Cet article fait partie des archives en ligne du HuffPost Québec, qui a fermé ses portes en 2021.

Une automobiliste capture les images d'un loup terrassant un mouflon en Alberta

Un loup terrasse un mouflon en bordure d'une autoroute albertaine (VIDÉO)

Manger ou être mangé: c'est une loi fondamentale de la nature. Et parfois, c'est particulièrement brutal.

Une automobiliste albertaine a filmé un loup abattant un mouflon d'Amérique vendredi en bordure de l'autoroute 40 à Kananaskis.

La vidéo, partagée sur Youtube par Christine Campbell, montre un loup prenant en chasse un troupeau de mouflons. Le loup isole un jeune mouflon, le forçant à traverser l'autoroute, et évitant de justesse les véhicules sur son chemin.

La voiture dans laquelle se trouvait Mme Campbell ralentit pour filmer la scène.

Rapidement, le loup terrasse le mouflon et s'arrête un instant pour regarder la caméra, avant de tirer sa proie jusqu'au haut d'une colline avant de disparaître avec elle dans les bois.

«J'explore ces montagnes depuis 27 ans et je n'avais jamais vu de loup, encore moins ce genre de scène!» a écrit la résidente de Calgary sur sa page Facebook.

Il y a environ 7000 loups en Alberta, selon Environnement et Parcs Alberta, mais il est très rare qu'on en aperçoive, car ces animaux sont méfiants des humains.

Regardez la vidéo incroyable en tête d'article.

Cet article initialement publié sur le Huffington Post Alberta a été traduit de l'anglais.


Bataille entre un élan et un loup
Mother Moose Fights Wolf(01 of10)
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A titanic life-and-death battle between a mother moose defending her calf from wolves was caught on camera in 2010. In this thrilling sequence of images, the enormous female moose dwarfs her attackers as they attempt to kill her newborn. Surrounded in a small pond on the Alaskan tundra, the mother puts up a ferocious fight to save her youngster from an entire pack of hungry wolves. (credit:Patrick Endres / Caters News)
Mother Moose Fights Wolf(02 of10)
Open Image Modal
A titanic life-and-death battle between a mother moose defending her calf from wolves was caught on camera in 2010. In this thrilling sequence of images, the enormous female moose dwarfs her attackers as they attempt to kill her newborn. Surrounded in a small pond on the Alaskan tundra, the mother puts up a ferocious fight to save her youngster from an entire pack of hungry wolves. (credit:Patrick Endres / Caters News)
Mother Moose Fights Wolf(03 of10)
Open Image Modal
A titanic life-and-death battle between a mother moose defending her calf from wolves was caught on camera in 2010. In this thrilling sequence of images, the enormous female moose dwarfs her attackers as they attempt to kill her newborn. Surrounded in a small pond on the Alaskan tundra, the mother puts up a ferocious fight to save her youngster from an entire pack of hungry wolves. (credit:Patrick Endres / Caters News)
Mother Moose Fights Wolf(04 of10)
Open Image Modal
A titanic life-and-death battle between a mother moose defending her calf from wolves was caught on camera in 2010. In this thrilling sequence of images, the enormous female moose dwarfs her attackers as they attempt to kill her newborn. Surrounded in a small pond on the Alaskan tundra, the mother puts up a ferocious fight to save her youngster from an entire pack of hungry wolves. (credit:Patrick Endres / Caters News)
Mother Moose Fights Wolf(05 of10)
Open Image Modal
A titanic life-and-death battle between a mother moose defending her calf from wolves was caught on camera in 2010. In this thrilling sequence of images, the enormous female moose dwarfs her attackers as they attempt to kill her newborn. Surrounded in a small pond on the Alaskan tundra, the mother puts up a ferocious fight to save her youngster from an entire pack of hungry wolves. (credit:Patrick Endres / Caters News)
Mother Moose Fights Wolf(06 of10)
Open Image Modal
A titanic life-and-death battle between a mother moose defending her calf from wolves was caught on camera in 2010. In this thrilling sequence of images, the enormous female moose dwarfs her attackers as they attempt to kill her newborn. Surrounded in a small pond on the Alaskan tundra, the mother puts up a ferocious fight to save her youngster from an entire pack of hungry wolves. (credit:Patrick Endres / Caters News)
Mother Moose Fights Wolf(07 of10)
Open Image Modal
A titanic life-and-death battle between a mother moose defending her calf from wolves was caught on camera in 2010. In this thrilling sequence of images, the enormous female moose dwarfs her attackers as they attempt to kill her newborn. Surrounded in a small pond on the Alaskan tundra, the mother puts up a ferocious fight to save her youngster from an entire pack of hungry wolves. (credit:Patrick Endres / Caters News)
Mother Moose Fights Wolf(08 of10)
Open Image Modal
A titanic life-and-death battle between a mother moose defending her calf from wolves was caught on camera in 2010. In this thrilling sequence of images, the enormous female moose dwarfs her attackers as they attempt to kill her newborn. Surrounded in a small pond on the Alaskan tundra, the mother puts up a ferocious fight to save her youngster from an entire pack of hungry wolves. (credit:Patrick Endres / Caters News)
Mother Moose Fights Wolf(09 of10)
Open Image Modal
A titanic life-and-death battle between a mother moose defending her calf from wolves was caught on camera in 2010. In this thrilling sequence of images, the enormous female moose dwarfs her attackers as they attempt to kill her newborn. Surrounded in a small pond on the Alaskan tundra, the mother puts up a ferocious fight to save her youngster from an entire pack of hungry wolves. (credit:Patrick Endres / Caters News)
Mother Moose Fights Wolf(10 of10)
Open Image Modal
A titanic life-and-death battle between a mother moose defending her calf from wolves was caught on camera in 2010. In this thrilling sequence of images, the enormous female moose dwarfs her attackers as they attempt to kill her newborn. Surrounded in a small pond on the Alaskan tundra, the mother puts up a ferocious fight to save her youngster from an entire pack of hungry wolves. (credit:Patrick Endres / Caters News)
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