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Ruby Rose nommée femme de l'année par le magazine GQ Australie

Ruby Rose nommée femme de l'année par GQ Australie
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Brendon Thorne via Getty Images
SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA - NOVEMBER 10: Ruby Rose arrives ahead of the 2015 GQ Men Of The Year Awards on November 10, 2015 in Sydney, Australia. (Photo by Brendon Thorne/Getty Images)

Connue pour son rôle dans la série Orange is the New Black, Ruby Rose vient d’ajouter une autre corde à son arc en étant nommée femme de l’année par le magazine GQ Australie.

Chaque année, le magazine masculin nomme des gagnants dans différentes catégories pour ses prix d’hommes de l’année. Acteurs, sportifs, hommes stylés et femmes sont honorés pour l’occasion.

Sur les photos prises pour célébrer sa victoire, on peut voir une Ruby Rose habillée de noir, dans une tenue qui laisse voir ses nombreux tatouages. Le côté rock de l’actrice y est mis de l’avant, grâce notamment à un manteau de cuir et à un jeu de transparence.

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Les photos les plus osées de Ruby Rose
Ruby Rose's Raunchiest Snaps(01 of33)
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Ruby Rose's Raunchiest Snaps(02 of33)
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Ruby Rose's Raunchiest Snaps(03 of33)
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Ruby Rose's Raunchiest Snaps(04 of33)
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Ruby Rose's Raunchiest Snaps(05 of33)
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Ruby Rose's Raunchiest Snaps(06 of33)
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Ruby Rose's Raunchiest Snaps(07 of33)
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Ruby Rose's Raunchiest Snaps(08 of33)
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Ruby Rose's Raunchiest Snaps(09 of33)
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Ruby Rose's Raunchiest Snaps(10 of33)
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Ruby Rose's Raunchiest Snaps(11 of33)
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Ruby Rose's Raunchiest Snaps(12 of33)
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Ruby Rose's Raunchiest Snaps(13 of33)
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Ruby Rose's Raunchiest Snaps(14 of33)
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Ruby Rose's Raunchiest Snaps(15 of33)
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Ruby Rose's Raunchiest Snaps(16 of33)
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Ruby Rose's Raunchiest Snaps(17 of33)
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Ruby Rose's Raunchiest Snaps(18 of33)
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Ruby Rose's Raunchiest Snaps(19 of33)
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Ruby Rose's Raunchiest Snaps(20 of33)
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Ruby Rose's Raunchiest Snaps(21 of33)
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Ruby Rose's Raunchiest Snaps(22 of33)
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Ruby Rose's Raunchiest Snaps(23 of33)
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Ruby Rose's Raunchiest Snaps(24 of33)
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Ruby Rose's Raunchiest Snaps(25 of33)
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Ruby Rose's Raunchiest Snaps(26 of33)
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Ruby Rose's Raunchiest Snaps(27 of33)
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Ruby Rose's Raunchiest Snaps(28 of33)
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Ruby Rose's Raunchiest Snaps(29 of33)
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Ruby Rose's Raunchiest Snaps(30 of33)
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Ruby Rose's Raunchiest Snaps(31 of33)
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Ruby Rose's Raunchiest Snaps(32 of33)
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Ruby Rose's Raunchiest Snaps(33 of33)
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