Cet article fait partie des archives en ligne du HuffPost Québec, qui a fermé ses portes en 2021.

Ce mannequin transgenre rêve de défiler pour Victoria's Secret (et reçoit beaucoup de soutien)

Leyna Bloom est afro-philippine et souhaite plus de diversité dans la mode.

"J'essaye de devenir le premier mannequin trans de couleur à défiler pour Victoria's Secret." Avec cette phrase, Leyna Bloom a fait sensation sur les réseaux sociaux.

Posté sur son compte Twitter lundi 9 avril, le message de cette mannequin afro-philippine de 27 ans a reçu plus de 100 000 mentions J'aime et 30 000 retweets ainsi que de très nombreux messages de soutien.

Leyna Bloom, qui fait du mannequinat son métier depuis 2014, a déjà participé à plusieurs grands défilés et elle a rempli les pages de certains grands magazines comme Vogue India en octobre 2017, une grande première.

Mais, comme elle l'explique à Yahoo, son rêve, c'est de travailler pour la célèbre marque de lingerie américaine. "Ça a toujours été un rêve pour moi, comme pour beaucoup d'autres et pas seulement les trans -les personnes de couleur, toutes les femmes et même certains hommes. C'est une plateforme qui rend gloire à la féminité (...) Pour mes sœurs trans, quelle que soit leur couleur, ce serait un grand moment", souligne-t-elle.

Ce n'est pas la première fois que Leyna Bloom interpelle Victoria's Secret. En novembre dernier, elle avait déjà souligné le manque de diversité dans leurs castings.

"Toutes ces femmes de couleur dans le défilé Victoria's Secret, c'est génial, n'est-ce pas? Mais ils ont encore beaucoup trop de femmes blanches. C'est comme si, pour chaque femme de couleur ajoutée, ils en mettent une blanche de plus. L'année prochaine ils devraient recruter des modèles trans ou avec des formes, et de toutes les couleurs, pas seulement caucasiens", avait-elle écrit sur Twitter.

Sur Twitter, les réactions positives ne se sont en tout cas pas fait attendre:

"Tu peux le faire et on te soutient!"

"Faites que ça arrive Victoria's Secret"

Ce n'est pas la première fois qu'une mobilisation se met en place pour que la marque de lingerie fasse d'une personne trans l'un de ses anges. En 2013, une pétition pour que la mannequin Carmen Carrera participe à un défilé avait recueilli près de 50.000 signatures.

Pour l'instant, Victoria's Secret n'a pas réagi à l'engouement Leyna Bloom.

Ce texte a initialement été publié sur le HuffPost France.


Des moments historiques pour les transgenres
Caitlyn Jenner Makes Her Debut On Vanity Fair(01 of10)
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On June 1, 2015, Caitlyn Jenner (formerly known as Bruce Jenner) made her debut on the cover of Vanity Fair magazine. The issue followed her public interview with Diane Sawyer, in which she spoke openly about her transition and journey. (credit:Vanity Fair)
Chelsea Manning Comes Out(02 of10)
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Following her trial for leaking classified government documents, Chelsea Manning sent shockwaves through the nation when she announced her transgender identity and asked for the public\'s support. \n\n\"As I transition into this next phase of my life, I want everyone to know the real me,\" Manning said in a statement. \"I am Chelsea Manning. I am a female. Given the way that I feel, and have felt since childhood, I want to begin hormone therapy as soon as possible.\" (credit:Alex Wong via Getty Images)
Carmen Carrera's Victoria Secret Petition(03 of10)
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\"RuPaul\'s Drag Race\" season three contestant and transgender model Carmen Carrera unexpectedly became the subject of a viral Internet petition in early November. The petition called for Victoria\'s Secret to hire the showgirl as the company\'s first transgender model in its annual fashion show. Though Victoria\'s Secret did not respond to the Carrera petition, the model has claimed that she will campaign to be included in next year\'s show. (credit:Chelsea Lauren via Getty Images)
McDonald's Supports Transgender Rights With Bathroom Message(04 of10)
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In light of recent controversy surrounding McDonald\'s treatment of the company\'s employees, one Washington franchise of the fast food chain impressively allowed transgender individuals to use the bathroom that corresponds with their gender identity. The letter read,\n
We respect the rights of all customers and employees. We believe all people must have access to safe and dignified bathroom facilities regardless of their gender identity or expression. Therefore, the following policy has been adopted for this restaurant at 1530 3rd Avenue ... Employees and customers may use any restroom that corresponds with and is based upon the gender identity they publicly and exclusively assert or express.
First Openly Transgender Character In Mainstream Comics(05 of10)
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DC Comic fans were introduced to Alysia in \"Batgirl\" #19 in early April, who went on to reveal that she is transgender during a conversation with Barbara Gordon (Batgirl). The move made Alysia not only the first DC Comics transgender character but the first transgender character in mainstream comics. (credit:DC Comics)
Transgender Teenage Couple Transitions Together(06 of10)
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Arin Andrews and Katie Hill warmed hearts around the world last summer with their unique and touching love story. The pair met at a trans support group, after each had begun the transitioning process, and fell in love. (credit:Barcroft Media)
Ari South Becomes First Openly Transgender Project Runway Contestant(07 of10)
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When Ari South first appeared on \"Project Runway\" season eight, the designer embodied a different name and different identity. When she returned to \"Project Runway All Stars\" in October, she was living as her authentic self and blazing through uncharted territory for transgender people both within -- and outside -- the fashion world. (credit:Courtesy of Lifetime)
Top Russian Lawyer Comes Out As Trans, Announces Presidential Campaign(08 of10)
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In wake of the pervasive climate of fear and violence plaguing LGBT Russians, top Russian lawyer Masha Best came out as both transgender and bisexual in protest of the country\'s institutionalized homophobia. Best later went on to announce her campaign for the Russian presidency in 2018. Here, Best poses nude in honor of the 2013 Transgender Day of Remembrance. (credit:Masha Best)
Arizona's Rights For Transgender Minors(09 of10)
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Other states also met these bills with resistance, with one Arizona lawmaker, John Kavanagh, attempting to push through legislation that would prosecute transgender people for using a public restroom if their appearance didn\'t match the listed gender on their identification. \n\nOne local new station dubbed this the \"Show Me Your Papers Before You Go Potty\" bill. The backlash convinced the lawmaker to tone down the language of his bill, and put it on hold until next year. (credit:ASSOCIATED PRESS)
University Expels Transgender Student For 'Fraud'(10 of10)
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Domaine Javier, a nursing student at California Baptist University, revealed to the world that she was transgender in an MTV episode of \"True Life.\" The university\'s response? Accusations of fraud followed by expulsion because Javier had given her gender as female on her admissions application. She went on to sue the institution. (credit:Courtesy of Domaine Javier)
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