Are you ready for your next opportunity?

Are you ready for your next opportunity?
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Easy Living Team

Continuing our three day segment on opportunities, today I touch on the reality of readiness. Yesterday I explained what an opportunity is and today is about preparing and positioning you to be ready for it.

Opportunites present themselves on a daily basis, but are you aware of them? Even if you were, are you prepared for the opportunity? The goal today is to align you for the next opportunity that will catapult you to a higher level. Here are 5 tips in alignment for your next opportunity.

  • Prepare: Focus on what you want, where you want to go, how much you want to make, or even the outcome you desire to reach within the possibility. Also think about how much you’ll have to invest (whether mind, body, soul, time, or finances), because that will play a major part in preparing for the transition.
  • Position: I don’t mean to go stand in the corner of the office building, which is a great strategy, but I mean to organize your life. Prioritize what is important and when it needs to be completed. Maybe you can decrease certain bills to alleviate financial pressures. Including: phone bill, gym membership, water, cable, etc. Relationships can also be positioned.
  • Research: Research, research, research! Know what you’re about to get yourself in to. Understand the industry you’re about to change your life for. After you prepare and position, you have to do research so you have an idea of what the opportunity can possibly look like. When you do research and he opportunity speaks to you you’ll know that God sent it and won’t be deceived.
  • Be Ready: I can tell you a thousand moments God presented me an opportunity and I wasn’t ready. Not because I didn’t do the three things above, but because it didn’t look like what I thought it was so I backed out on what I prayed for. So tip number 4. is to BE READY. Don’t get nervous and back out on when God sends the opportunity to you because it might take entire season for it to come back.
  • Remain aware & alert: Majority prepare and are ready, but forget to remain aware and alert after 3 months. The thought is “time has passed” or they received an opportunity and don’t think there are more. Well I’m here to tell you the key ingredient; the more you seek the more you shall find. So the more you want the more you’ll receive. It all depends on the capacity you’re willing to carry.

I hope this helped you in being ready for the next opportunity that makes itself available to you. I will continue the Opportunity segment tomorrow with ‘Now that you have the opportunity.’

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