At 21 Darryl Perry is Running For Democratic Central Committee in Baltimore

At 21 Darryl Perry is Running For Democratic Central Committee in Baltimore
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It’s no secret that Baltimore is known for being the murder capital of America, aside from carbs, questions about the homicides are always on the tip of the tongue for outsiders.The beauty of the people and Baltimore is always overshadowed by the news of dead bodies that line the city. In 2017 Baltimore had 343 homicides — it set a new record for killings. In the back of residents minds they wonder if there will ever be a change, ever be a day that a homicide doesn’t occur.

With each new generation there is a crop of new young and fresh leaders. Change starts with the governing body of Baltimore and Darryl Perry hopes to be that change. Darryl is a 21 year-old college student at Morgan State University. Darryl is running for Democratic Central Committee. Darryl will be a representative for his neighborhood or precinct. In this interview with Darryl we talked about what inspired him to run, what change he hopes to bring to Baltimore and more!

Can you tell me about your upbringing and how it shaped you?

Coincidentally I had someone compliment me yesterday applauding my professionalism and relating that to me being “raised right”—this simple compliment actually made me reflect on how I was raised and honestly I would not be in the position I am in today if it were not for my upbringing which both my parents, grandparents and a handful of other older figures I’ve been fortunate to have throughout my life have contributed to substantially.

My upbringing was quite versatile, as I have had many influential figures I’ve observed while growing up who chose different paths in their lives, all flawed in their own ways, but nonetheless all exemplifying testimony that anything is possible through hard-work and faith and trust in God.

I wasn’t raised to be close-minded, I wasn’t raised “fit in”— my parents always pushed me to be better, to do better, as if there are no limits in life and because of this unique style of upbringing as I matured and began taking on greater responsibility as a result of my own decisions I’ve been able to branch out beyond whatever perceived circumstances in my life may present.

So how did you end up deciding to run for Democratic Central Committee?

This seemingly anything is possible mindset that I’ve implemented over time has fueled my drive, added to my confidence, commitment and dedication to furthering and advancing myself personally and professionally. I’ve always been interested in a variety of things, never felt the urge to become complacent and this attribute has lead to me running for public office, however not blindly. I’ve been actively engaged in local politics over the past 4 years directly working with campaigns and observing a new element, that being politics—However having grown up in Baltimore City and maintaining a high level of engagement and activity in the City still particularly through initiatives of my own for the benefit of others I’m able to see on a consistent basis the need for change, the need for an impact and without any doubt a major way to have this type of impact and change is through public office, which might sound farfetched or intimidating for some people, but I believe that’s one of the reasons I’m here, to show my peers, the younger generation especially that all things are possible—coming from a 21 years young, senior student at Morgan State University.

Who are the people you’re focusing on?

My campaign slogan is “Concerned, Committed, Consistent”—in regards to the issues I’ll be focusing on they directly correlate with why I am concerned and what I’m concerned about. My concernment primarily centered around the youth, who I’m extremely passionate about and I’ve not only spoke on related matters, but I’ve put forth initiatives to see progress amongst my peers, our youth and all others, as my purpose is not to be divisive but to demonstrate leadership especially amongst areas where it is public ally perceived to be lacked. I do not represent “thugs” as we have been labeled as by influential figures before, who I’d like to think mistakingly referred to youth as this; I represent a younger generation with the potential and capacity to do great things in our world, starting here in our immediate environment, Baltimore City.

What changes will you hope to bring to Baltimore?

I aspire to contribute to a overall change in perception of Baltimore City, and our people. Being fortunate enough to connect with people from various parts of the world I can attest to a negative condensation of Baltimore City, which anyone who has lived and grown-up in Baltimore City can combat on a intellectual basis to be a false perception. I am a firm believer in the phrase referencing being the change that you wish to see. The willingness to take the initiative can be the decisive factor—leading by example.

What issues will you be focusing on pertaining to Baltimore?

For further specification purposes I believe the most impact can and should happen on a local level, as we, candidates, current elected officials, advocates and residents have a direct connection to the daily happenings of our communities. It’s no secret that perhaps the most controversial issue happening in Baltimore City right now is in regards to the unbearable temperature conditions in our Baltimore City public schools, which has caused much outrage rightfully so. Our youth, still developing, are faced with yet another challenge that they have no control over and should not be subject to—a challenge that makes it 10x harder for them to focus, engage and actively learn in, and unfortunately they have no choice but to face this obstacle, as many of our youth rely on our school system for more essentials than education alone, but for nourishment and further care. Issues like this matter are a result of a lack of attention and engagement or perhaps a lack of priority which calls for an inevitable change which our state elected officials, as the state has control over this matter in particular.

We’ve heard the phrase “the youth are our future” for generations, and if those speaking on this phrase truly believe it then it should be honored by proper care and investment in our youth that exceed the mere passing down of old/outdated textbooks. WE NEED CHANGE, WE NEED NEW DIRECTION, WE NEED A NEW APPROACH, WE NEED NEW LEADERSHIP.

So then do you think your position as a young black man born and raised in Baltimore is an advantage you have?

Yes, absolutely! I see myself being a young black man born and raised in Baltimore City as an advance in regards to my campaign. Being faced with the inevitable challenges and obstacles in America that us African Americans face and not allowing it to deter but embracing the challenge, not just surviving it but thriving amongst it—knowing that I am in control of my life and my destiny, with God being the only other force and no one else. Being young and black, growing up in Baltimore City you’re faced with unmeasurable odds, constantly having to adapt to changes whether they’re initially perceived as for better or for worst, nevertheless each change I’ve encountered has personally resulted in my growth and attributed to the position I am in today.

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