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Barack Obama et Mitt Romney face au défi de l'économie

Obama et Romney face au défi de l'économie
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ÉLECTIONS AMÉRICAINES - C'était le grand sujet de campagne américaine, encore plus que par le passé. Le président Obama, élu en novembre 2008 et entré en fonction en janvier 2009, a dû faire face à un taux de chômage élevé et une dette en constante augmentation. Il retrouve aujourd'hui des électeurs aux abois. "In this economy" est devenu l'expression toute faite la plus utilisée par des Américains déprimés.

S'il y a un consensus sur le fait que Barack Obama a pris la crise de plein fouet, son action économique a été perçue comme mal préparée. Sous le feu des critiques républicaines: son parcours de juriste et d'universitaire. Basée sur un discours économique flamboyant, la victoire démocrate de 2008 ne pourra pas être rééditée avec les mêmes recettes.

De son côté, Mitt Romney profite de son profil d'entrepreneur à l'américaine, et prétend posséder l'expérience de la gestion qui pourra sortir son pays du marasme.

Le démocrate Obama a-t-il vraiment flanché sur l'économie lors de son premier mandat ? Le républicain Mitt Romney est-il au contraire plus à même de faire valoir son expérience ? Voici l'analyse des capacités et compétences économiques des deux candidats.


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  • EMPLOI: Hémorragie stoppée, mais peut mieux faire

Arrivé au pouvoir au début de la crise la plus grave depuis 1929, le natif d'Hawaï ne pouvait accomplir de miracles. Pointant à 8% lors de sa prise de fonction en janvier 2009, le chômage américain navigue aujourd'hui à 7,9% selon le dernier rapport sur l'emploi. Statu-quo, donc, auquel il faut rajouter un pic à 10,2% lors de l'année 2009. Du jamais vu depuis les années 1930.

L'administration Obama aura pour elle d'être parvenue à stopper l'hémorragie du chômage. On reste toutefois à un niveau critique pour les Etats-Unis, qui tournent habituellement autour d'un taux proche de 5% en période de plein-emploi. 23 millions d'Américains sont actuellement sans travail.

  • DETTE: La descente aux enfers

C'est un des critères qui pourrait faire chuter Obama, en plein débat autour du relèvement du plafond de la dette. Déjà augmenté par un accord de dernière minute conclu entre démocrates et républicains au Congrès début août 2011, il sera à nouveau atteint d'ici la fin de l'année.

Proche des 16.394 milliards de dollars fixés pas le Congrès, la dette américaine était de 10.600 milliards lors de l'arrivée de Barack Obama à la Maison-Blanche. Soit un bond de 51% en l'espace de quatre ans. Pour rappel, la dette américaine avait subi une augmentation de 85% entre 2000 et 2008, sous la présidence de George W. Bush.

Encore une fois, le président sortant peut se cacher derrière les effets indirects de la crise financière et économique. Le plan Paulson d'octobre 2008, qui avait stoppé le premier tremblement de terre de la crise, a pesé 780 milliards de dollars dans les comptes de l'Etat. Il faut aussi rajouter les 2300 milliards de dollars injectés entre 2008 et 2012 par la Réserve fédérale pour racheter des bonds du Trésor.


Concernant l'immobilier, cœur de la crise des subprimes, la situation est restée mauvaise mais nous voyons poindre une petite reprise, 4 ans après que la bulle ait éclaté. En effet, les prix ont commencé à remonter cette année et cela est une très bonne nouvelle puisque cela pourrait signifier qu'un nouveau cycle économique vertueux se met doucement en place... Mais grâce à la FED qui fait marcher la planche à billet pour racheter les actifs adossés au marché immobilier (voir la dette ci-dessus).

La croissance est revenue ces dernières années avec +3% en 2010 et +1,7 % l'année dernière. Elle devrait être similaire cette année et ne pas dépasser les 2%. Les chiffres du quatrième trimestre sont toujours attendus. Mauvais bilan par contre au niveau du salaire moyen puisque ce dernier a reculé pour s'inscrire à 51.000 dollars contre 55.000 dollars en 2009 et le taux de pauvreté a bondi de 15%, le plus haut depuis plus de 20 ans.


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  • WALL STREET: Le favori des marchés

Fondateur du fonds d'investissements Bain Capital, homme d'affaires avant de devenir homme politique, Mitt Romney est au contraire largement perçu sur la place new-yorkaise comme "un homme aux vues politiquement favorables" aux entreprises et au marché.

Après quatre années d'une présidence "particulièrement dure à l'égard du monde de la finance, Obama a perdu Wall Street", résume Christopher Low, de FTN Financial, qui évoque pêle-mêle un arsenal réglementaire très lourd, un personnel politique "agressif" vis-à-vis des entreprises, et le discours très "critique" du président lui-même.

  • EXPÉRIENCE: Un entrepreneur contesté

Afin de faire avancer les choses, ce qui est souvent difficile à Washington, Mitt Romney comptera sur ses compétences aiguisées pendant un quart de siècle en dirigeant une société, Bain Capital, les Jeux olympiques d'hiver de Salt Lake City en 2002, et en étant gouverneur du Massachusetts de 2003 à 2007. De ces expériences, le multi-millionnaire mormon a acquis une réputation -auprès de ses partisans comme de ses détracteurs- de manager déléguant des responsabilités à un petit groupe de fidèles.

Mais ce CV a des limites. David Stockman, qui fut directeur du budget pour Ronald Reagan, estime que l'expérience de Mitt Romney à la tête de Bain Capital ne préfigure en rien de sa capacité à restaurer l'économie américaine en créant des emplois, bien au contraire. Pour ce républicain au solide pedigree, "Mitt Romney n'était pas un entrepreneur. Il était un maître de la spéculation financière qui achetait, vendait et retournait et vidait des entreprises".

  • PROJET BUDGÉTAIRE: Pas crédible

Sa principale direction: réduire le budget fédéral à 20% du PIB d'ici 2016. Mitt Romney relève que c'était son niveau moyen avant la crise, alors qu'il est monté à 24% en 2011. Pour y parvenir, il envisage des coupes budgétaires de 500 milliards de dollars par an et une croissance de 4% par an dès l'année prochaine. Outre l'abolition de la loi "Obamacare", il préconise ainsi la privatisation d'Amtrak, la compagnie ferroviaire publique, pour un gain attendu de 1,6 milliard de dollars. En revanche, il veut augmenter les dépenses militaires pour les porter à un niveau minimum de 4% du PIB.

Selon David Stockman, déjà cité plus haut, la politique budgétaire du ticket républicain est irréaliste. Elle est même dépourvue de "calculs crédibles et de choix politiques courageux." Parallèlement, Martin Wolf, éditorialiste économique au Financial Times, la décrit comme "montée à court terme, inadaptée et incomplète, et à long terme, dépourvue de toute crédibilité. Un tel projet est peut-être de bonne guerre, mais c'est de la mauvaise politique."


U.S. Citizens Head To The Polls To Vote In Presidential Election
Mitt Romney, Ann Romney(01 of105)
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Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney kisses wife Ann Romney after they voted in Belmont, Mass., Tuesday, Nov. 6, 2012.(AP Photo/Charles Dharapak) (credit:AP)
Mitt Romney, Ann Romney(02 of105)
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Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and wife Ann Romney vote in Belmont, Mass., Tuesday, Nov. 6, 2012. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak) (credit:AP)
Mitt Romney, Ann Romney(03 of105)
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Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and wife Ann Romney arrive to vote in Belmont, Mass., Tuesday, Nov. 6, 2012.(AP Photo/Charles Dharapak) (credit:AP)
Mitt Romney(04 of105)
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Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and his wife Ann Romney emerge after they voted in Belmont, Mass., Tuesday, Nov. 6, 2012. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak) (credit:AP)
Mitt Romney(05 of105)
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Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney waves as he arrives at a polling station to vote in Belmont, Mass., Tuesday, Nov. 6, 2012. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak) (credit:AP)
Mitt Romney, Ann Romney(06 of105)
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Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, and his wife Ann Romney vote at a polling station in Belmont, Mass., Tuesday, Nov. 6, 2012. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak) (credit:AP)
Joe Biden(07 of105)
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Vice President Joe Biden exits a voting booth after casting his ballot at Alexis I. duPont High School, Tuesday, Nov. 6, 2012, in Greenville, Del. (AP Photo/Matt Rourke) (credit:AP)
Joe Biden(08 of105)
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Vice President Joe Biden waves as he exits a voting booth after casting his ballot at Alexis I. duPont High School, Tuesday, Nov. 6, 2012, in Greenville, Del. (AP Photo/Matt Rourke) (credit:AP)
Joe Biden(09 of105)
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Vice President Joe Biden exits a voting booth after casting his ballot at Alexis I. duPont High School, Tuesday, Nov. 6, 2012, in Greenville, Del. (AP Photo/Matt Rourke) (credit:AP)
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A person walks through a makeshift shelter in a gymnasium at Toms River East High School as they arrive to vote Tuesday, Nov. 6, 2012, in Toms River, N.J. N.J. Voter turnout was heavy in several storm-ravaged Jersey Shore towns, with many voters expressing relief and even elation at being able to vote at all, considering the devastation. (AP Photo/Mel Evans) (credit:AP)
Don Dunkelburger(11 of105)
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Don Dunkelburger, of Seaside Heights, N.J., takes a smoke break outside a shelter and polling station at Toms River East High School Tuesday, Nov. 6, 2012. Dunkelburger, who lost his home and was staying in the shelter, said he was not clear on where he was supposed to vote Tuesday. (AP Photo/Mel Evans) (credit:AP)
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Snow surrounds the polling precinct in Terra Alta, W.Va., as Peter Hough heads to work after casting his ballot on Election Day, Tuesday, Nov. 6, 2012. (AP Photo/Dave Martin) (credit:AP)
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A person walks through a makeshift shelter in a gymnasium at Toms River East High School as they arrive to vote Tuesday, Nov. 6, 2012, in Toms River, N.J. (AP Photo/Mel Evans) (credit:AP)
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Voters wait in line to cast their ballots at the Mauldin Fire Station on Election Day, Tuesday, Nov. 6, 2012, in Mauldin, S.C. (AP Photo/Rainier Ehrhardt) (credit:AP)
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Voters fill out their ballots under a tent at a consolidated polling station for residents of the Rockaways on election day, Tuesday, Nov. 6, 2012, in the Queens borough of New York. Election Day turnout was heavy in several storm-ravaged areas in New York and New Jersey, with many voters expressing relief and even elation at being able to vote at all, considering the devastation. (AP Photo/Jason DeCrow) (credit:AP)
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Voters wait in line to cast their ballots at the Mauldin Fire Station on Election Day, Tuesday, Nov. 6, 2012, in Mauldin, S.C. (AP Photo/Rainier Ehrhardt) (credit:AP)
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Voters cast their ballots whils others wait in line at the Mauldin Fire Station on Election Day, Tuesday, Nov. 6, 2012, in Mauldin, S.C. (AP Photo/Rainier Ehrhardt) (credit:AP)
Joe Biden(18 of105)
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Vice President Joe Biden exits with his wife Jill Biden after voting at Alexis I. duPont High School, Tuesday, Nov. 6, 2012, in Greenville, Del. (AP Photo/Matt Rourke) (credit:AP)
Joe Biden(19 of105)
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Vice President Joe Biden speaks with members of the media after voting at Alexis I. duPont High School, Tuesday, Nov. 6, 2012, in Greenville, Del. (AP Photo/Matt Rourke) (credit:AP)
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Election workers help a voter, right, finalize his affidavit ballot at a consolidated polling station for residents of the Rockaways on Election Day, Tuesday, Nov. 6, 2012, in the Queens borough of New York. Election Day turnout was heavy in several storm-ravaged areas in New York and New Jersey, with many voters expressing relief and even elation at being able to vote at all, considering the devastation. (AP Photo/Jason DeCrow) (credit:AP)
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James Ventresca, left, and Claudia Welch fill out their ballots at Town Hall on Election Day, Tuesday, Nov. 6, 2012 in Calais, Vt. (AP Photo/Toby Talbot) (credit:AP)
Victoria Collwell(22 of105)
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Election Judge Victoria Collwell places a \"vote here\" sign in the ground in front of the Argusville Firehall Community Center in rural Cass County just before the polls open on Election Day in Argusville, N.D, Tuesday, Nov. 6, 2012. (AP Photo/LM Otero) (credit:AP)
Joe Biden(23 of105)
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Vice President Joe Biden steps into a voting booth to cast his ballot at Alexis I. duPont High School, Tuesday, Nov. 6, 2012, in Greenville, Del. (AP Photo/Matt Rourke) (credit:AP)
Scott Brown(24 of105)
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U.S. Sen. Scott Brown, R-Mass., picks up his ballot with his daughter Arianna, left, to cast his vote in Wrentham, Mass., on Election Day, Tuesday, Nov. 6, 2012. Brown is facing Democratic candidate Elizabeth Warren for the U.S. Senate. (AP Photo/Gretchen Ertl) (credit:AP)
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Voters check in before casting their ballots under a tent at a consolidated polling station for residents of the Rockaways on Election Day, Tuesday, Nov. 6, 2012, in the Queens borough of New York. Election Day turnout was heavy in several storm-ravaged areas in New York and New Jersey, with many voters expressing relief and even elation at being able to vote at all, considering the devastation. (AP Photo/Jason DeCrow) (credit:AP)
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Voters line up before dawn at the Washington Mill Elementary School near Mount Vernon in Fairfax County, Va., Tuesday, Nov. 6, 2012. Fairfax County is a Washington suburb and is the biggest battleground in Virginia, which is a key swing state in Tuesday\'s presidential and senator election. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite) (credit:AP)
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Election workers help a voter, right, finalize his affidavit ballot at a consolidated polling station for residents of the Rockaways on Election Day, Tuesday, Nov. 6, 2012, in the Queens borough of New York. Election Day turnout was heavy in several storm-ravaged areas in New York and New Jersey, with many voters expressing relief and even elation at being able to vote at all, considering the devastation. (AP Photo/Jason DeCrow) (credit:AP)
US-VOTE-2012-ELECTION DAY(28 of105)
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Voters wait outside the Metropolitan AME Church polling station to cast their ballots in Washington, DC on November 6, 2012. Americans headed to the polls Tuesday after a burst of last-minute campaigning by President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney in a nail-biting contest unlikely to heal a deeply polarized nation. AFP PHOTO/Mladen ANTONOV (Photo credit should read MLADEN ANTONOV/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
U.S. Citizens Head To The Polls To Vote In Presidential Election(29 of105)
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MANCHESTER, NH - NOVEMBER 6: Tom Hoisington (R) raises his right hand along with grandson Tonykus Hebert, 6, after being registered to vote at the Bishop Leo O\'Neil Youth Center on November 6, 2012 in Manchester, New Hampshire. The swing state of New Hampshire is recognised to be a hotly contested battleground that offers 4 electoral votes, as recent polls predict that the race between U.S. President Barack Obama and Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney remains tight. (Photo by Darren McCollester/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
U.S. Citizens Head To The Polls To Vote In Presidential Election(30 of105)
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ALEXANDRIA, VA - NOVEMBER 06: People wait inside Washington Mill Elementary School to cast their vote in the U.S. presidential race, on November 6, 2012, in Alexandria, Virginia. Recent polls show that U.S. President Barack Obama and Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney are in a tight race. (Photo by Patrick Smith/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
U.S. Citizens Head To The Polls To Vote In Presidential Election(31 of105)
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ALEXANDRIA, VA - NOVEMBER 06: People wait inside Washington Mill Elementary School to cast their vote in the U.S. presidential race, on November 6, 2012, in Alexandria, Virginia. Recent polls show that U.S. President Barack Obama and Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney are in a tight race. (Photo by Patrick Smith/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
U.S. Citizens Head To The Polls To Vote In Presidential Election(32 of105)
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ALEXANDRIA, VA - NOVEMBER 06: People wait inside Washington Mill Elementary School to cast their vote in the U.S. presidential race, on November 6, 2012, in Alexandria, Virginia. Recent polls show that U.S. President Barack Obama and Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney are in a tight race. (Photo by Patrick Smith/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
U.S. Citizens Head To The Polls To Vote In Presidential Election(33 of105)
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MANCHESTER, NH - NOVEMBER 6: Voters cast their ballots at the Bishop Leo O\'Neil Youth Center on November 6, 2012 in Manchester, New Hampshire. The swing state of New Hampshire is recognised to be a hotly contested battleground that offers 4 electoral votes, as recent polls predict that the race between U.S. President Barack Obama and Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney remains tight. (Photo by Darren McCollester/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
U.S. Citizens Head To The Polls To Vote In Presidential Election(34 of105)
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MANCHESTER, NH - NOVEMBER 6: Voters cast their ballots at the Bishop Leo O\'Neil Youth Center on November 6, 2012 in Manchester, New Hampshire. The swing state of New Hampshire is recognised to be a hotly contested battleground that offers 4 electoral votes, as recent polls predict that the race between U.S. President Barack Obama and Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney remains tight. (Photo by Darren McCollester/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
U.S. Citizens Head To The Polls To Vote In Presidential Election(35 of105)
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MANCHESTER, NH - NOVEMBER 6: Voters cast their ballots at the Bishop Leo O\'Neil Youth Center on November 6, 2012 in Manchester, New Hampshire. The swing state of New Hampshire is recognised to be a hotly contested battleground that offers 4 electoral votes, as recent polls predict that the race between U.S. President Barack Obama and Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney remains tight. (Photo by Darren McCollester/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
U.S. Citizens Head To The Polls To Vote In Presidential Election(36 of105)
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STERLING HEIGHTS, MI, - NOVEMBER 6: A young boy reads a book while his parent votes in the U.S. presidential election at Carleton Middle School November 6, 2012 in Sterling Heights, Michigan. Recent polls show that U.S. President Barack Obama and Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney are in a tight race. (Photo by Bill Pugliano/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
U.S. Citizens Head To The Polls To Vote In Presidential Election(37 of105)
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MANCHESTER, NH - NOVEMBER 6: Voters cast their ballots at the Bishop Leo O\'Neil Youth Center on November 6, 2012 in Manchester, New Hampshire. The swing state of New Hampshire is recognised to be a hotly contested battleground that offers 4 electoral votes, as recent polls predict that the race between U.S. President Barack Obama and Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney remains tight. (Photo by Darren McCollester/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
U.S. Citizens Head To The Polls To Vote In Presidential Election(38 of105)
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MANCHESTER, NH - NOVEMBER 6: Voters cast their ballots at the Bishop Leo O\'Neil Youth Center on November 6, 2012 in Manchester, New Hampshire. The swing state of New Hampshire is recognised to be a hotly contested battleground that offers 4 electoral votes, as recent polls predict that the race between U.S. President Barack Obama and Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney remains tight. (Photo by Darren McCollester/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
U.S. Citizens Head To The Polls To Vote In Presidential Election(39 of105)
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MANCHESTER, NH - NOVEMBER 6: Voters cast their ballots at the Bishop Leo O\'Neil Youth Center on November 6, 2012 in Manchester, New Hampshire. The swing state of New Hampshire is recognised to be a hotly contested battleground that offers 4 electoral votes, as recent polls predict that the race between U.S. President Barack Obama and Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney remains tight. (Photo by Darren McCollester/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
U.S. Citizens Head To The Polls To Vote In Presidential Election(40 of105)
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ALEXANDRIA, VA - NOVEMBER 06: People wait inside Washington Mill Elementary School to cast their vote in the U.S. presidential race, on November 6, 2012, in Alexandria, Virginia. Recent polls show that U.S. President Barack Obama and Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney are in a tight race. (Photo by Patrick Smith/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
U.S. Citizens Head To The Polls To Vote In Presidential Election(41 of105)
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MANCHESTER, NH - NOVEMBER 6: Tom Hoisington (R) raises his right hand along with grandson Tonykus Hebert, 6, after being registered to vote at the Bishop Leo O\'Neil Youth Center on November 6, 2012 in Manchester, New Hampshire. The swing state of New Hampshire is recognised to be a hotly contested battleground that offers 4 electoral votes, as recent polls predict that the race between U.S. President Barack Obama and Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney remains tight. (Photo by Darren McCollester/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
US-VOTE-2012-ELECTION(42 of105)
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A poll worker (L) helps a voter (R) with her ballot in the US presidential election November 6, 2012 at a polling station in Chicago, Illinois. The final national polls showed an effective tie, with either US President Barack Obama or Republican challenger Mitt Romney favored by a single point in most surveys, reflecting the polarized politics of a deeply divided nation. AFP PHOTO / Robyn Beck (Photo credit should read ROBYN BECK/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
US-VOTE-2012-ELECTION(43 of105)
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Citizens vote in the US presidential election November 6, 2012 at a polling station in Chicago, Illinois. The final national polls showed an effective tie, with either US President Barack Obama or Republican challenger Mitt Romney favored by a single point in most surveys, reflecting the polarized politics of a deeply divided nation. AFP PHOTO / Robyn Beck (Photo credit should read ROBYN BECK/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
US-VOTE-2012-ELECTION DAY(44 of105)
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Voters wait outside the Metropolitan AME Church polling station to cast their ballots in Washington, DC on November 6, 2012. Americans headed to the polls Tuesday after a burst of last-minute campaigning by President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney in a nail-biting contest unlikely to heal a deeply polarized nation. AFP PHOTO/Mladen ANTONOV (Photo credit should read MLADEN ANTONOV/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
US-VOTE-2012-ELECTION(45 of105)
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A voter prepares to cast her vote in the US presidential election November 6, 2012 at a polling station in Chicago, Illinois. The final national polls showed an effective tie, with either US President Barack Obama or Republican challenger Mitt Romney favored by a single point in most surveys, reflecting the polarized politics of a deeply divided nation. AFP PHOTO / Robyn Beck (Photo credit should read ROBYN BECK/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
U.S. Citizens Head To The Polls To Vote In Presidential Election(46 of105)
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MANCHESTER, NH - NOVEMBER 6: Voters cast their ballots at the Bishop Leo O\'Neil Youth Center on November 6, 2012 in Manchester, New Hampshire. The swing state of New Hampshire is recognised to be a hotly contested battleground that offers 4 electoral votes, as recent polls predict that the race between U.S. President Barack Obama and Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney remains tight. (Photo by Darren McCollester/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
US-VOTE-2012-ELECTION(47 of105)
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Citizens wait in line to vote in the US presidential election November 6, 2012 at a polling station in a senior appartment complex in Chicago, Illinois. The final national polls showed an effective tie, with either US President Barack Obama or Republican challenger Mitt Romney favored by a single point in most surveys, reflecting the polarized politics of a deeply divided nation. AFP PHOTO / Robyn Beck (Photo credit should read ROBYN BECK/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
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A voter casts her ballot at one of five machines at the Stonewall Middle School November 6, 2012 in Manassas, Prince William County, Virginia. After a long and bitter White House campaign, Americans began casting their votes on Tuesday with polls showing President Barack Obama and Republican challenger Mitt Romney neck-and-neck in an election that will be decided in a handful of states. AFP PHOTO/Karen BLEIER (Photo credit should read KAREN BLEIER/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
U.S. Citizens Head To The Polls To Vote In Presidential Election(49 of105)
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MANCHESTER, NH - NOVEMBER 6: Voters cast their ballots at the Bishop Leo O\'Neil Youth Center on November 6, 2012 in Manchester, New Hampshire. The swing state of New Hampshire is recognised to be a hotly contested battleground that offers 4 electoral votes, as recent polls predict that the race between U.S. President Barack Obama and Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney remains tight. (Photo by Darren McCollester/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
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Voters cast their ballots at the Stonewall Middle School November 6, 2012 in Manassas, Prince William County, Virginia. After a long and bitter White House campaign, Americans began casting their votes on Tuesday with polls showing President Barack Obama and Republican challenger Mitt Romney neck-and-neck in an election that will be decided in a handful of states. AFP PHOTO/Karen BLEIER (Photo credit should read KAREN BLEIER/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
US-VOTE-2012-ELECTION(51 of105)
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Citizens wait in line to vote in the US presidential election November 6, 2012 at a polling station in a senior appartment complex in Chicago, Illinois. The final national polls showed an effective tie, with either US President Barack Obama or Republican challenger Mitt Romney favored by a single point in most surveys, reflecting the polarized politics of a deeply divided nation. AFP PHOTO / Robyn Beck (Photo credit should read ROBYN BECK/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
U.S. Citizens Head To The Polls To Vote In Presidential Election(52 of105)
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STERLING HEIGHTS, MI, - NOVEMBER 6: A U.S. citizen votes in the presidential election at Carleton Middle School November 6, 2012 in Sterling Heights, Michigan. Recent polls show that U.S. President Barack Obama and Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney are in a tight race. (Photo by Bill Pugliano/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
U.S. Citizens Head To The Polls To Vote In Presidential Election(53 of105)
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ST. PETERSBURG, FL - NOVEMBER 6: Voters wait in line and the rain to cast their vote on November 6, 2012 in St. Petersburg, Florida. The swing state of Florida is recognised to be a hotly contested battleground that offers 29 electoral votes, as recent polls predict that the race between U.S. President Barack Obama and Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney remains tight. (Photo by Edward Linsmier/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
US-VOTE-2012-ELECTION DAY(54 of105)
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Voters wait outside the Metropolitan AME Church polling station to cast their ballots in Washington, DC on November 6, 2012. Americans headed to the polls Tuesday after a burst of last-minute campaigning by President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney in a nail-biting contest unlikely to heal a deeply polarized nation. AFP PHOTO/Mladen ANTONOV (Photo credit should read MLADEN ANTONOV/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
U.S. Citizens Head To The Polls To Vote In Presidential Election(55 of105)
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ST. PETERSBURG, FL - NOVEMBER 6: Lines of voters wait to cast their ballots as the polls open on November 6, 2012 in St. Petersburg, Florida. The swing state of Florida is recognised to be a hotly contested battleground that offers 29 electoral votes, as recent polls predict that the race between U.S. President Barack Obama and Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney remains tight. (Photo by Edward Linsmier/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
U.S. Citizens Head To The Polls To Vote In Presidential Election(56 of105)
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STERLING HEIGHTS, MI, - NOVEMBER 6: A young boy reads a book while his parent votes in the U.S. presidential election at Carleton Middle School November 6, 2012 in Sterling Heights, Michigan. Recent polls show that U.S. President Barack Obama and Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney are in a tight race. (Photo by Bill Pugliano/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
U.S. Citizens Head To The Polls To Vote In Presidential Election(57 of105)
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ST. PETERSBURG, FL - NOVEMBER 6: Lines of voters wait to cast their ballots as the polls open on November 6, 2012 in St. Petersburg, Florida. The swing state of Florida is recognised to be a hotly contested battleground that offers 29 electoral votes, as recent polls predict that the race between U.S. President Barack Obama and Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney remains tight. (Photo by Edward Linsmier/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
U.S. Citizens Head To The Polls To Vote In Presidential Election(58 of105)
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ST. PETERSBURG, FL - NOVEMBER 6: Lines of voters wait to cast their ballots as the polls open on November 6, 2012 in St. Petersburg, Florida. The swing state of Florida is recognised to be a hotly contested battleground that offers 29 electoral votes, as recent polls predict that the race between U.S. President Barack Obama and Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney remains tight. (Photo by Edward Linsmier/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
U.S. Citizens Head To The Polls To Vote In Presidential Election(59 of105)
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ST. PETERSBURG, FL - NOVEMBER 6: Voters wait to cast their ballots on November 6, 2012 in St. Petersburg, Florida. The swing state of Florida is recognised to be a hotly contested battleground that offers 29 electoral votes, as recent polls predict that the race between U.S. President Barack Obama and Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney remains tight. (Photo by Edward Linsmier/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
US-VOTE-2012-ELECTION DAY(60 of105)
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Voters kiss while waiting outside the polling station to cast their ballots at Metropolitan AME Church in Washington, DC on November 6, 2012. Americans headed to the polls Tuesday after a burst of last-minute campaigning by President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney in a nail-biting contest unlikely to heal a deeply polarized nation. AFP PHOTO/Mladen ANTONOV (Photo credit should read MLADEN ANTONOV/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
US-VOTE-2012-ELECTION (61 of105)
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Voters wait outside the polling station to cast their ballots at Metropolitan AME Church in Washington, DC on November 6, 2012. Americans headed to the polls Tuesday after a burst of last-minute campaigning by President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney in a nail-biting contest unlikely to heal a deeply polarized nation. AFP PHOTO/Mladen ANTONOV (Photo credit should read MLADEN ANTONOV/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
U.S. Citizens Head To The Polls To Vote In Presidential Election(62 of105)
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MANCHESTER, NH - NOVEMBER 6: People are helped with same day registration as voters cast their ballots at the Bishop Leo O\'Neil Youth Center on November 6, 2012 in Manchester, New Hampshire. The swing state of New Hampshire is recognised to be a hotly contested battleground that offers 4 electoral votes, as recent polls predict that the race between U.S. President Barack Obama and Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney remains tight. (Photo by Darren McCollester/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
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Voters wait to vote at the Stonewall Middle School November 6, 2012 in Manassas, Prince William County, Virginia. After a long and bitter White House campaign, Americans began casting their votes on Tuesday with polls showing President Barack Obama and Republican challenger Mitt Romney neck-and-neck in an election that will be decided in a handful of states. AFP PHOTO/Karen BLEIER (Photo credit should read KAREN BLEIER/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
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Election officials(R) verify addresses of voters at the Stonewall Middle School November 6, 2012 in Manassas, Prince William County, Virginia. After a long and bitter White House campaign, Americans began casting their votes on Tuesday with polls showing President Barack Obama and Republican challenger Mitt Romney neck-and-neck in an election that will be decided in a handful of states. AFP PHOTO/Karen BLEIER (Photo credit should read KAREN BLEIER/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
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Voters cast their ballots at the Stonewall Middle School November 6, 2012 in Manassas, Prince William County, Virginia. After a long and bitter White House campaign, Americans began casting their votes on Tuesday with polls showing President Barack Obama and Republican challenger Mitt Romney neck-and-neck in an election that will be decided in a handful of states. AFP PHOTO/Karen BLEIER (Photo credit should read KAREN BLEIER/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
US-VOTE-2012-ELECTION(66 of105)
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People wait in line to vote at a polling station in a senior appartment complex in Chicago, Illinois in the US presidential election November 6, 2012 . The final national polls showed an effective tie, with either US President Barack Obama or Republican challenger Mitt Romney favored by a single point in most surveys, reflecting the polarized politics of a deeply divided nation. AFP PHOTO / Robyn Beck (Photo credit should read ROBYN BECK/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
US-VOTE-2012-ELECTION(67 of105)
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A elderly woman holds her voting receipt after voting at a polling station in a senior appartment complex in Chicago, Illinois in the US presidential election November 6, 2012 . The final national polls showed an effective tie, with either US President Barack Obama or Republican challenger Mitt Romney favored by a single point in most surveys, reflecting the polarized politics of a deeply divided nation. AFP PHOTO / Robyn Beck (Photo credit should read ROBYN BECK/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
US-VOTE-2012-ELECTION (68 of105)
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Voters wait outside the polling station to cast their ballots at Metropolitan AME Church in Washington, DC on November 6, 2012. Americans headed to the polls Tuesday after a burst of last-minute campaigning by President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney in a nail-biting contest unlikely to heal a deeply polarized nation. AFP PHOTO/Mladen ANTONOV (Photo credit should read MLADEN ANTONOV/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
US-VOTE-2012-ELECTION (69 of105)
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Voters wait inside the polling station to cast their ballots at Metropolitan AME Church in Washington, DC on November 6, 2012. Americans headed to the polls Tuesday after a burst of last-minute campaigning by President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney in a nail-biting contest unlikely to heal a deeply polarized nation. AFP PHOTO/Mladen ANTONOV (Photo credit should read MLADEN ANTONOV/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
U.S. Citizens Head To The Polls To Vote In Presidential Election(70 of105)
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MANCHESTER, NH - NOVEMBER 6: Voters cast their ballots at the Bishop Leo O\'Neil Youth Center on November 6, 2012 in Manchester, New Hampshire. The swing state of New Hampshire is recognised to be a hotly contested battleground that offers 4 electoral votes, as recent polls predict that the race between U.S. President Barack Obama and Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney remains tight. (Photo by Darren McCollester/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
US-VOTE-2012-ELECTION (71 of105)
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Voters wait outside the polling station to cast their ballots at Metropolitan AME Church in Washington, DC on November 6, 2012. Americans headed to the polls Tuesday after a burst of last-minute campaigning by President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney in a nail-biting contest unlikely to heal a deeply polarized nation. AFP PHOTO/Mladen ANTONOV (Photo credit should read MLADEN ANTONOV/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
US-VOTE - 2012 - BOSTON(72 of105)
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Voters lined up to cast their vote at the Boston Public Library November 6, 2012 in Boston, Massachusetts. The final national polls showed an effective tie, with either US President Barack Obama or Republican challenger Mitt Romney favored by a single point in most surveys. AFP PHOTO / TIMOTHY A. CLARY (Photo credit should read TIMOTHY A. CLARY/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
US-VOTE-2012-ELECTION (73 of105)
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Voters wait outside the polling station to cast their ballots at Metropolitan AME Church in Washington, DC on November 6, 2012. Americans headed to the polls Tuesday after a burst of last-minute campaigning by President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney in a nail-biting contest unlikely to heal a deeply polarized nation. AFP PHOTO/Mladen ANTONOV (Photo credit should read MLADEN ANTONOV/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
US-VOTE-2012-ELECTION (74 of105)
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Voters wait outside the polling station to cast their ballots at Metropolitan AME Church in Washington, DC on November 6, 2012. Americans headed to the polls Tuesday after a burst of last-minute campaigning by President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney in a nail-biting contest unlikely to heal a deeply polarized nation. AFP PHOTO/Mladen ANTONOV (Photo credit should read MLADEN ANTONOV/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
U.S. Citizens Head To The Polls To Vote In Presidential Election(75 of105)
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STERLING HEIGHTS, MI, - NOVEMBER 6: U.S. citizens wait in line at a school gymnasium to vote in the presidential election at Carleton Middle School November 6, 2012 in Sterling Heights, Michigan. Recent polls show that U.S. President Barack Obama and Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney are in a tight race. (Photo by Bill Pugliano/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
U.S. Citizens Head To The Polls To Vote In Presidential Election(76 of105)
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STERLING HEIGHTS, MI, - NOVEMBER 6: U.S. citizens line up to vote in the presidential election at Carleton Middle School November 6, 2012 in Sterling Heights, Michigan. Recent polls show that U.S. President Barack Obama and Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney are in a tight race. (Photo by Bill Pugliano/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
U.S. Citizens Head To The Polls To Vote In Presidential Election(77 of105)
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STERLING HEIGHTS, MI, - NOVEMBER 6: U.S. citizens vote in the presidential election at Carleton Middle School November 6, 2012 in Sterling Heights, Michigan. Recent polls show that U.S. President Barack Obama and Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney are in a tight race. (Photo by Bill Pugliano/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
U.S. Citizens Head To The Polls To Vote In Presidential Election(78 of105)
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STERLING HEIGHTS, MI, - NOVEMBER 6: A U.S. citizen votes in the presidential election at Carleton Middle School November 6, 2012 in Sterling Heights, Michigan. Recent polls show that U.S. President Barack Obama and Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney are in a tight race. (Photo by Bill Pugliano/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
U.S. Citizens Head To The Polls To Vote In Presidential Election(79 of105)
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STERLING HEIGHTS, MI, - NOVEMBER 6: U.S. citizens vote in the presidential election at Carleton Middle School November 6, 2012 in Sterling Heights, Michigan. Recent polls show that U.S. President Barack Obama and Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney are in a tight race. (Photo by Bill Pugliano/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
U.S. Citizens Head To The Polls To Vote In Presidential Election(80 of105)
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STERLING HEIGHTS, MI, - NOVEMBER 6: U.S. citizens vote in the presidential election at Carleton Middle School November 6, 2012 in Sterling Heights, Michigan. Recent polls show that U.S. President Barack Obama and Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney are in a tight race. (Photo by Bill Pugliano/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
US-VOTE-2012-ELECTION(81 of105)
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Voters wait outside the polling station to cast their ballots at Metropolitan AME Church in Washington, DC on November 6, 2012. Americans headed to the polls Tuesday after a burst of last-minute campaigning by President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney in a nail-biting contest unlikely to heal a deeply polarized nation. AFP PHOTO/Mladen ANTONOV (Photo credit should read MLADEN ANTONOV/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
U.S. Citizens Head To The Polls To Vote In Presidential Election(82 of105)
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MANCHESTER, NH - NOVEMBER 6: A young woman is helped with registering as voters cast their ballots at the Bishop Leo O\'Neil Youth Center on November 6, 2012 in Manchester, New Hampshire. The swing state of New Hampshire is recognised to be a hotly contested battleground that offers 4 electoral votes, as recent polls predict that the race between U.S. President Barack Obama and Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney remains tight. (Photo by Darren McCollester/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
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This photo shows about half of the line waiting to vote, only some twenty minutes into the voting day at the Stonewall Middle School November 6, 2012 in Manassas, Prince William County, Virginia. After a long and bitter White House campaign, Americans began casting their votes on Tuesday with polls showing President Barack Obama and Republican challenger Mitt Romney neck-and-neck in an election that will be decided in a handful of states. AFP PHOTO/Karen BLEIER (Photo credit should read KAREN BLEIER/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
US-VOTE-2012-ELECTION (84 of105)
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Election officials verify addresses of voters at the polling station at Metropolitan AME Church in Washington, DC on November 6, 2012. Americans headed to the polls Tuesday after a burst of last-minute campaigning by President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney in a nail-biting contest unlikely to heal a deeply polarized nation. AFP PHOTO/Mladen ANTONOV (Photo credit should read MLADEN ANTONOV/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
U.S. Citizens Head To The Polls To Vote In Presidential Election(85 of105)
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STERLING HEIGHTS, MI, - NOVEMBER 6: U.S. citizens line up to vote in the presidential election at Carleton Middle School November 6, 2012 in Sterling Heights, Michigan. Recent polls show that U.S. President Barack Obama and Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney are in a tight race. (Photo by Bill Pugliano/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
U.S. Citizens Head To The Polls To Vote In Presidential Election(86 of105)
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STERLING HEIGHTS, MI, - NOVEMBER 6: U.S. citizens vote in the presidential election at Carleton Middle School November 6, 2012 in Sterling Heights, Michigan. Recent polls show that U.S. President Barack Obama and Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney are in a tight race. (Photo by Bill Pugliano/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
US-VOTE-2012-ELECTION (87 of105)
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Election officials verify addresses of voters at the polling station at Metropolitan AME Church in Washington, DC on November 6, 2012. Americans headed to the polls Tuesday after a burst of last-minute campaigning by President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney in a nail-biting contest unlikely to heal a deeply polarized nation. AFP PHOTO/Mladen ANTONOV (Photo credit should read MLADEN ANTONOV/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
US-VOTE-2012-ELECTION DAY(88 of105)
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Election officials verify addresses of voters at the polling station at Metropolitan AME Church in Washington, DC on November 6, 2012. Americans headed to the polls Tuesday after a burst of last-minute campaigning by President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney in a nail-biting contest unlikely to heal a deeply polarized nation. AFP PHOTO/Mladen ANTONOV (Photo credit should read MLADEN ANTONOV/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
US-VOTE-2012-ELECTION DAY(89 of105)
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Election officials verify addresses of voters at the polling station at Metropolitan AME Church in Washington, DC on November 6, 2012. Americans headed to the polls Tuesday after a burst of last-minute campaigning by President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney in a nail-biting contest unlikely to heal a deeply polarized nation. AFP PHOTO/Mladen ANTONOV (Photo credit should read MLADEN ANTONOV/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
US-VOTE-2012-ELECTION DAY(90 of105)
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Election officials verify addresses of voters at the polling station at Metropolitan AME Church in Washington, DC on November 6, 2012. Americans headed to the polls Tuesday after a burst of last-minute campaigning by President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney in a nail-biting contest unlikely to heal a deeply polarized nation. AFP PHOTO/Mladen ANTONOV (Photo credit should read MLADEN ANTONOV/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
US-VOTE-2012-ELECTION DAY(91 of105)
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Election officials verify addresses of voters at the polling station at Metropolitan AME Church in Washington, DC on November 6, 2012. Americans headed to the polls Tuesday after a burst of last-minute campaigning by President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney in a nail-biting contest unlikely to heal a deeply polarized nation. AFP PHOTO/Mladen ANTONOV (Photo credit should read MLADEN ANTONOV/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
US - VOTE - 2012 - BOSTON(92 of105)
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Voters lined up to cast their vote at the Boston Public Library November 6, 2012 in Boston, Massachusetts. The final national polls showed an effective tie, with either US President Barack Obama or Republican challenger Mitt Romney favored by a single point in most surveys. AFP PHOTO / TIMOTHY A. CLARY (Photo credit should read TIMOTHY A. CLARY/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
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A man casts his ballot at the Stonewall Middle School November 6, 2012 in Manassas, Prince William County, Virginia. After a long and bitter White House campaign, Americans began casting their votes on Tuesday with polls showing President Barack Obama and Republican challenger Mitt Romney neck-and-neck in an election that will be decided in a handful of states. AFP PHOTO/Karen BLEIER (Photo credit should read KAREN BLEIER/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
US - VOTE - 2012 - BOSTON(94 of105)
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Voters lined up to cast their vote at the Boston Public Library November 6, 2012 in Boston, Massachusetts. The final national polls showed an effective tie, with either US President Barack Obama or Republican challenger Mitt Romney favored by a single point in most surveys. AFP PHOTO / TIMOTHY A. CLARY (Photo credit should read TIMOTHY A. CLARY/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
US-VOTE-2012-ELECTION (95 of105)
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Election officials verify addresses of voters at the polling station at Metropolitan AME Church in Washington, DC on November 6, 2012. Americans headed to the polls Tuesday after a burst of last-minute campaigning by President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney in a nail-biting contest unlikely to heal a deeply polarized nation. AFP PHOTO/Mladen ANTONOV (Photo credit should read MLADEN ANTONOV/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
US - VOTE - 2012 - BOSTON(96 of105)
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Voters line up to cast their vote at the Boston Public Library November 6, 2012 in Boston, Massachusetts. The final national polls showed an effective tie, with either US President Barack Obama or Republican challenger Mitt Romney favored by a single point in most surveys. AFP PHOTO / TIMOTHY A. CLARY (Photo credit should read TIMOTHY A. CLARY/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
US - VOTE - 2012 - BOSTON(97 of105)
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Voters line up to cast their vote at the Boston Public Library November 6, 2012 in Boston, Massachusetts. The final national polls showed an effective tie, with either US President Barack Obama or Republican challenger Mitt Romney favored by a single point in most surveys. AFP PHOTO / TIMOTHY A. CLARY (Photo credit should read TIMOTHY A. CLARY/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
US-VOTE-2012-ELECTION (98 of105)
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Election officials verify addresses of voters at the polling station at Metropolitan AME Church in Washington, DC on November 6, 2012. Americans headed to the polls Tuesday after a burst of last-minute campaigning by President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney in a nail-biting contest unlikely to heal a deeply polarized nation. AFP PHOTO/Mladen ANTONOV (Photo credit should read MLADEN ANTONOV/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
US - VOTE - 2012 - BOSTON(99 of105)
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Voters line up to cast their vote at the Boston Public Library November 6, 2012 in Boston, Massachusetts. The final national polls showed an effective tie, with either US President Barack Obama or Republican challenger Mitt Romney favored by a single point in most surveys. AFP PHOTO / TIMOTHY A. CLARY (Photo credit should read TIMOTHY A. CLARY/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
US-VOTE-2012-ELECTION DAY(100 of105)
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Election officials verify addresses of voters at the polling station at Metropolitan AME Church in Washington, DC on November 6, 2012. Americans headed to the polls Tuesday after a burst of last-minute campaigning by President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney in a nail-biting contest unlikely to heal a deeply polarized nation. AFP PHOTO/Mladen ANTONOV (Photo credit should read MLADEN ANTONOV/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
US-VOTE-2012-ELECTION DAY(101 of105)
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Voters wait outside the polling station to cast their ballots at Metropolitan AME Church in Washington, DC on November 6, 2012. Americans headed to the polls Tuesday after a burst of last-minute campaigning by President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney in a nail-biting contest unlikely to heal a deeply polarized nation. AFP PHOTO/Mladen ANTONOV (Photo credit should read MLADEN ANTONOV/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
US-VOTE-2012-ELECTION(102 of105)
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A voter fills out paper ballots at the Old Stone Church during election day November 6, 2012 in Cleveland, Ohio. Citizens around the United States head to the polls to vote on the country\'s next president including in Ohio, a state with 18 electoral votes, were the race between US President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney is very close. AFP PHOTO/Brendan SMIALOWSKI (Photo credit should read BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
US-VOTE-2012-ELECTION(103 of105)
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A voter fills out a paper ballot at the Old Stone Church during election day November 6, 2012 in Cleveland, Ohio. Citizens around the United States head to the polls to vote on the country\'s next president including in Ohio, a state with 18 electoral votes, were the race between US President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney is very close. AFP PHOTO/Brendan SMIALOWSKI (Photo credit should read BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
US-VOTE-2012-ELECTION(104 of105)
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Voters wait to submit their paper ballots after voting at the Old Stone Church during election day November 6, 2012 in Cleveland, Ohio. Citizens around the United States head to the polls to vote on the country\'s next president including in Ohio, a state with 18 electoral votes, were the race between US President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney is very close. AFP PHOTO/Brendan SMIALOWSKI (Photo credit should read BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
U.S. Citizens Head To The Polls To Vote In Presidential Election(105 of105)
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CRAWFORDVILLE, FL - NOVEMBER 6: A poll worker holds up the line just after dawn as voters queue to place their ballots at the tiny County Polling House in the Ivan Community of Wakulla County on November 6, 2012 in Crawfordville, Florida. The swing state of Florida is recognised to be a hotly contested battleground that offers 29 electoral votes, as recent polls predict that the race between U.S. President Barack Obama and Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney remains tight. (Photo by Mark Wallheiser/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Obama vs. Romney
Mitt Romney(01 of20)
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Le candidat républicain à la présidence et ancien gouverneur des Massachusetts alors qu\'il parcourt l\'État de l\'Ohio.\r\n\r\n (credit:AP)
Mitt Romney(02 of20)
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Le candidat républicain à la présidence qui prononce un discours devant ses partisans. (credit:AP)
Ann Romney(03 of20)
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L\'épouse de Mitt Romney, candidat républicain, alors qu\'elle prononce un discours au Connecticut.\r\n\r\n (credit:AP)
Mitt Romney(04 of20)
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Le candidat républicain à la présidence en Pennsylvanie.\r\n (credit:AP)
Mitt Romney(05 of20)
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De passage à Washington, le candidat républicain prononce un discours contre l\'assurance-santé, projet-phare du président Obama.\r\n (credit:AP)
Mitt Romney(06 of20)
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Le candidat républicain avec le gouverneur de la Virginie et une foule de partisans.\r\n (credit:AP)
Mitt Romney(07 of20)
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Le candidat républicain se fait huer lors d\'un discours devant l\'Association nationale pour l\'avancement des gens de couleur, au Texas.\r\n\r\n (credit:AP)
Mitt Romney(08 of20)
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L\'ex-gouverneur des Massachusetts aide les bénévoles d\'un comptoir d\'aide alimentaire.\r\n (credit:AP)
Ben Romney, Tagg Romney(09 of20)
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Les fils du candidat républicain Mitt Romney. Ben (à gauche) et Tagg (au centre) sont pris en photo avec leurs enfants, le 4 juillet.\r\n (credit:AP)
Mitt Romney et Soleil (10 of20)
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Le candidat républicain tient fièrement sa petite-fille Soleil Romney lors de la parade du 4 juillet.\r\n\r\n (credit:AP)
Barack Obama(11 of20)
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Le président salue la foule venue le voir dans l\'État de la Floride.\r\n\r\n (credit:AP)
Barack Obama(12 of20)
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Le président prononce un discours devant une foule... démonstrative.\r\n\r\n (credit:AP)
Michelle Obama(13 of20)
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Le première dame visite de jeunes campeurs en Alabama, alors qu\'ils préparent des collations santé. \r\n\r\n (credit:AP)
Barack Obama(14 of20)
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Le président tient fièrement son jersey, alors qu\'il est pris en photo avec les championnes féminines de basketball collégien, à la Maison Blanche.\r\n\r\n (credit:AP)
Barack Obama(15 of20)
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Le président salue ses partisans lors d\'une activité de financement, au Texas.\r\n (credit:AP)
Barack Obama et Malia Obama(16 of20)
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Le président et sa fille Malia après qu\'elle ait attrapé un chandail lancé par l\'équipe olympique de basketball, à Washington.\r\n (credit:AP)
Barack Obama(17 of20)
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Le président s\'arrête dans un casse-croûte à Cincinnati. \r\n\r\n (credit:AP)
Barack Obama(18 of20)
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Le président s\'arrête dans un comptoir de légumes tenu par des agriculteurs en Virginie.\r\n (credit:AP)
Barack Obama(19 of20)
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Le président tient un discours sur les réductions d\'impôt pour la classe moyenne à Iowa.\r\n\r\n (credit:AP)
Barack Obama(20 of20)
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Le président prononce un discours à la Maison Blanche. (credit:AP)

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