10 Ways Highly Successful People Practice Positivity

10 Ways Highly Successful People Practice Positivity
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The glass, of course it’s half full. *Sips water* It’s the most well known phrase when it comes to optimism. Yet after we make this decision in the form on an expression or observation, what comes next? Is it enough to think and say it, or do we need to manifest our positives vibes in other ways. I asked 10 highly successful people--doctors, fitness professionals, marketing execs, talk show hosts, and more--to share how they practice positivity on the daily. Why? Research shows us that positive thinkers are better at building skills, boosting health, and improving work outcomes.

1. They Practice Gratitude Before Work

"A positive day starts with gratitude. I take 5 minutes on awakening to give thanks for the renewal of my body and soul. This is a traditional Jewish prayer that sets the tone of every day. Then I reach for my cell phone!”

----Dr. Joel Kahn, MD, Holistic Cardiologist and author of Dead Execs Don’t Get Bonuses

Dr. Joel Kahn

2. They Know Why

“Know your WHY. When things get hard, and the storms are brewing, know what you are fighting for, what you are going after. This will help you stay BOLDLY POSITIVE no matter where you are on your walk. It will keep your heart focused on going forward”

----Terra Castro, Ultra Endurance Athlete and founder of Detroit Body Garage

Terra Castro

3. They Have Tools

“I reflect on the wins, regularly. It could be getting a passion project started or a personal achievement. Women tend to be hard on themselves, so to quiet that inner critic I practice consciously giving myself credit, even for the small successes. I use a tool, called the Best Self Planner to track progress-- it’s awesome”

----Alex Jona, Marketing Professional and founder of BrandBarr

Alex Jona

4. They Practice

“Positivity is a muscle. It needs to be exercised every day, even in the smallest ways. One of my favorite practices is to end each day grateful for 3 good things that happened in the last 24 hrs. Once you start to work on this muscle, seeing the positive side of things will start to become automatic!”

----Dr. Laura Belus, Naturopathic Doctor

5. They Use Food As Fuel

“When making food choices daily I ask myself an anchoring question: What choices can I make that will make me feel as energetic and high-vibe as I know I can feel? By connecting with a positive association of how food can make me feel good rather than dwelling on feeling deprived, I find it far easier to flow through the day feeling great and making self-honoring choices”

----Jennifer Lesyna, Certified Health Coach and founder of Coaching By Jennifer

Jen Lesyna

6. They Find Peace

“I start my morning with as much peace as possible, listening to music grounds me, I feed myself healthy food, and clean up my space--all in the pursuit of profound self-love”

----Nitika Chopra, self love guru and Talk Show Host

Nitika Chopra

7. They Believe In A Healthy Immune System

“I'm inspired daily knowing that I can play a part in my immune function and good health. A strong immune system allows me to stay positive and practice positivity”

Deborah Moskovitch, President of Marketing, United Biopharmaceuticals Inc. Cold-Q

8. They Have a Sense of Humour

"I practice positivity by always keeping my sense of humor and love for life at the center of everything I do. Not everyday is perfect and there are plenty of hard ones, but I always remind myself that it's just life and how lucky I am to be living it. Never stop playing”

----Ricki Friedman, Motivational Health Coach and Founder of Break The Weight

Ricki Friedman

9. They Get Plenty Of Sleep

“I listen to my body, and that means getting the proper amount of rest. When I have a regular sleep routine, I wake up feeling strong and fresh. It is this practice that manifests my inner positive vibes, which is the spirit for my everyday life”

----Parisha Smith, Radiology Professional and co-founder of The Positivity Charge

Parisha Smith

10. They Accept Challenges

“The bigger the challenge, the more excited we get. It is the best way to learn, and strengthen a positive mental attitude”

----Megan Long and Jennifer Lee, founders of Wonder Detroit

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