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Sainte Marie de l'Incarnation, la Thérèse du Nouveau Monde

Le 3 avril 2014, le pape François a fait tout un cadeau à l'Église canadienne et à sa population. Il a inscrit au catalogue des saints sœur Marie de l'Incarnation (1599-1672). Retour sur la vie de la fondatrice du couvent des Ursulines à Québec.
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Ce billet a aussi été publié sur le blogue personnel de Jacques Gauthier.

Le 3 avril 2014, le pape François a fait tout un cadeau à l'Église canadienne et à sa population. Il a inscrit au catalogue des saints sœur Marie de l'Incarnation (1599-1672), fondatrice du couvent des Ursulines à Québec, et François de Laval (1623-1708), premier évêque canadien et fondateur du Séminaire de Québec. Ces canonisations dites «équipollentes», c'est-à-dire sans miracle et sans qu'une célébration formelle n'ait lieu, nous montrent que la vie de ces deux modèles d'évangélisateurs est en quelque sorte un miracle. Retour sur la vie de Marie de l'Incarnation.

La vie et les écrits de cette grande mystique continuent toujours d'attirer des gens. Certains se réunissent ici et là pour approfondir son message. Née Marie Guyart, elle est devenue madame Martin, puis sœur Marie de l'Incarnation. Femme d'action et de contemplation, elle a planté son expérience spirituelle et missionnaire dans le jardin de sa vie quotidienne. Elle a contribué à mettre au monde un peuple de croyants et de croyantes en terre d'Amérique, après avoir si bien intégré le service du prochain et l'amour de la Trinité.

Une femme d'affaires et de Dieu

Quatrième enfant de Jeanne Michelet et du boulanger Florent Guyart, Marie est née le 28 octobre 1599 à Tours. À sept ans, elle voit Jésus dans un songe qui lui demande : « Voulez-vous être à moi? » Elle lui répond spontanément : « Oui! » En 1617, ses parents la donnent en mariage à Claude Martin, un fabricant de tissus et de soieries, qui meurt deux ans plus tard. La jeune veuve a un enfant de six mois sur les bras et un commerce en faillite. Elle règle les dettes, liquide les biens et s'en va chez son père avec son jeune fils Claude. Ne voulant pas se remarier tout de suite, elle s'occupe de son fils et de son père.

Durant cette période plus calme de sa vie, elle développe un goût pour Dieu et pour la prière. La veille de l'Annonciation 1620, elle fait une expérience de la miséricorde divine qui la marquera à jamais et qu'elle nommera « le jour de ma conversion ». Plus tard, en 1654, elle écrira à son fils : « Je m'en revins à notre logis, changée en une autre créature, mais si puissamment changée que je ne me connaissais plus moi-même. »

Marie Guyart développera cette union au Christ au milieu d'occupations exigeantes. En 1621, elle travaille à l'entreprise de transport de son beau-frère, au bord de la Loire, négociant des contrats, s'occupant des employés, prenant soin des chevaux. Elle vit une grande intimité amoureuse avec la Trinité dans cette existence trépidante, intégrant les affaires et la prière. Elle vient en aide aux gens tout en leur parlant de Jésus.

Missionnaire en Nouvelle-France

À la suite d'appels répétés du Seigneur, elle entre dans la congrégation des religieuses Ursulines à Tours en 1631 et on lui donne le nom de Marie. Elle demande qu'on ajoute à son nom celui de l'Incarnation, à cause de sa certitude de savoir Dieu incarné dans les hommes. Elle souffre de la séparation de son fils de dix ans qui la relance de ses cris sous les fenêtres du couvent, mais elle sent que le Seigneur la prépare à autre chose. Quel déchirement tout de même, mais leur relation sera d'une grande profondeur, tissée de liens d'intimité hors du commun. Pendant trente-ans, elle entretiendra une correspondance régulière avec ce fils qui deviendra moine bénédictin. Grâce à lui, nous connaissons la vie mystique de sa mère, ses états d'oraison, ses souvenirs intimes, ses débuts en Nouvelle-France.

En 1634, dans un nouveau songe, elle voit « un lieu très difficile » qu'elle reconnaîtra à son arrivée à Québec. Elle reçoit même de Dieu le don de « l'esprit apostolique » qui la fait voyager en esprit dans différents pays. Entre-temps, elle est nommée sous-maîtresse des novices et leur donne des entretiens spirituels qui seront publiés plus tard. Elle découvre que la vraie prière est davantage affaire de cœur que de tête.

À Paris, les jésuites confient au père Poncet d'écrire à Marie de l'Incarnation pour lui annoncer qu'on la veut au Canada, même si elle est cloîtrée. L'Archevêque de Tours autorise qu'elle s'occupe d'un séminaire de jeunes filles. Elle part enfin pour Québec, à quarante ans, avec d'autres religieuses et une riche veuve d'Alençon, Madeleine de La Peltrie, qui veut consacrer sa fortune à la conversion des jeunes Amérindiennes. Six ans auparavant, elle l'avait déjà vu en songe sans la connaître. Marie ne reverra plus son fils qui allait avoir bientôt vingt ans.

La traversée sera longue et périlleuse, le vaisseau heurtera même un iceberg. Le 1er août 1639, Marie débarque enfin à Québec qui compte environ 250 personnes. Tout est à faire : construire un monastère, apprendre les langues indiennes, accueillir les jeunes filles pour leur enseigner la foi chrétienne, recevoir au parloir des visiteurs amérindiens et français, composer des dictionnaires, des catéchismes et des histoires saintes dans les langues amérindiennes. De plus, elle entretiendra une correspondance soutenue avec son fils, ses amis et bienfaiteurs de France; en tout, elle écrira environ 13 000 lettres.

La Thérèse du Nouveau Monde

La vie est loin d'être facile : rigueur de l'hiver, menace iroquoise, maladies, incompréhension des autorités, incendies, dont celui du monastère à la fin décembre 1650, qu'elle va reconstruire. En 1654, elle répond aux demandes de son fils Claude, devenu supérieur des bénédictins de Saint-Maur, en lui envoyant son autobiographie, la Relation de sa vie. Ce texte, l'un des chefs-d'œuvre de la littérature mystique, a fait dire à Bossuet que Marie de l'Incarnation était la « Thérèse du Nouveau Monde et de notre temps », en faisant référence à sainte Thérèse d'Avila.

Le mot qui peut mieux résumer la vie de cette grande mystique est l'amour. Elle a été une grande amoureuse de Dieu et des âmes, jusqu'à son entrée dans la vie éternelle le 30 avril 1672, à l'âge de soixante-douze ans, quelques mois après le décès de madame de la Peltrie. Son fils écrira une première biographie: « Elle rendit sa belle âme entre les bras de Celui après lequel elle avait soupiré toute sa vie » (Dom Claude Martin).

Jean-Paul II la proclame bienheureuse le 22 juin 1980. Il voit en elle, une « âme profondément contemplative », « maîtresse de vie spirituelle », chez qui « la femme chrétienne s'est réalisée pleinement et avec un rare équilibre ». Le pape François la canonise avec François de Laval le 3 avril 2014. L'Église célèbre sa mémoire le 30 avril.

Marie de l'Incarnation a inspiré bon nombre d'artistes professionnels et amateurs : écrivains, peintres, sculpteurs, metteurs en scène, comédiens, réalisateurs, cinéastes... Notons le film de Jean-Daniel Lafond Folle de Dieu qui a été réalisé en 2008. Une pièce de théâtre, La déraison d'amour, a également été créée. Elle a connu le succès auprès des critiques et du public, grâce surtout à la magnifique interprétation de la comédienne Marie Tifo.

J'ai écrit deux livrets, Sainte Marie de l'Incarnation et Saint François de Laval, qui paraîtront bientôt dans la collection "Les petits carnets" aux éditions Novalis.


Canonisation de Jean-Paul II et Jean XXIII
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Pope John Paul II And Pope John XXIII Are Declared Saints During A Vatican Mass(10 of49)
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VATICAN CITY, VATICAN - APRIL 27: Pilgrims gather in Saint Peter's Square attend the canonisations of Popes John Paul II and John XXIII held by Pope Francis on April 27, 2014 in Vatican City, Vatican. Dignitaries, heads of state and Royals from Europe and across the World attended the canonisations. (Photo by Franco Origlia/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Pope John Paul II And Pope John XXIII Are Declared Saints During A Vatican Mass(11 of49)
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VATICAN CITY, VATICAN - APRIL 27: Pope Francis leads the Canonization Mass in which John Paul II and John XXIII are to be declared saints on April 27, 2014 in Vatican City, Vatican. Dignitaries, heads of state and Royals from Europe and across the World attended the canonisations. (Photo by Franco Origlia/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Pope John Paul II And Pope John XXIII Are Declared Saints During A Vatican Mass(12 of49)
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VATICAN CITY, VATICAN - APRIL 27: Priests gather in Saint Peter's Square take selfies as they attend the canonisations of Popes John Paul II and John XXIII held by Pope Francis on April 27, 2014 in Vatican City, Vatican. Dignitaries, heads of state and Royals from Europe and across the World attended the canonisations. (Photo by Franco Origlia/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Pope John Paul II And Pope John XXIII Are Declared Saints During A Vatican Mass(13 of49)
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VATICAN CITY, VATICAN - APRIL 27: Bishops attend the canonisations of Popes John Paul II and John XXIII held by Pope Francis in Saint Peter's Square on April 27, 2014 in Vatican City, Vatican. Dignitaries, heads of state and Royals from Europe and across the World attended the canonisations. (Photo by Franco Origlia/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Pope John Paul II And Pope John XXIII Are Declared Saints During A Vatican Mass(14 of49)
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VATICAN CITY, VATICAN - APRIL 27: Pilgrims gather in Saint Peter's Square for a ceremony in which John Paul II and John XXIII are to be declared saints on April 27, 2014 in Vatican City, Vatican. Dignitaries, heads of state and Royals from Europe and across the World are to attend the canonisations. (Photo by Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Pope John Paul II And Pope John XXIII Are Declared Saints During A Vatican Mass(15 of49)
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VATICAN CITY, VATICAN - APRIL 27: Pilgrims gather in Saint Peter's Square for a ceremony in which John Paul II and John XXIII are to be declared saints on April 27, 2014 in Vatican City, Vatican. Dignitaries, heads of state and Royals from Europe and across the World are to attend the canonisations. (Photo by Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
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Pope Francis slalutes Guatemala's Vice President Roxana Baldetti (R) after the canonisation mass of Popes John XXIII and John Paul II on St Peter's at the Vatican on April 27, 2014. Catholics from around the world gathered in Rome on Sunday for a mass presided by Pope Francis to confer sainthood on John Paul II and John XXIII -- two influential popes who helped shape 20th century history. AFP PHOTO / ANDREAS SOLARO (Photo credit should read ANDREAS SOLARO/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Pope John Paul II And Pope John XXIII Are Declared Saints During A Vatican Mass(17 of49)
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VATICAN CITY, VATICAN - APRIL 27: Priests give communion to pilgrims in St Peter's Square after the canonisations of Popes John Paul II and John XXIII on April 27, 2014 in Vatican City, Vatican. Dignitaries, heads of state and Royals from Europe and from around the world attended the canonisations in the Vatican. (Photo by Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Pope John Paul II And Pope John XXIII Are Declared Saints During A Vatican Mass(18 of49)
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VATICAN CITY, VATICAN - APRIL 27: Pope Francis, Maria Teresa of Luxembourg and Grand Duke Henri of Luxembourg, King Juan Carlos and Queen Sofia of Spain attend the Canonization Mass in which John Paul II and John XXIII are to be declared saints on April 27, 2014 in Vatican City, Vatican. Dignitaries, heads of state and Royals from Europe and across the World attended the canonisations. (Photo by Franco Origlia/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Pope John Paul II And Pope John XXIII Are Declared Saints During A Vatican Mass(19 of49)
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VATICAN CITY, VATICAN - APRIL 27: Pope Francis, King Juan Carlos and Queen Sofia of Spain , President of Poland Bronislaw Komorowski and his wife Anna Komorowska, Italian President Giorgio Napolitano and his wife Clio Napolitano attend the Canonization Mass in which John Paul II and John XXIII are to be declared saints on April 27, 2014 in Vatican City, Vatican. Dignitaries, heads of state and Royals from Europe and across the World attended the canonisations. (Photo by Franco Origlia/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Pope John Paul II And Pope John XXIII Are Declared Saints During A Vatican Mass(20 of49)
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VATICAN CITY, VATICAN - APRIL 27: Maria Teresa of Luxembourg (L), King Juan Carlos and Queen Sofia of Spain (R) attend the Canonization Mass in which John Paul II and John XXIII are to be declared saints on April 27, 2014 in Vatican City, Vatican. Dignitaries, heads of state and Royals from Europe and across the World attended the canonisations. (Photo by Franco Origlia/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Pope John Paul II And Pope John XXIII Are Declared Saints During A Vatican Mass(21 of49)
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VATICAN CITY, VATICAN - APRIL 27: Pope Francis leads the Canonization Mass in which John Paul II and John XXIII are to be declared saints on April 27, 2014 in Vatican City, Vatican. Dignitaries, heads of state and Royals from Europe and across the World attended the canonisations. (Photo by Franco Origlia/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Pope John Paul II And Pope John XXIII Are Declared Saints During A Vatican Mass(22 of49)
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VATICAN CITY, VATICAN - APRIL 27: Swiss guards patrol Saint Peter's Square after the canonisations of Popes John Paul II and John XXIII on April 27, 2014 in Vatican City, Vatican. Dignitaries, heads of state and Royals from Europe and from around the world attended the canonisations in the Vatican. (Photo by Giorgio Cosulich/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Pope John Paul II And Pope John XXIII Are Declared Saints During A Vatican Mass(23 of49)
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VATICAN CITY, VATICAN - APRIL 27: Priests arrive in Saint Peter's Square to give communion to pilgrims after the canonisations of Popes John Paul II and John XXIII on April 27, 2014 in Vatican City, Vatican. Dignitaries, heads of state and Royals from Europe and from around the world attended the canonisations in the Vatican. (Photo by Giorgio Cosulich/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Pope John Paul II And Pope John XXIII Are Declared Saints During A Vatican Mass(24 of49)
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VATICAN CITY, VATICAN - APRIL 27: A Swiss guard stand in Saint Peter's Square after the canonisations of Popes John Paul II and John XXIII on April 27, 2014 in Vatican City, Vatican. Dignitaries, heads of state and Royals from Europe and from around the world attended the canonisations in the Vatican. (Photo by Giorgio Cosulich/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Pope John Paul II And Pope John XXIII Are Declared Saints During A Vatican Mass(25 of49)
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VATICAN CITY, VATICAN - APRIL 27: Pilgrims take communion in Saint Peter's Square after the canonisations of Popes John Paul II and John XXIII on April 27, 2014 in Vatican City, Vatican. Dignitaries, heads of state and Royals from Europe and from around the world attended the canonisations in the Vatican. (Photo by Giorgio Cosulich/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Pope John Paul II And Pope John XXIII Are Declared Saints During A Vatican Mass(26 of49)
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VATICAN CITY, VATICAN - APRIL 27: Pope Francis leads the canonisation mass in which John Paul II and John XXIII are to be declared saints on April 27, 2014 in Vatican City, Vatican. Dignitaries, heads of state and Royals from Europe and across the World are to attend the canonisations. (Photo by Dan Kitwood/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Pope John Paul II And Pope John XXIII Are Declared Saints During A Vatican Mass(27 of49)
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VATICAN CITY, VATICAN - APRIL 27: Pope Francis leads the canonisation mass in which John Paul II and John XXIII are to be declared saints on April 27, 2014 in Vatican City, Vatican. Dignitaries, heads of state and Royals from Europe and across the World are to attend the canonisations. (Photo by Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Pope John Paul II And Pope John XXIII Are Declared Saints During A Vatican Mass(28 of49)
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VATICAN CITY, VATICAN - APRIL 27: Priests give communion to pilgrims in St Peter's Square after the canonisations of Popes John Paul II and John XXIII on April 27, 2014 in Vatican City, Vatican. Dignitaries, heads of state and Royals from Europe and from around the world attended the canonisations in the Vatican. (Photo by Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Pope John Paul II And Pope John XXIII Are Declared Saints During A Vatican Mass(29 of49)
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VATICAN CITY, VATICAN - APRIL 27: Priests arrive in Saint Peter's Square to give communion to pilgrims after the canonisations of Popes John Paul II and John XXIII on April 27, 2014 in Vatican City, Vatican. Dignitaries, heads of state and Royals from Europe and from around the world attended the canonisations in the Vatican. (Photo by Giorgio Cosulich/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Pope John Paul II And Pope John XXIII Are Declared Saints During A Vatican Mass(30 of49)
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VATICAN CITY, VATICAN - APRIL 27: Pope Francis leads the canonisation mass in which John Paul II and John XXIII are to be declared saints on April 27, 2014 in Vatican City, Vatican. Dignitaries, heads of state and Royals from Europe and across the World are to attend the canonisations. (Photo by Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Pope John Paul II And Pope John XXIII Are Declared Saints During A Vatican Mass(31 of49)
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VATICAN CITY, VATICAN - APRIL 27: Pilgrims take communion in Saint Peter's Square after the canonisations of Popes John Paul II and John XXIII on April 27, 2014 in Vatican City, Vatican. Dignitaries, heads of state and Royals from Europe and from around the world attended the canonisations in the Vatican. (Photo by Giorgio Cosulich/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Pope John Paul II And Pope John XXIII Are Declared Saints During A Vatican Mass(32 of49)
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VATICAN CITY, VATICAN - APRIL 27: Pilgrims gather in Saint Peter's Square for a ceremony in which John Paul II and John XXIII are to be declared saints on April 27, 2014 in Vatican City, Vatican. Dignitaries, heads of state and Royals from Europe and across the World are to attend the canonisations. (Photo by Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Pope John Paul II And Pope John XXIII Are Declared Saints During A Vatican Mass(33 of49)
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VATICAN CITY, VATICAN - APRIL 27: Pope Francis leads the canonisation mass in which John Paul II and John XXIII are to be declared saints on April 27, 2014 in Vatican City, Vatican. Dignitaries, heads of state and Royals from Europe and across the World are to attend the canonisations. (Photo by Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Pope John Paul II And Pope John XXIII Are Declared Saints During A Vatican Mass(34 of49)
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VATICAN CITY, VATICAN - APRIL 27: Priests give communion to pilgrims in St Peter's Square after the canonisations of Popes John Paul II and John XXIII on April 27, 2014 in Vatican City, Vatican. Dignitaries, heads of state and Royals from Europe and from around the world attended the canonisations in the Vatican. (Photo by Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Pope John Paul II And Pope John XXIII Are Declared Saints During A Vatican Mass(35 of49)
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VATICAN CITY, VATICAN - APRIL 27: Costa Rican Floribeth Mora, who claims she was cured of a serious brain condition by a miracle attributed to late Pope John Paul II, presents his relic to Pope Francis during the canonisation in which John Paul II and John XXIII were declared saints on April 27, 2014 in Vatican City, Vatican. Dignitaries, heads of state and Royals from Europe and across the World attended the canonisations. (Photo by Dan Kitwood/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Pope John Paul II And Pope John XXIII Are Declared Saints During A Vatican Mass(36 of49)
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VATICAN CITY, VATICAN - APRIL 27: Crowds amass during the canonisation mass in which John Paul II and John XXIII are to be declared saints on April 27, 2014 in Vatican City, Vatican. Dignitaries, heads of state and Royals from Europe and across the World are to attend the canonisations. (Photo by Dan Kitwood/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Pope John Paul II And Pope John XXIII Are Declared Saints During A Vatican Mass(37 of49)
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VATICAN CITY, VATICAN - APRIL 27: Crowds amass during the canonisation mass in which John Paul II and John XXIII are to be declared saints on April 27, 2014 in Vatican City, Vatican. Dignitaries, heads of state and Royals from Europe and across the World are to attend the canonisations. (Photo by Dan Kitwood/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Pope John Paul II And Pope John XXIII Are Declared Saints During A Vatican Mass(38 of49)
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VATICAN CITY, VATICAN - APRIL 27: A nun watches from a window as Pope Francis leads the canonisation mass in which John Paul II and John XXIII are to be declared saints on April 27, 2014 in Vatican City, Vatican. Dignitaries, heads of state and Royals from Europe and across the World are to attend the canonisations. (Photo by Dan Kitwood/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Pope John Paul II And Pope John XXIII Are Declared Saints During A Vatican Mass(39 of49)
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VATICAN CITY, VATICAN - APRIL 27: Bishops attend the canonisation mass of Popes John XXIII and John Paul II on St Peter's on April 27, 2014 in Vatican City, Vatican. Dignitaries, heads of state and Royals from Europe and across the World are to attend the canonisations. (Photo by Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Pope John Paul II And Pope John XXIII Are Declared Saints During A Vatican Mass(40 of49)
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VATICAN CITY, VATICAN - APRIL 27: Holy Communion is given after the canonisation mass in which John Paul II and John XXIII were declared saints on April 27, 2014 in Vatican City, Vatican. Dignitaries, heads of state and Royals from Europe and across the World are to attend the canonisations. (Photo by Dan Kitwood/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Pope John Paul II And Pope John XXIII Are Declared Saints During A Vatican Mass(41 of49)
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VATICAN CITY, VATICAN - APRIL 27: A general view of the atmosphere in St. Peter's Square as Pope Francis leads the Canonization Mass in which John Paul II and John XXIII are to be declared saints on April 27, 2014 in Vatican City, Vatican. Dignitaries, heads of state and Royals from Europe and across the World are to attend the canonisations. (Photo by Franco Origlia/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Pope John Paul II And Pope John XXIII Are Declared Saints During A Vatican Mass(42 of49)
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VATICAN CITY, VATICAN - APRIL 27: A general view of the atmosphere in St. Peter's Square as Pope Francis leads the Canonization Mass in which John Paul II and John XXIII are to be declared saints on April 27, 2014 in Vatican City, Vatican. Dignitaries, heads of state and Royals from Europe and across the World are to attend the canonisations. (Photo by Franco Origlia/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Pope John Paul II And Pope John XXIII Are Declared Saints During A Vatican Mass(43 of49)
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VATICAN CITY, VATICAN - APRIL 27: Paraguay's President Horacio Cartes (C) and the President of Lithuania Dalia Grybauskaite (2ndR) attend the canonisation mass in which John Paul II and John XXIII are to be declared saints on April 27, 2014 in Vatican City, Vatican. Dignitaries, heads of state and Royals from Europe and across the World are to attend the canonisations. (Photo by Dan Kitwood/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Pope John Paul II And Pope John XXIII Are Declared Saints During A Vatican Mass(44 of49)
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VATICAN CITY, VATICAN - APRIL 27: Pope Francis greets Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI at the end of the Canonization Mass in which John Paul II and John XXIII have been declared Saints on April 27, 2014 in Vatican City, Vatican. Dignitaries, heads of state and Royals from Europe and across the World are to attend the canonisations. (Photo by Franco Origlia/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Pope John Paul II And Pope John XXIII Are Declared Saints During A Vatican Mass(45 of49)
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VATICAN CITY, VATICAN - APRIL 27: A general view of the atmosphere in St. Peter's Square as Pope Francis leads the Canonization Mass in which John Paul II and John XXIII are to be declared saints on April 27, 2014 in Vatican City, Vatican. Dignitaries, heads of state and Royals from Europe and across the World are to attend the canonisations. (Photo by Franco Origlia/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
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A woman holds flags as she follows on a giant screen in Rome, the canonisation mass of Popes John XXIII and John Paul II on St Peter's at the Vatican on April 27, 2014. Catholics from around the world gathered in Rome on Sunday for a mass presided by Pope Francis to confer sainthood on John Paul II and John XXIII -- two influential popes who helped shape 20th century history. AFP PHOTO / GABRIEL BOUYS (Photo credit should read GABRIEL BOUYS/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
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A card board colomb with a portrait of Pope John Paul II is pictured in Rome, on April 27, 2014 in Rome. Catholics from around the world gathered in Rome on Sunday for a mass presided by Pope Francis to confer sainthood on John Paul II and John XXIII -- two influential popes who helped shape 20th century history. AFP PHOTO / GABRIEL BOUYS (Photo credit should read GABRIEL BOUYS/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Pope John Paul II And Pope John XXIII Are Declared Saints During A Vatican Mass(48 of49)
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VATICAN CITY, VATICAN - APRIL 27: Pope Francis, waves to pilgrims gathered in St Peters Square, following the Canonisation Mass in which John Paul II and John XXIII were declared saints on April 27, 2014 in Vatican City, Vatican. Dignitaries, heads of state and Royals from Europe and across the World are to attend the canonisations. (Photo by Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
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A Swiss guard looks towards the way Pope Francis will use with his popemobile after the canonisation mass of Popes John XXIII and John Paul II on St Peter's at the Vatican on April 27, 2014. Catholics from around the world gathered in Rome on Sunday for a mass presided by Pope Francis to confer sainthood on John Paul II and John XXIII -- two influential popes who helped shape 20th century history. AFP PHOTO / ALBERTO PIZZOLI (Photo credit should read ALBERTO PIZZOLI/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
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