
Sue Davey

Author. Speaker. Mentor. Philanthropist.CEO & Founder of Sue Davey International, Mastermind Success Coaching, Brainy Child Education

Author. Speaker. Mentor. Philanthropist. CEO & Founder.
Sue Davey was born to equip women and children to reach their utmost potential in every aspect of their lives. Deeply committed to fully developing human aptitude, her online programs, masterminds, tools and private coaching services equip people worldwide to break barriers to their brilliance.

A leading human potential expert, holistic success coach, CPA finance and productivity expert, Sue passionately integrates neurological principles into every aspect of her work—unveiling powerful solutions that unlock potential and transform lives.

The CEO of Sue Davey International, Brainy Child Education and Mastermind Success Coaching International, Sue empowers action-oriented mainly women to train their brain and change their life and she equips mums and special needs caregivers to do the same with children—ultimately unleashing the genius that lives within all of us.

Sue’s step-by-step brain training programs are a reflection of her personal step-by-step process of discovering her true potential and purpose and creating a path to prosperity around it. Sue’s passion for developing human potential first revealed itself when she 14. While her peers were playing, Sue was often studying—people, potential and prosperity—and the gap between the three. Eager to find the avenue to abundance, Sue began her career as a CPA and quickly climbed up the corporate ladder, securing coveted finance director positions with several international companies. However, despite discovering financial abundance, Sue felt incomplete. After giving birth to her daughter, she recognized she had also given birth to some deep-rooted limiting beliefs that were preventing her from pursuing her true purpose: to help people create a legacy. That was when everything changed.

Sue went on to create two companies, each offering scientifically-based, step-by-step solutions that help people find true happiness. A product of her own programs, Sue has since reprogrammed her personal self-limiting beliefs and blockages and opened the door to whole-life prosperity—and lives to help others do the same.

Sue is a featured columnist for various publications online and offline, as well as a professional source for reporters and journalists.

Her new book, “Reboot Your Mind” will be published mid 2015.

A voice for the vulnerable, Sue helps people take small steps that result in big impact. By activating the untapped areas of the brain that hold you back, Sue can help you begin to move forward and ultimately achieve success and wealth in every area of your life.