8 Useful Cell Phone Safety Tips

8 Useful Cell Phone Safety Tips
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Ask 10 different people, and you will get 10 different opinions on whether or not cell phones are safe to use. Some people say that they are perfectly safe, others say that cell phones cause brain cancer, others say that they can blow up, etc. Even though there are no real definitive studies on the dangers of cell phones, it is always best to err on the side of caution when you are using this technology. With this mind, let’s take a look at some cell phone safety tips.

1. Keep it Out of Your Pocket

We all carry our cell phones with us, but we should never carry them in our pockets. If you have no other choice, carry it so that it is positioned with the keypad facing your body. This is going to keep some of the electromagnetic fields away from your body. This is something that most cell phone manufacturers suggest.

2. Text Instead of Talking

Whenever possible, text rather than talk. This allows you to keep the phone farther away from your ear, and from your body. When texting, hold the phone as far away from your body as possible. Do not keep it on your lap, as studies do show that cell phones can cause sperm damage in men.

3. Use a Headset

Whenever possible, use a headset or the phone’s speaker when having conversations on your cell phone. This is going to keep the phone away from your ear, and the farther away it is from your body, the weaker the signal is going to be, making it less dangerous. For instance, if the phone is two inches away, the signal is cut down to a quarter of its original strength. If it is four inches away, it is a sixteenth as strong.

4. Don’t Sleep Near Your Phone

Did you know that electromagnetic fields can disrupt the production of melatonin? This means that your sleep is going to be interrupted, and over time, it is going to affect your health. Keep your phone in a different room from where you sleep. If you really need to be in contact with people late at night, use a corded phone in the bedroom.

5. Don’t Talk or Text with Weak Signals

“If you are in an area where the signal is weak, your phone is going to have to work harder to locate a signal, which means more radiation will be emitted. Avoid using your phone in elevators, basements, or other enclosed areas where there is likely to be a weak signal,” suggests an expert at Sell Cell Phone service.

6. Do Not Use a Cell Phone Case

Many people think that a case will provide them with protection, but it is actually the exact opposite. A case can block the antenna, which means that the phone must work even harder to transmit signals. This can cause more radiation exposure. Remember, when certification testing is done on cell phones, it is done without the phones being in cases.

7. Don’t Talk or Text in Moving Vehicles

When a phone is being used in a moving vehicle, it is constantly searching for a connection, increasing the amount of radiation emissions. Most people don’t think twice about using their phones in cars, subway trains, etc., but it is a habit that you should try to break so as to minimize your risk of radiation exposure.

8. Hold Your Phone Away

As soon as you dial a number, hold the phone away from your body. It is going to be working its hardest while trying to make a connection. Also, if you answer a call, hold the phone as far from your body as possible until the connection has been made.

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