as well as hardwood floors and a wood fireplace. (credit:Sotheby's)
An elegant rowhouse in the Plateau(35 of73)
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This rownhouse in Montreal's hip (or formerly hip, depending on whom you ask) Plateau neighbourhood was built in 1890 and features four bedrooms, two of them with ensuite bathrooms, as well as hardwood floors and a wood fireplace. (credit:Sotheby's)
An elegant rowhouse in the Plateau(36 of73)
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This rownhouse in Montreal's hip (or formerly hip, depending on whom you ask) Plateau neighbourhood was built in 1890 and features four bedrooms, two of them with ensuite bathrooms, as well as hardwood floors and a wood fireplace. (credit:Sotheby's)
An elegant rowhouse in the Plateau(37 of73)
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This rownhouse in Montreal's hip (or formerly hip, depending on whom you ask) Plateau neighbourhood was built in 1890 and features four bedrooms, two of them with ensuite bathrooms, as well as hardwood floors and a wood fireplace. (credit:Sotheby's)
An elegant rowhouse in the Plateau(38 of73)
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This rownhouse in Montreal's hip (or formerly hip, depending on whom you ask) Plateau neighbourhood was built in 1890 and features four bedrooms, two of them with ensuite bathrooms, as well as hardwood floors and a wood fireplace. (credit:Sotheby's)
A traditional farmhouse in Quebec(39 of73)
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This house's gorgeous wraparound porch is just one of the many great features in this three-bedroom, 3,000-square-foot property located some 70 km northeast of Montreal. The house is set back more than half a kilometre from the highway and there are no rear neighbours, making it perfect if you like privacy. Listing. (credit:Re/Max)
A traditional farmhouse in Quebec(40 of73)
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This house's gorgeous wraparound porch is just one of the many great features in this three-bedroom, 3,000-square-foot property located some 70 km northeast of Montreal. The house is set back more than half a kilometre from the highway and there are no rear neighbours, making it perfect if you like privacy. Listing. (credit:Re/Max)
A traditional farmhouse in Quebec(41 of73)
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This house's gorgeous wraparound porch is just one of the many great features in this three-bedroom, 3,000-square-foot property located some 70 km northeast of Montreal. The house is set back more than half a kilometre from the highway and there are no rear neighbours, making it perfect if you like privacy. Listing. (credit:Re/Max)
A traditional farmhouse in Quebec(42 of73)
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This house's gorgeous wraparound porch is just one of the many great features in this three-bedroom, 3,000-square-foot property located some 70 km northeast of Montreal. The house is set back more than half a kilometre from the highway and there are no rear neighbours, making it perfect if you like privacy. Listing. (credit:Re/Max)
A traditional farmhouse in Quebec(43 of73)
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This house's gorgeous wraparound porch is just one of the many great features in this three-bedroom, 3,000-square-foot property located some 70 km northeast of Montreal. The house is set back more than half a kilometre from the highway and there are no rear neighbours, making it perfect if you like privacy. Listing. (credit:Re/Max)
A space-age duplex in Ottawa(44 of73)
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This custom-built, three-bedroom, four-bath house faces the Rideau River and has a rooftop terrace with an outdoor kitchen. Listing. (credit:Your Choice Realty)
A space-age duplex in Ottawa(45 of73)
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This custom-built, three-bedroom, four-bath house faces the Rideau River and has a rooftop terrace with an outdoor kitchen. Listing. (credit:Your Choice Realty)
A space-age duplex in Ottawa(46 of73)
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This custom-built, three-bedroom, four-bath house faces the Rideau River and has a rooftop terrace with an outdoor kitchen. Listing. (credit:Your Choice Realty)
A space-age duplex in Ottawa(47 of73)
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This custom-built, three-bedroom, four-bath house faces the Rideau River and has a rooftop terrace with an outdoor kitchen. Listing. (credit:Your Choice Realty)
A space-age duplex in Ottawa(48 of73)
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This custom-built, three-bedroom, four-bath house faces the Rideau River and has a rooftop terrace with an outdoor kitchen. Listing. (credit:Your Choice Realty)
A Mississauga McMansion(49 of73)
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You don't have to go that far from Toronto to get a lot more space for your money. This five-bedroom, four-bath house in Mississauga features not only a master bedroom suite but an "in-law" suite with its own bathroom. Listing. (credit:Sam McDadi Real Estate)
A Mississauga McMansion(50 of73)
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You don't have to go that far from Toronto to get a lot more space for your money. This five-bedroom, four-bath house in Mississauga features not only a master bedroom suite but an "in-law" suite with its own bathroom. Listing. (credit:Sam McDadi Real Estate)
A Mississauga McMansion(51 of73)
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You don't have to go that far from Toronto to get a lot more space for your money. This five-bedroom, four-bath house in Mississauga features not only a master bedroom suite but an "in-law" suite with its own bathroom. Listing. (credit:Sam McDadi Real Estate)
A Mississauga McMansion(52 of73)
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You don't have to go that far from Toronto to get a lot more space for your money. This five-bedroom, four-bath house in Mississauga features not only a master bedroom suite but an "in-law" suite with its own bathroom. Listing. (credit:Sam McDadi Real Estate)
A Mississauga McMansion(53 of73)
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You don't have to go that far from Toronto to get a lot more space for your money. This five-bedroom, four-bath house in Mississauga features not only a master bedroom suite but an "in-law" suite with its own bathroom. Listing. (credit:Sam McDadi Real Estate)
A modernist home in Winnipeg(54 of73)
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This four-bedroom, four-bath house features a two-story great room with an overlooking balcony and a serious awesome-looking basement bar and entertainment room. There's also a triple garage and dual-zone heating with two furnaces. Listing. (credit:Re/Max)
A modernist home in Winnipeg(55 of73)
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This four-bedroom, four-bath house features a two-story great room with an overlooking balcony and a serious awesome-looking basement bar and entertainment room. There's also a triple garage and dual-zone heating with two furnaces. Listing. (credit:Re/Max)
A modernist home in Winnipeg(56 of73)
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This four-bedroom, four-bath house features a two-story great room with an overlooking balcony and a serious awesome-looking basement bar and entertainment room. There's also a triple garage and dual-zone heating with two furnaces. Listing. (credit:Re/Max)
A modernist home in Winnipeg(57 of73)
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This four-bedroom, four-bath house features a two-story great room with an overlooking balcony and a serious awesome-looking basement bar and entertainment room. There's also a triple garage and dual-zone heating with two furnaces. Listing. (credit:Re/Max)
A modernist home in Winnipeg(58 of73)
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This four-bedroom, four-bath house features a two-story great room with an overlooking balcony and a serious awesome-looking basement bar and entertainment room. There's also a triple garage and dual-zone heating with two furnaces. Listing. (credit:Re/Max)
A traditional-style home in Calgary(59 of73)
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This four-bedroom, 2,282-square-foot place in Calgary's Killarney neighbourhood has what the realtor describes as a "chef's dream" kitchen and a vaulted ceiling in the master bedroom. The realtor says the house has plenty of "curb appeal," and judging by these pics, we don't disagree. (credit:Re/Max )
A traditional-style home in Calgary(60 of73)
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This four-bedroom, 2,282-square-foot place in Calgary's Killarney neighbourhood has what the realtor describes as a "chef's dream" kitchen and a vaulted ceiling in the master bedroom. The realtor says the house has plenty of "curb appeal," and judging by these pics, we don't disagree. (credit:Re/Max )
A traditional-style home in Calgary(61 of73)
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This four-bedroom, 2,282-square-foot place in Calgary's Killarney neighbourhood has what the realtor describes as a "chef's dream" kitchen and a vaulted ceiling in the master bedroom. The realtor says the house has plenty of "curb appeal," and judging by these pics, we don't disagree. (credit:Re/Max )
A traditional-style home in Calgary(62 of73)
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This four-bedroom, 2,282-square-foot place in Calgary's Killarney neighbourhood has what the realtor describes as a "chef's dream" kitchen and a vaulted ceiling in the master bedroom. The realtor says the house has plenty of "curb appeal," and judging by these pics, we don't disagree. (credit:Re/Max )
A traditional-style home in Calgary(63 of73)
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This four-bedroom, 2,282-square-foot place in Calgary's Killarney neighbourhood has what the realtor describes as a "chef's dream" kitchen and a vaulted ceiling in the master bedroom. The realtor says the house has plenty of "curb appeal," and judging by these pics, we don't disagree. (credit:Re/Max )
A log 'cabin' in the Rockies(64 of73)
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This house may be in a subdivision, but it's a subdivision above which tower the Rocky Mountains, so not your typical suburb. Three bedrooms and three baths in this log cabin-style home that features vaulted ceilings, floor to ceiling windows, a stone fireplace and two decks. (credit:Re/Max)
A log 'cabin' in the Rockies(65 of73)
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This house may be in a subdivision, but it's a subdivision above which tower the Rocky Mountains, so not your typical suburb. Three bedrooms and three baths in this log cabin-style home that features vaulted ceilings, floor to ceiling windows, a stone fireplace and two decks. (credit:Re/Max)
A log 'cabin' in the Rockies(66 of73)
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This house may be in a subdivision, but it's a subdivision above which tower the Rocky Mountains, so not your typical suburb. Three bedrooms and three baths in this log cabin-style home that features vaulted ceilings, floor to ceiling windows, a stone fireplace and two decks. (credit:Re/Max)
A log 'cabin' in the Rockies(67 of73)
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This house may be in a subdivision, but it's a subdivision above which tower the Rocky Mountains, so not your typical suburb. Three bedrooms and three baths in this log cabin-style home that features vaulted ceilings, floor to ceiling windows, a stone fireplace and two decks. (credit:Re/Max)
A log 'cabin' in the Rockies(68 of73)
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This house may be in a subdivision, but it's a subdivision above which tower the Rocky Mountains, so not your typical suburb. Three bedrooms and three baths in this log cabin-style home that features vaulted ceilings, floor to ceiling windows, a stone fireplace and two decks. (credit:Re/Max)
A cottage in Vancouver(69 of73)
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At this point, the entire west side of Vancouver is bereft of any homes in this price range, and you have to reach into the (relatively) cheaper east side to find a $1-million house. This cute green cottage is par for the course at this price range. With four bedrooms on the main floor and two in the basement, and an impressively well-fitted-out interior, this house is evidence that little old cottages are becoming luxury homes in this market. Listing. (credit:Realtor.ca)
A cottage in Vancouver(70 of73)
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At this point, the entire west side of Vancouver is bereft of any homes in this price range, and you have to reach into the (relatively) cheaper east side to find a $1-million house. This cute green cottage is par for the course at this price range. With four bedrooms on the main floor and two in the basement, and an impressively well-fitted-out interior, this house is evidence that little old cottages are becoming luxury homes in this market. Listing. (credit:Realtor.ca)
A cottage in Vancouver(71 of73)
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At this point, the entire west side of Vancouver is bereft of any homes in this price range, and you have to reach into the (relatively) cheaper east side to find a $1-million house. This cute green cottage is par for the course at this price range. With four bedrooms on the main floor and two in the basement, and an impressively well-fitted-out interior, this house is evidence that little old cottages are becoming luxury homes in this market. Listing. (credit:Realtor.ca)
A cottage in Vancouver(72 of73)
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At this point, the entire west side of Vancouver is bereft of any homes in this price range, and you have to reach into the (relatively) cheaper east side to find a $1-million house. This cute green cottage is par for the course at this price range. With four bedrooms on the main floor and two in the basement, and an impressively well-fitted-out interior, this house is evidence that little old cottages are becoming luxury homes in this market. Listing. (credit:Realtor.ca)
A cottage in Vancouver(73 of73)
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At this point, the entire west side of Vancouver is bereft of any homes in this price range, and you have to reach into the (relatively) cheaper east side to find a $1-million house. This cute green cottage is par for the course at this price range. With four bedrooms on the main floor and two in the basement, and an impressively well-fitted-out interior, this house is evidence that little old cottages are becoming luxury homes in this market. Listing. (credit:Realtor.ca)

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