5 Steps To Make This Year Your Best Year

5 Steps To Make 2017 Your Best Year Yet
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2017 has arrived, bringing new opportunities, unique adventures and thrilling triumphs. It is a chance to do better, reach higher, give more and love stronger. Here are 5 tips to help you do just that.


It is very simple - we have the power to create our lives. Once we realize this, our life changes dramatically. It doesn't matter what state the economy is in, or what your competitors do — all that matters is what you do to better your life.

Yet, when we do not believe in our ability to form our own lives, we give that power up to someone else. Here is another article I wrote which speaks more about it.

Realize that you create your reality through the thoughts you think, often on a subconscious level. When you say ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to something— you don’t attract or push it away— you simply manifest it, because reality is created based on your attention to the subject. As a famous saying goes, what we pay attention to - that grows. In other words, your life events accommodate the subject of your attention.

So nothing is happening to you, you in fact create everything. So be mindful of your ability and use it in a way that empowers you.


Always think about your grand life goals, and create little steps (yearly goals) based on them. Such approach will ensure that you consistently move towards your biggest aspirations. However, be crystal clear and specific about what it is you want to achieve. Is it ‘being happy’? Or is it building a successful startup, having a circle of amazing friends and a happy family?

But here’s the thing — it doesn't matter how pretty or long your list of goals is. If your desire for achieving them is not strong enough, you will always find an excuse not to. Take a moment to think— is this goal something what you or your close circle think you should go after, or is it something you truly want to achieve, so bad as you want to breath?

If it is the former — let it go, because chances are you won’t achieve it anyways. Or maybe you will, but won't be happy and fulfilled with it.

If it is the latter and if you haven’t achieved it yet, it is possible that deep inside you don't believe you can reach it. In that case — try setting a smaller goal, which your brain can comprehend and 'try on'. For example, instead of setting a goal of building the next unicorn company, you may think about a goal of leading your startup to a yearly profit of 50 million instead. Once you accomplish that goal— building a unicorn may feel more achievable.


Even if the goals feel achievable, the trick is to imagine as if you’ve already reached them. In fact, your brain does not differentiate between real and imaginary events. As a result, when you visualize specific situations (such as the moment of achieving one of your targets), your brain starts projecting specific signals that enable you to start noticing opportunities and taking actions which will get you closer to your vision.

The practice of visualization is simple but powerful. Spend few minutes daily on visualizing the moment of reaching a specific goal or living a certain type of life. During this practice, envision not only the event itself, but also hear the sounds and feel the fragrances around you during that moment. Maybe you can even taste a cup of tea you’re holding? The more realistic the vision is — the more your brain will believe it is real, and the stronger will be the signals it generates.

Then be open to noticing new opportunities. Look for events that may help you get closer to your dreams. Because once you manifest your goals, things will start lining up to be received by you, and it is your job to embrace and act on them.


This is the big one. It is amazingly simple, yet complex to realize that everything you currently have in your life is a direct reflection of who you believe you are. Boom!

  • What is your definition of yourself?
  • What is your belief of who you are?
  • When was the moment you accepted your limitations as a reality?

You see, we eventually become who we think our identity is, and often those decisions about our personality were made many years ago, going all the way to our childhood. If deep inside you think you are not worthy of being financially independent to live up to your wildest dreams—you probably never will be. Sure, you might be financially stable, but not to the level of your craziest aspirations.

Decisions we make about our identity create an invisible border: "This is who I am". But how true it really is?

As a famous personal development expert Tony Robbins says, "The strongest force in the human personality is the need to stay consistent with how we define ourselves". If you change your beliefs about your identity—you may as well start living a completely different life.


Whether we want it or not, but we are greatly influenced by those around us. Therefore, it is very important to be with people who positively influence your life. Nothing can be more powerful than being surrounded by likeminded people who support your vision.

Create a circle of those who uplift you. Those who inspire you. Who have big goals and a great vision for their lives. Who will give you advice and honest feedback. Who genuinely want you to be a better person and will help you identify areas you can improve on.

Be with people who inspire you to dream big and to be better.

Unfortunately, sometimes we may lack such a support circle. If this is the case, seek out such people. Or perhaps you already have them in your life, but haven't nurtured the relationships? Well, this might be the time to start doing it!


The Holiday Season is a great time to take some time off, reconnect with those who matter the most, and gain clarity on your goals. As an entrepreneur of a company and your life, you need to be disciplined in doing things that will make 2017 the best year to date!

Put into action the tips which you align with most. And believe that you’re already a success. You just need to embrace it as a reality, walk in it, and create new opportunities for growth.



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