
Adanna Austin

Business Coach/Consultant

Adanna Austin is a Business Coach and Consultant from the twin Island Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. She works 1 on 1 with entrepreneurs to develop a winning mindset to run their business, develop SMART goals, identify their ideal clients and develop strategies to generate revenue and grow their business. She is also an avid writer and blogger who has a weekly blog that shares valuable information about business for entrepreneurs. She runs her own business called Marketing Dynamics Business Solutions and manages an enthusiastic facebook group of over 300 entrepreneurs called Dynamic Business Strategist. The group was established for entrepreneurs who want to learn, need support and added motivation as they grow their business. As a business owner, Adanna holds multiple mastermind group meetings every year to help businesses network and grow their resources. As a writer, she has contributed to many local and regional publications including Caribbean Beat, Maco Magazine, She Caribbean and Shabeau to name a few where she wrote about a myriad of topics including health, tourist vacations, family life and women issues. Website: Facebook Group: Dynamic Business Strategist Blog: