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Ukraine: le retour du manichéisme de guerre froide

Il ne s'agit pas de mettre les deux camps sur le même plan mais d'avancer sur le plan des relations internationales en évitant la guerre par la prise en compte des intérêts de tous les acteurs.
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Durant la Guerre froide, la vraie, celle qui a commencé officiellement en 1947 avec le titre d'un livre de Walter Lippmann (The Cold War) et s'est terminée avec la chute du Mur de Berlin en 1989, les deux blocs n'ont cessé de faire leur propagande et de se saisir des bribes d'information ou de faits partiels pour lui donner une apparence de vérité. Il suffit de relire les déclarations des dirigeants américains ou soviétiques de l'époque pour voir ce qui manquait ou ce qui était soit faux, soit partiellement vrai.

On sait aujourd'hui sans l'ombre d'un doute que l'URSS finançait les partis communistes d'Europe de l'Ouest et que donc l'accusation qui les visait disant qu'ils bénéficiaient de "l'or de Moscou" était fondée. Les communistes d'alors et leurs compagnons de route voyaient dans cette accusation un effet de la propagande, ce que c'était aussi, mais fondé sur une vérité.

On sait, d'autre part, que les États-Unis sont intervenus dans le processus électoral en Italie, ont financé des syndicats en France. Les deux superpuissances sont intervenues dans leur zone d'influence de façon brutale et non démocratique. L'URRS en Hongrie en 1956 et à Prague en 1968, les États unis au Guatemala en 1954 et au Chili en 1973. Il n'y avait pas, au niveau géopolitique, d'opposition entre un camp démocratique et un camp totalitaire, mais des rivalités entre puissances et des conflits dans lesquels la démocratie ne jouait pas un grand rôle. Sur le plan intérieur, il est clair que les États-Unis avaient un système plus ouvert et, en dépit du maccartisme, plus respectueux de la liberté d'expression. Au plan économique, la disparité entre Occident et bloc soviétique était patente et énorme. Ce n'est pas ce qui guidait les relations entre blocs.

Des organes de presse comme Le Monde d'Hubert Beuve-Méry ou des intellectuels comme David Rousset dont Todorov parle si bien (lire Les Abus de la mémoire) ou encore Camus refusaient l'alignement sur la rhétorique d'un camp. Ils étaient minoritaires tant les opinions étaient clivées, mais aujourd'hui il est clair que cette minorité qui refusait le manichéisme et appréhendait la complexité avait raison. Avec la crise en Ukraine, on voit ressurgir les discours manichéens d'antan.

Deux types d'explication sont en concurrence pour interpréter ce qui se passe en Ukraine.

L'approche dominante en Occident est de présenter les événements de la place Maidan comme un soulèvement démocratique, une révolution pro-européenne en faveur des droits humains et de l'État de droit contre un régime autocratique et mafieux. En face, il y a une interprétation, fort minoritaire, qui met en avant les intérêts de la Russie et souligne que les opposants ukrainiens maintenant au pouvoir sont infiltrés par des groupes de fascistes, ce qui correspond très exactement à ce que dit la Russie officielle.

Il existe une expression en anglais qui illustre assez bien les raisons des choix manichéens : "cherry-picking", c'est-à-dire que dans une situation donnée on choisit les éléments que l'on va considérer ou mettre en avant comme l'on choisit les cerises que l'on va cueillir. Ainsi, il est indéniable que le pouvoir de Ianoukovich était mafieux et autoritaire et que donc une grande partie de la population a voulu s'en débarrasser. Cependant, si la propagande russe est erronée concernant les fascistes de la place Maidan ce n'est pas parce qu'ils n'existent pas, mais parce qu'ils ne représentent pas la totalité du mouvement. Il y a quelques raisons de s'inquiéter de l'influence du groupe Svoboda qui est clairement extrémiste. Le parti de Timoschenko qui maintenant domine à Kiev a une histoire assez trouble aussi.

Dans le "cherry picking" ou la sélection des faits de la part des partisans des révolutionnaires ukrainiens comme Bernard-Henri Lévy, il manque toute une dimension historique et géopolitique. Depuis la disparition de l'URSS, l'Occident, c'est à dire en fait les États-Unis, n'a cessé de pousser ses pions en Europe de l'Est. Contrairement aux promesses faites par Bush père aux Russes, l'OTAN n'a cessé de s'étendre vers les frontières russes ce qui a encouragé la peur de l'encerclement.

Sous l'administration Clinton, le néolibéralisme a été exporté en Russie avec l'accord du président de l'époque, Eltsine. Le néolibéralisme a produit les catastrophes économiques habituelles, celles que le Chili ou l'Afrique du Sud ont également connues. En d'autres termes, avec la Russie, les États-Unis ont voulu aller trop loin, trop vite dans leur désir d'abolir sa puissance géopolitique et de la convertir au néolibéralisme. Ce qui est possible avec les pays baltes, la Lettonie entre autres, ne l'est pas avec la Russie. Paul Krugman ne cesse d'évoquer les catastrophes du néolibéralisme en Lettonie, mais ce petit pays ne peut pas résister aux amicales pressions de ses nouveaux alliés. La Russie est, elle, beaucoup plus forte et le fait. Le chercheur américain Stephen Cohen rend les États-Unis responsables de la nouvelle guerre froide qui caractérise les relations russo-américaines (Soviet Fates and Lost Alternative : from Stalinism to the New Cold War). Ce genre de discours suffit à se faire accuser d'être pro-russe ou pro-Poutine ou encore totalitaire.

Prendre en compte les réalités géopolitiques ne signifie pourtant pas accepter les violations de l'État de droit ou même approuver les gesticulations militaires. Il s'agit de comprendre le comportement des puissances sans se donner la bonne conscience qui va avec une approche moralisatrice partagée par l'opinion. Les violations démocratiques en Russie sont une réalité, mais il est vrai aussi que Poutine jouit d'une popularité certaine dans son pays. Les dirigeants américains des années 50 à 70 négociaient avec les régimes autocratiques soviétiques puis chinois alors même que la lutte idéologique battait son plein.

Dans les déclarations des responsables politiques, des journalistes et des spécialistes, on n'entend souvent que les présentations manichéennes.

La critique virulente de la Russie, légitime sur bien des plans, qui ne tient pas compte de la géopolitique, est souvent le pendant d'une impuissance non reconnue. La France ne peut pas grand-chose et même les États-Unis ont des moyens limités d'intervention. Le discours antirusse ou anti-Poutine sert à masquer les manques du monde occidental et notamment la responsabilité des États unis dans le sentiment d'encerclement de la Russie, mais aussi le fait que l'Europe néolibérale qui change les gouvernements élus de Grèce ou d'Italie n'est pas exactement un beau modèle de respect de l'État de droit. Par ailleurs, l'UE ne peut sortir l'Ukraine de son ornière économique car elle est elle-même dans une mauvaise passe. On entend parfois dans les discours prorusses un manichéisme inversé où seule compte la géopolitique et où les violations des droits des peuples ou de l'État de droit disparaissent. Chacun choisit ses cerises, en quelque sorte.

Il est clair que les États-Unis ont un rôle à jouer dans la résolution de la crise ukrainienne et il serait peu productif de les délégitimer à cause de leurs indéniables défauts, c'est à dire des écoutes de la NSA, de l'utilisation de drones pour tuer des innocents ou encore de leur volonté d'imposer un traité transatlantique dit de libre-échange de façon hégémonique. Il serait bon d'avoir exactement la même attitude vis-à-vis de la Russie. Il ne s'agit pas de mettre les deux camps sur le même plan mais d'avancer sur le plan des relations internationales en évitant la guerre par la prise en compte des intérêts de tous les acteurs. Il est facile à Paris d'être populaire en étant anti-Poutine et moralisateur et à Moscou en étant soi-disant anti-fasciste. La dénonciation moralisatrice donne bonne conscience, mais met de l'huile sur le feu, l'approche géopolitique entre régimes différents peut éviter la guerre. Kennedy et Khroutchev n'ont pas parlé droits de l'homme ou démocratie en 1962 au moment de la crise des missiles à Cuba et ont sagement retiré leurs missiles de Cuba et de Turquie. Le monde qui retenait son souffle a mieux respiré.


Référendum en Crimée
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Le drapeau ukrainien brûlé en Crimée (credit:AFP)
Tensions entre l'Ukraine et la Russie
Concerns Grow In Ukraine Over Pro Russian Demonstrations In The Crimea Region(01 of51)
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LUBIMOVKA, UKRAINE - MARCH 04: Colonel Yuli Mamchor (L), commander of the Ukrainian military garrison at the Belbek airbase, leads his unarmed troops to retake the Belbek airfield from soldiers under Russian command in Crimea on March 4, 2014 in Lubimovka, Ukraine. After spending a tense night anticipating a Russian attack following the expiration of a Russian deadline to surrender, in which family members of troops spent the night at the garrison gate in support of the soldiers, Mamchor announced his bold plan to his soldiers early this morning. The Russian-lead troops fired their weapons into the air but then granted Mamchor the beginning of negotiations with their commander. Russian-lead troops have blockaded a number of Ukrainian military bases across Crimea. (Photo by Sean Gallup/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Concerns Grow In Ukraine Over Pro Russian Demonstrations In The Crimea Region(02 of51)
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LUBIMOVKA, UKRAINE - MARCH 04: Colonel Yuli Mamchor (L), commander of the Ukrainian military garrison at the Belbek airbase, leads his unarmed troops to retake the Belbek airfield from soldiers under Russian command in Crimea on March 4, 2014 in Lubimovka, Ukraine. After spending a tense night anticipating a Russian attack following the expiration of a Russian deadline to surrender, in which family members of troops spent the night at the garrison gate in support of the soldiers, Mamchor announced his bold plan to his soldiers early this morning. The Russian-lead troops fired their weapons into the air but then granted Mamchor the beginning of negotiations with their commander. Russian-lead troops have blockaded a number of Ukrainian military bases across Crimea. (Photo by Sean Gallup/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Concerns Grow In Ukraine Over Pro Russian Demonstrations In The Crimea Region(03 of51)
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LUBIMOVKA, UKRAINE - MARCH 04: Colonel Yuli Mamchor (C), commander of the Ukrainian military garrison at the Belbek airbase, leads his unarmed troops bearing the Ukrainian and regiment flags to retake the Belbek airfield from soldiers under Russian command in Crimea on March 4, 2014 in Lubimovka, Ukraine. After spending a tense night anticipating a Russian attack following the expiration of a Russian deadline to surrender, in which family members of troops spent the night at the garrison gate in support of the soldiers, Mamchor announced his bold plan to his soldiers early this morning. The Russian-lead troops fired their weapons into the air but then granted Mamchor the beginning of negotiations with their commander. Russian-lead troops have blockaded a number of Ukrainian military bases across Crimea. (Photo by Sean Gallup/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Concerns Grow In Ukraine Over Pro Russian Demonstrations In The Crimea Region(04 of51)
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LUBIMOVKA, UKRAINE - MARCH 04: Colonel Yuli Mamchor (L), commander of the Ukrainian military garrison at the Belbek airbase, leads his unarmed troops to retake the Belbek airfield from soldiers under Russian command in Crimea on March 4, 2014 in Lubimovka, Ukraine. After spending a tense night anticipating a Russian attack following the expiration of a Russian deadline to surrender, in which family members of troops spent the night at the garrison gate in support of the soldiers, Mamchor announced his bold plan to his soldiers early this morning. The Russian-lead troops fired their weapons into the air but then granted Mamchor the beginning of negotiations with their commander. Russian-lead troops have blockaded a number of Ukrainian military bases across Crimea. (Photo by Sean Gallup/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Concerns Grow In Ukraine Over Pro Russian Demonstrations In The Crimea Region(05 of51)
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LUBIMOVKA, UKRAINE - MARCH 04: Troops under Russian command fire weapons into the air and scream orders to turn back at an approaching group of over 100 hundred unarmed Ukrainian troops at the Belbek airbase, which the Russian troops are occcupying, in Crimea on March 4, 2014 in Lubimovka, Ukraine. The Ukrainians are stationed at their garrison nearby, and after spending a tense night anticipating a Russian attack following the expiration of a Russian deadline to surrender, in which family members of troops spent the night at the garrison gate in support of the soldiers, their commander Colonel Yuli Mamchor announced his bold plan this morning to retake the airfield by confronting the Russian-lead soldiers unarmed. The Russian-lead troops fired their weapons into the air but then granted Mamchor the beginning of negotiations with their commander. Russian-lead troops have blockaded a number of Ukrainian military bases across Crimea. (Photo by Sean Gallup/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Concerns Grow In Ukraine Over Pro Russian Demonstrations In The Crimea Region(06 of51)
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LUBIMOVKA, UKRAINE - MARCH 04: Troops under Russian command scream orders to turn back after firing their wepaons into the air at an approaching group of over 100 hundred unarmed Ukrainian troops at the Belbek airbase, which the Russian troops are occcupying, in Crimea on March 4, 2014 in Lubimovka, Ukraine. The Ukrainians are stationed at their garrison nearby, and after spending a tense night anticipating a Russian attack following the expiration of a Russian deadline to surrender, in which family members of troops spent the night at the garrison gate in support of the soldiers, their commander Colonel Yuli Mamchor announced his bold plan this morning to retake the airfield by confronting the Russian-lead soldiers unarmed. The Russian-lead troops fired their weapons into the air but then granted Mamchor the beginning of negotiations with their commander. Russian-lead troops have blockaded a number of Ukrainian military bases across Crimea. (Photo by Sean Gallup/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Concerns Grow In Ukraine Over Pro Russian Demonstrations In The Crimea Region(07 of51)
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LUBIMOVKA, UKRAINE - MARCH 04: Colonel Yuli Mamchor (C), commander of the Ukrainian military garrison at the Belbek airbase, leads his unarmed troops bearing the Ukrainian and regiment flags to retake the Belbek airfield from soldiers under Russian command in Crimea on March 4, 2014 in Lubimovka, Ukraine. After spending a tense night anticipating a Russian attack following the expiration of a Russian deadline to surrender, in which family members of troops spent the night at the garrison gate in support of the soldiers, Mamchor announced his bold plan to his soldiers early this morning. The Russian-lead troops fired their weapons into the air but then granted Mamchor the beginning of negotiations with their commander. Russian-lead troops have blockaded a number of Ukrainian military bases across Crimea. (Photo by Sean Gallup/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Concerns Grow In Ukraine Over Pro Russian Demonstrations In The Crimea Region(08 of51)
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LUBIMOVKA, UKRAINE - MARCH 04: Colonel Yuli Mamchor (C), commander of the Ukrainian military garrison at the Belbek airbase, leads his unarmed troops bearing the Ukrainian and regiment flags to retake the Belbek airfield from soldiers under Russian command in Crimea on March 4, 2014 in Lubimovka, Ukraine. After spending a tense night anticipating a Russian attack following the expiration of a Russian deadline to surrender, in which family members of troops spent the night at the garrison gate in support of the soldiers, Mamchor announced his bold plan to his soldiers early this morning. The Russian-lead troops fired their weapons into the air but then granted Mamchor the beginning of negotiations with their commander. Russian-lead troops have blockaded a number of Ukrainian military bases across Crimea. (Photo by Sean Gallup/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Concerns Grow In Ukraine Over Pro Russian Demonstrations In The Crimea Region(09 of51)
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LUBIMOVKA, UKRAINE - MARCH 04: Colonel Yuli Mamchor (C-R), commander of the Ukrainian military garrison at the Belbek airbase, and a colleague bearing the regiment flag, confront troops under Russian command occupying the Belbek airbase in Crimea on March 4, 2014 in Lubimovka, Ukraine. The Ukrainians are stationed at their garrison nearby, and after spending a tense night anticipating a Russian attack following the expiration of a Russian deadline to surrender, in which family members of troops spent the night at the garrison gate in support of the soldiers, Mamchor announced his bold plan this morning to retake the airfield by confronting the Russian-lead soldiers unarmed. The Russian-lead troops fired their weapons into the air but then granted Mamchor the beginning of negotiations with their commander. Russian-lead troops have blockaded a number of Ukrainian military bases across Crimea. (Photo by Sean Gallup/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Concerns Grow In Ukraine Over Pro Russian Demonstrations In The Crimea Region(10 of51)
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LUBIMOVKA, UKRAINE - MARCH 04: Colonel Yuli Mamchor (C), commander of the Ukrainian military garrison at the Belbek airbase, and a colleague bearing the regiment flag, confront troops under Russian command occupying the Belbek airbase in Crimea on March 4, 2014 in Lubimovka, Ukraine. The Ukrainians are stationed at their garrison nearby, and after spending a tense night anticipating a Russian attack following the expiration of a Russian deadline to surrender, in which family members of troops spent the night at the garrison gate in support of the soldiers, Mamchor announced his bold plan this morning to retake the airfield by confronting the Russian-lead soldiers unarmed. The Russian-lead troops fired their weapons into the air but then granted Mamchor the beginning of negotiations with their commander. Russian-lead troops have blockaded a number of Ukrainian military bases across Crimea. (Photo by Sean Gallup/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Concerns Grow In Ukraine Over Pro Russian Demonstrations In The Crimea Region(11 of51)
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LUBIMOVKA, UKRAINE - MARCH 04: Troops under Russian command stand firmly after firing their weapons into the air and screaming orders to turn back at an approaching group of over 100 hundred unarmed Ukrainian troops at the Belbek airbase, which the Russian troops are occcupying, in Crimea on March 4, 2014 in Lubimovka, Ukraine. The Ukrainians are stationed at their garrison nearby, and after spending a tense night anticipating a Russian attack following the expiration of a Russian deadline to surrender, in which family members of troops spent the night at the garrison gate in support of the soldiers, their commander Colonel Yuli Mamchor announced his bold plan this morning to retake the airfield by confronting the Russian-lead soldiers unarmed. The Russian-lead troops fired their weapons into the air but then granted Mamchor the beginning of negotiations with their commander. Russian-lead troops have blockaded a number of Ukrainian military bases across Crimea. (Photo by Sean Gallup/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Concerns Grow In Ukraine Over Pro Russian Demonstrations In The Crimea Region(12 of51)
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LUBIMOVKA, UKRAINE - MARCH 04: A soldier under Russian command warns anyone approaching further that he will shoot them in the legs after he and colleagues fired their weapons into the air and screamed orders to turn back at an approaching group of over 100 hundred unarmed Ukrainian troops at the Belbek airbase, which the Russian troops are occcupying, in Crimea on March 4, 2014 in Lubimovka, Ukraine. The Ukrainians are stationed at their garrison nearby, and after spending a tense night anticipating a Russian attack following the expiration of a Russian deadline to surrender, in which family members of troops spent the night at the garrison gate in support of the soldiers, their commander Colonel Yuli Mamchor announced his bold plan this morning to retake the airfield by confronting the Russian-lead soldiers unarmed. The Russian-lead troops fired their weapons into the air but then granted Mamchor the beginning of negotiations with their commander. Russian-lead troops have blockaded a number of Ukrainian military bases across Crimea. (Photo by Sean Gallup/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Concerns Grow In Ukraine Over Pro Russian Demonstrations In The Crimea Region(13 of51)
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LUBIMOVKA, UKRAINE - MARCH 04: Troops under Russian command jump down from a truck with orders to shoot to kill anyone who advances further after over 100 unarmed Ukrainian troops confronted them at the Belbek airbase, which the Russian troops are occcupying, in Crimea on March 4, 2014 in Lubimovka, Ukraine. The Ukrainians are stationed at their garrison nearby, and after spending a tense night anticipating a Russian attack following the expiration of a Russian deadline to surrender, in which family members of troops spent the night at the garrison gate in support of the soldiers, their commander Colonel Yuli Mamchor announced his bold plan this morning to retake the airfield by confronting the Russian-lead soldiers unarmed. The Russian-lead troops fired their weapons into the air but then granted Mamchor the beginning of negotiations with their commander. Russian-lead troops have blockaded a number of Ukrainian military bases across Crimea. (Photo by Sean Gallup/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Concerns Grow In Ukraine Over Pro Russian Demonstrations In The Crimea Region(14 of51)
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LUBIMOVKA, UKRAINE - MARCH 04: Colonel Yuli Mamchor (R), commander of the Ukrainian military garrison at the Belbek airbase, speaks to troops under Russian command occupying the Belbek airbase in Crimea on March 4, 2014 in Lubimovka, Ukraine. The Ukrainians are stationed at their garrison nearby, and after spending a tense night anticipating a Russian attack following the expiration of a Russian deadline to surrender, in which family members of troops spent the night at the garrison gate in support of the soldiers, Mamchor announced his bold plan this morning to retake the airfield by confronting the Russian-lead soldiers unarmed. The Russian-lead troops fired their weapons into the air but then granted Mamchor the beginning of negotiations with their commander. Russian-lead troops have blockaded a number of Ukrainian military bases across Crimea. (Photo by Sean Gallup/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Concerns Grow In Ukraine Over Pro Russian Demonstrations In The Crimea Region(15 of51)
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LUBIMOVKA, UKRAINE - MARCH 04: Unarmed Ukrainian troops rest on the Belbek airfield after they confronted soldiers under Russian command occupying the base in Crimea on March 4, 2014 in Lubimovka, Ukraine. The Ukrainians are stationed at their garrison nearby, and after spending a tense night anticipating a Russian attack following the expiration of a Russian deadline to surrender, in which family members of troops spent the night at the garrison gate in support of the soldiers, their commander Colonel Yuli Mamchor announced his bold plan this morning to retake the airfield by confronting the Russian-lead soldiers unarmed. The Russian-lead troops fired their weapons into the air but then granted Mamchor the beginning of negotiations with their commander. Russian-lead troops have blockaded a number of Ukrainian military bases across Crimea. (Photo by Sean Gallup/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Concerns Grow In Ukraine Over Pro Russian Demonstrations In The Crimea Region(16 of51)
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LUBIMOVKA, UKRAINE - MARCH 04: Unarmed Ukrainian troops rest on the Belbek airfield after they confronted soldiers under Russian command occupying the base in Crimea on March 4, 2014 in Lubimovka, Ukraine. The Ukrainians are stationed at their garrison nearby, and after spending a tense night anticipating a Russian attack following the expiration of a Russian deadline to surrender, in which family members of troops spent the night at the garrison gate in support of the soldiers, their commander Colonel Yuli Mamchor announced his bold plan this morning to retake the airfield by confronting the Russian-lead soldiers unarmed. The Russian-lead troops fired their weapons into the air but then granted Mamchor the beginning of negotiations with their commander. Russian-lead troops have blockaded a number of Ukrainian military bases across Crimea. (Photo by Sean Gallup/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Concerns Grow In Ukraine Over Pro Russian Demonstrations In The Crimea Region(17 of51)
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LUBIMOVKA, UKRAINE - MARCH 04: A soldier under Russian command restrains a colleague after he fired his weapon into the air and screamed orders to turn back at an approaching group of over 100 unarmed Ukrainian troops at the Belbek airbase, which the Russian troops are occcupying, in Crimea on March 4, 2014 in Lubimovka, Ukraine. The Ukrainians are stationed at their garrison nearby, and after spending a tense night anticipating a Russian attack following the expiration of a Russian deadline to surrender, in which family members of troops spent the night at the garrison gate in support of the soldiers, their commander Colonel Yuli Mamchor announced his bold plan this morning to retake the airfield by confronting the Russian-lead soldiers unarmed. The Russian-lead troops fired their weapons into the air but then granted Mamchor the beginning of negotiations with their commander. Russian-lead troops have blockaded a number of Ukrainian military bases across Crimea. (Photo by Sean Gallup/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Concerns Grow In Ukraine Over Pro Russian Demonstrations In The Crimea Region(18 of51)
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LUBIMOVKA, UKRAINE - MARCH 04: Unarmed Ukrainian troops rest on the Belbek airfield after they confronted soldiers under Russian command occupying the base in Crimea on March 4, 2014 in Lubimovka, Ukraine. The Ukrainians are stationed at their garrison nearby, and after spending a tense night anticipating a Russian attack following the expiration of a Russian deadline to surrender, in which family members of troops spent the night at the garrison gate in support of the soldiers, their commander Colonel Yuli Mamchor announced his bold plan this morning to retake the airfield by confronting the Russian-lead soldiers unarmed. The Russian-lead troops fired their weapons into the air but then granted Mamchor the beginning of negotiations with their commander. Russian-lead troops have blockaded a number of Ukrainian military bases across Crimea. (Photo by Sean Gallup/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Concerns Grow In Ukraine Over Pro Russian Demonstrations In The Crimea Region(19 of51)
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LUBIMOVKA, UKRAINE - MARCH 04: Unarmed Ukrainian troops rest on the Belbek airfield after they confronted soldiers under Russian command occupying the base in Crimea on March 4, 2014 in Lubimovka, Ukraine. The Ukrainians are stationed at their garrison nearby, and after spending a tense night anticipating a Russian attack following the expiration of a Russian deadline to surrender, in which family members of troops spent the night at the garrison gate in support of the soldiers, their commander Colonel Yuli Mamchor announced his bold plan this morning to retake the airfield by confronting the Russian-lead soldiers unarmed. The Russian-lead troops fired their weapons into the air but then granted Mamchor the beginning of negotiations with their commander. Russian-lead troops have blockaded a number of Ukrainian military bases across Crimea. (Photo by Sean Gallup/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Concerns Grow In Ukraine Over Pro Russian Demonstrations In The Crimea Region(20 of51)
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LUBIMOVKA, UKRAINE - MARCH 04: Unarmed Ukrainian troops stand at a road on the Belbek airfield after they confronted soldiers under Russian command occupying the base in Crimea on March 4, 2014 in Lubimovka, Ukraine. The Ukrainians are stationed at their garrison nearby, and after spending a tense night anticipating a Russian attack following the expiration of a Russian deadline to surrender, in which family members of troops spent the night at the garrison gate in support of the soldiers, their commander Colonel Yuli Mamchor announced his bold plan this morning to retake the airfield by confronting the Russian-lead soldiers unarmed. The Russian-lead troops fired their weapons into the air but then granted Mamchor the beginning of negotiations with their commander. Russian-lead troops have blockaded a number of Ukrainian military bases across Crimea. (Photo by Sean Gallup/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Concerns Grow In Ukraine Over Pro Russian Demonstrations In The Crimea Region(21 of51)
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LUBIMOVKA, UKRAINE - MARCH 04: Unarmed Ukrainian troops rest on the Belbek airfield after they confronted soldiers under Russian command occupying the base in Crimea on March 4, 2014 in Lubimovka, Ukraine. The Ukrainians are stationed at their garrison nearby, and after spending a tense night anticipating a Russian attack following the expiration of a Russian deadline to surrender, in which family members of troops spent the night at the garrison gate in support of the soldiers, their commander Colonel Yuli Mamchor announced his bold plan this morning to retake the airfield by confronting the Russian-lead soldiers unarmed. The Russian-lead troops fired their weapons into the air but then granted Mamchor the beginning of negotiations with their commander. Russian-lead troops have blockaded a number of Ukrainian military bases across Crimea. (Photo by Sean Gallup/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
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Russian (R) and Crimean flags flutter on top of the Crimean government building near a statue of Vladimir Lenin in Simferopol on March 4, 2014. Fears of an assault by Russian forces on Ukrainian military bases surrounded in Crimea did not materialise overnight, a Ukrainian defence ministry spokesman said Tuesday. \'The night was quiet,\' Vladyslav Seleznyov, the defence ministry spokesman for Crimea, told AFP in the regional capital Simferopol. AFP PHOTO / ALEXANDER NEMENOV (Photo credit should read ALEXANDER NEMENOV/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
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A man holds a red flag as Russian (R) and Crimean flags flutter on top of the Crimean government building near a statue of Vladimir Lenin in Simferopol on March 4, 2014. Fears of an assault by Russian forces on Ukrainian military bases surrounded in Crimea did not materialise overnight, a Ukrainian defence ministry spokesman said Tuesday. \'The night was quiet,\' Vladyslav Seleznyov, the defence ministry spokesman for Crimea, told AFP in the regional capital Simferopol. AFP PHOTO / ALEXANDER NEMENOV (Photo credit should read ALEXANDER NEMENOV/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Concerns Grow In Ukraine Over Pro Russian Demonstrations In The Crimea Region(24 of51)
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LUBIMOVKA, UKRAINE - MARCH 04: Unarmed Ukrainian troops bearing their regiment and the Ukrainian flags march to confront soldiers under Russian command occupying the Belbek airbase in Crimea on March 4, 2014 in Lubimovka, Ukraine. The Ukrainians are stationed at a garrison nearby, and after spending a tense night anticipating a Russian attack following the expiration of a Russian deadline to surrender, in which family members of troops spent the night at the garrison gate in support of the soldiers, their commander Colonel Yuli Mamchor announced his bold plan this morning to retake the airfield by confronting the Russian-lead soldiers unarmed. The Russian-lead troops fired their weapons into the air but then granted Mamchor the beginning of negotiations with their commander. Russian-lead troops have blockaded a number of Ukrainian military bases across Crimea. (Photo by Sean Gallup/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Concerns Grow In Ukraine Over Pro Russian Demonstrations In The Crimea Region(25 of51)
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LUBIMOVKA, UKRAINE - MARCH 04: Unarmed Ukrainian troops bearing their regiment and the Ukrainian flags march to confront soldiers under Russian command occupying the Belbek airbase in Crimea on March 4, 2014 in Lubimovka, Ukraine. The Ukrainians are stationed at a garrison nearby, and after spending a tense night anticipating a Russian attack following the expiration of a Russian deadline to surrender, in which family members of troops spent the night at the garrison gate in support of the soldiers, their commander Colonel Yuli Mamchor announced his bold plan this morning to retake the airfield by confronting the Russian-lead soldiers unarmed. The Russian-lead troops fired their weapons into the air but then granted Mamchor the beginning of negotiations with their commander. Russian-lead troops have blockaded a number of Ukrainian military bases across Crimea. (Photo by Sean Gallup/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Concerns Grow In Ukraine Over Pro Russian Demonstrations In The Crimea Region(26 of51)
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LUBIMOVKA, UKRAINE - MARCH 04: Colonel Yuli Mamchor (C), commander of the Ukrainian military garrison at the Belbek airbasespeaks with troops under Russian command occupying the Belbek airbase after Mamchor led over 100 of his unarmed, Ukrainian soldiers to confront the occupiers at the airfield in Crimea on March 4, 2014 in Lubimovka, Ukraine. The Ukrainians are stationed at their garrison nearby, and after spending a tense night anticipating a Russian attack following the expiration of a Russian deadline to surrender, in which family members of troops spent the night at the garrison gate in support of the soldiers, Mamchor announced his bold plan this morning to retake the airfield by confronting the Russian-lead soldiers unarmed. The Russian-lead troops fired their weapons into the air but then granted Mamchor the beginning of negotiations with their commander. Russian-lead troops have blockaded a number of Ukrainian military bases across Crimea. (Photo by Sean Gallup/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Concerns Grow In Ukraine Over Pro Russian Demonstrations In The Crimea Region(27 of51)
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LUBIMOVKA, UKRAINE - MARCH 04: Colonel Yuli Mamchor (L), commander of the Ukrainian military garrison at the Belbek airbase, walks past armed soldiers as he returns after speaking with troops under Russian command occupying the Belbek airbase after Mamchor led over 100 of his unarmed, Ukrainian soldiers to confront the occupiers at the airfield in Crimea on March 4, 2014 in Lubimovka, Ukraine. The Ukrainians are stationed at their garrison nearby, and after spending a tense night anticipating a Russian attack following the expiration of a Russian deadline to surrender, in which family members of troops spent the night at the garrison gate in support of the soldiers, Mamchor announced his bold plan this morning to retake the airfield by confronting the Russian-lead soldiers unarmed. The Russian-lead troops fired their weapons into the air but then granted Mamchor the beginning of negotiations with their commander. Russian-lead troops have blockaded a number of Ukrainian military bases across Crimea. (Photo by Sean Gallup/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Concerns Grow In Ukraine Over Pro Russian Demonstrations In The Crimea Region(28 of51)
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LUBIMOVKA, UKRAINE - MARCH 04: Unarmed Ukrainian troops listen to their commander speak before they marched to confront soldiers under Russian command occupying the nearby Belbek airfield in Crimea on March 4, 2014 in Lubimovka, Ukraine. The Ukrainians are stationed at their garrison nearby, and after spending a tense night anticipating a Russian attack following the expiration of a Russian deadline to surrender, in which family members of troops spent the night at the garrison gate in support of the soldiers, their commander Colonel Yuli Mamchor announced his bold plan this morning to retake the airfield by confronting the Russian-lead soldiers unarmed. The Russian-lead troops fired their weapons into the air but then granted Mamchor the beginning of negotiations with their commander. Russian-lead troops have blockaded a number of Ukrainian military bases across Crimea. (Photo by Sean Gallup/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Concerns Grow In Ukraine Over Pro Russian Demonstrations In The Crimea Region(29 of51)
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LUBIMOVKA, UKRAINE - MARCH 04: Colonel Yuli Mamchor, commander of the Ukrainian military garrison at the Belbek airbase, salutes before leading over 100 of his unarmed troops to retake the Belbek airfield from soldiers under Russian command in Crimea on March 4, 2014 in Lubimovka, Ukraine. After spending a tense night anticipating a Russian attack following the expiration of a Russian deadline to surrender, in which family members of troops spent the night at the garrison gate in support of the soldiers, Mamchor announced his bold plan to his soldiers early this morning. The Russian-lead troops fired their weapons into the air but then granted Mamchor the beginning of negotiations with their commander. Russian-lead troops have blockaded a number of Ukrainian military bases across Crimea. (Photo by Sean Gallup/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Concerns Grow In Ukraine Over Pro Russian Demonstrations In The Crimea Region(30 of51)
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LUBIMOVKA, UKRAINE - MARCH 04: Unarmed Ukrainian troops bearing their regiment and the Ukrainian flags march to confront soldiers under Russian command occupying the Belbek airbase in Crimea on March 4, 2014 in Lubimovka, Ukraine. The Ukrainians are stationed at a garrison nearby, and after spending a tense night anticipating a Russian attack following the expiration of a Russian deadline to surrender, in which family members of troops spent the night at the garrison gate in support of the soldiers, their commander Colonel Yuli Mamchor announced his bold plan this morning to retake the airfield by confronting the Russian-lead soldiers unarmed. The Russian-lead troops fired their weapons into the air but then granted Mamchor the beginning of negotiations with their commander. Russian-lead troops have blockaded a number of Ukrainian military bases across Crimea. (Photo by Sean Gallup/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Concerns Grow In Ukraine Over Pro Russian Demonstrations In The Crimea Region(31 of51)
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LUBIMOVKA, UKRAINE - MARCH 04: Colonel Yuli Mamchor, commander of the Ukrainian military garrison at the Belbek airbase, salutes before leading over 100 of his unarmed troops to retake the Belbek airfield from soldiers under Russian command in Crimea on March 4, 2014 in Lubimovka, Ukraine. After spending a tense night anticipating a Russian attack following the expiration of a Russian deadline to surrender, in which family members of troops spent the night at the garrison gate in support of the soldiers, Mamchor announced his bold plan to his soldiers early this morning. The Russian-lead troops fired their weapons into the air but then granted Mamchor the beginning of negotiations with their commander. Russian-lead troops have blockaded a number of Ukrainian military bases across Crimea. (Photo by Sean Gallup/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Concerns Grow In Ukraine Over Pro Russian Demonstrations In The Crimea Region(32 of51)
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LUBIMOVKA, UKRAINE - MARCH 04: A soldier (L) under Russian command watches as a group of ten Ukrainian troops pass to take positions in the airfield control after over 100 hundred unarmed Ukrainian troops marched up the Belbek airbase, which the Russian troops are occcupying, in Crimea on March 4, 2014 in Lubimovka, Ukraine. The Ukrainians are stationed at their garrison nearby, and after spending a tense night anticipating a Russian attack following the expiration of a Russian deadline to surrender, in which family members of troops spent the night at the garrison gate in support of the soldiers, their commander Colonel Yuli Mamchor announced his bold plan this morning to retake the airfield by confronting the Russian-lead soldiers unarmed. The Russian-lead troops fired their weapons into the air but then granted Mamchor the beginning of negotiations with their commander. Russian-lead troops have blockaded a number of Ukrainian military bases across Crimea. (Photo by Sean Gallup/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Concerns Grow In Ukraine Over Pro Russian Demonstrations In The Crimea Region(33 of51)
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LUBIMOVKA, UKRAINE - MARCH 04: A soldier under Russian command runs carrying a heavy machine gun to take up a position after a group of over 100 hundred unarmed Ukrainian troops appeared at the Belbek airbase, which the Russian troops are occcupying, in Crimea on March 4, 2014 in Lubimovka, Ukraine. The Ukrainians are stationed at their garrison nearby, and after spending a tense night anticipating a Russian attack following the expiration of a Russian deadline to surrender, in which family members of troops spent the night at the garrison gate in support of the soldiers, their commander Colonel Yuli Mamchor announced his bold plan this morning to retake the airfield by confronting the Russian-lead soldiers unarmed. The Russian-lead troops fired their weapons into the air but then granted Mamchor the beginning of negotiations with their commander. Russian-lead troops have blockaded a number of Ukrainian military bases across Crimea. (Photo by Sean Gallup/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Concerns Grow In Ukraine Over Pro Russian Demonstrations In The Crimea Region(34 of51)
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LUBIMOVKA, UKRAINE - MARCH 04: A soldier under Russian command aims a rocket propelled grenade launcher at a group of over 100 hundred unarmed Ukrainian troops who appeared at the Belbek airbase, which the Russian troops are occcupying, in Crimea on March 4, 2014 in Lubimovka, Ukraine. The Ukrainians are stationed at their garrison nearby, and after spending a tense night anticipating a Russian attack following the expiration of a Russian deadline to surrender, in which family members of troops spent the night at the garrison gate in support of the soldiers, their commander Colonel Yuli Mamchor announced his bold plan this morning to retake the airfield by confronting the Russian-lead soldiers unarmed. The Russian-lead troops fired their weapons into the air but then granted Mamchor the beginning of negotiations with their commander. Russian-lead troops have blockaded a number of Ukrainian military bases across Crimea. (Photo by Sean Gallup/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
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Standoff at Belbek (credit:@AnshelPfeffer and @haaretzcom)
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More #Russia army on road today. BTRs, jeeps, trucks. #Crimea #Ukraine (credit:@AnshelPfeffer and @haaretzcom)
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Belbek airbase. Half the base surrendered to the Russians. The other is still holding out. (credit:@AnshelPfeffer and @haaretzcom)
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Marching to the runway #Belbek #Crimea #Ukraine (credit:@AnshelPfeffer and @haaretzcom)
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Wives of the officers are camping out by the gates of Belbek airbase and serving as human shields #Crimea #Ukraine (credit:@AnshelPfeffer and @haaretzcom)
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(credit:@AnshelPfeffer and @haaretzcom)
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Stirring scenes at morning parade in Belbek airbase. Raising of #Ukraine flag. (credit:@AnshelPfeffer and @haaretzcom)
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Family and friends of Ukrainian soldiers at the Belbek military base, anticipating a possible Russian attack, block the entrance to the main gate after someone claimed to have spotted a Russian army truck passing nearby on March 3, 2014 in Lubimovka, Ukraine. Tensions at the base, where between 100 and 200 Ukrainian soldiers are stationed, are high as a 4pm deadline reportedly given by Russian troops for the Ukrainians to surrender passed and locals feared the Russians might attack tonight. Many of the soldiers have family that live in apartment blocks just outside the base and about two dozen family members braved the cold ready to block the road to the base entrance should the Russians appear. (Photo by Sean Gallup/Getty Images)
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Colonel Yuli Mamchuk, Balbek base commander reviewing his men at morning parade #Crimea #Ukraine (credit:@AnshelPfeffer and @haaretzcom)
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Men of #Ukraine Air Force, Belbek base about to march back to their aircraft which were captured yesterday by #Russia (credit:@AnshelPfeffer and @haaretzcom)
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Colonel Mamchuk talks with Russian officers, demanding to be allowed access to the planes (credit:@AnshelPfeffer and @haaretzcom)
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Standoff not over yet @ #Belbek #Russia & #Ukraine facing each other, not moving Dozens of guns trained on Ukrainians (credit:@AnshelPfeffer and @haaretzcom)
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Talks with Russians failed. Ukrainian soldiers at Belbek prepare to march to their aircraft under threat of gunfire (credit:@AnshelPfeffer and @haaretzcom)
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Wives of Ukrainian officers prepare to join the men marching on Belbek airbase (credit:@AnshelPfeffer and @haaretzcom)
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Standoff at Belbek continues. Russian commander said would respond to Ukrainian demand by Noon. #Ukraine #Crimea (credit:@AnshelPfeffer and @haaretzcom)
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Ukrainian soldiers in Belbek staying put but allowed to break ranks and smoke #Crimea #Ukraine (credit:@AnshelPfeffer and @haaretzcom)
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Ukrainian soldiers & wives discussing meaning of #Russia statement - units return to base. Does it mean also #Crimea?
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