Avoid The Mediocre Monkeys On Your Back

Avoid The Mediocre Monkeys On Your Back
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Mediocre Monkeys, that’s what I call them. The people that seem to go out of their way to drag you and your innovative ideas down. They hide behind all the reasons why not, the lack of resources, handcuffs of the business and their general ability to rationalize themselves out of doing anything new.

As an innovator, especially for those of you that work inside an organization, one of the biggest challenges you’ll face in 2017, as you unleash more of your natural innovative abilities, are the Mediocre Monkeys. They’ll hang on your back if you let them.

In truth they are everywhere in your life. I realized this last week when I was having coffee with some friends. They were laughing at the fact that I get up at 4am to workout at a 5am class. They were also rolling their eyes because I follow a strict macro-nutrient program so I’m always weighing and tracking my food. They kept saying things like:

Girl, you need some sleep. Why would you ever get up that early?

That’s way too much work, I like to enjoy too much to watch my food like that.

Why don’t you just go to the gym at noon like most sane people?

They are my friends and they mean well but here’s the deal, mother nature is not on my side. I think the photo shows that (April 2016 on left and December 2016 on right). I have to work at staying healthy and fit. Also, in all honesty, I love getting up before the sun and doing more than most people do before 8am. I love being fierce.

Yes, they are my friends, and they mean well, but they are also Mediocre Monkeys slightly intimidated by my drive. The same is true for the people in your world. They mean well but your innovation mojo is a threat to their comfortable world. Your flow of disruptive thinking and willingness to pursue fresh approaches is terrifying to those that are afraid to venture off the well walked course. You might hear them say things like:

That idea sounds like a lot of work that none of us have time for.

Wow, way to throw a wrench into things that are working well enough.

What makes you think that would even work given our current situation?

No need to hate them, but you do have to deal with them. Here’s what I discovered has worked for me and for dozens of innovators, intrapreneurs and entrepreneurs on LaunchStreet. Use these strategies in your daily life to ward off those wicked Mediocre Monkeys.

  1. Be Like Teflon: Just like a fried egg sliding off a teflon pan, let the Mediocre Monkeys slide off your back. Don’t internalize it, don’t take it to heart. Let them say their thing and then let it go. I know, sometimes easier said than done, but you’ll start to identify it and ignore it.
  1. Grab Tools: Sometimes the Mediocre Monkeys stay mediocre because they don’t have the tools to be innovative, yet they are desperate for it. I find most people want to be more innovative, but don’t know how. Have a toolbox of templates, exercises and ideas at your fingertips to use when you are with them. What I’m finding is that innovators in LaunchStreet are using the tools they have access to with themselves and the people around them. It’s helped them elevate the entire culture and that means getting more of what they want done too. You may not be ready for LaunchStreet yet, in that case our Innovation Booster free 14-day program may be a better fit. Lots of tools there too.
  1. Surround Yourself: When you have the right community of people around you it’s easy to be a driver and defender of innovation. Just being connected to other innovators will keep you on your game. You can also brag, share, brainstorm, vent and gather ideas from like-minded people. There is something so energizing and empowering surrounding yourself with people that also have an innovative mindset. They are your tribe and they will be there when you need them.

How about in 2017 we commit together to warding off the Mediocre Monkeys and having an epic year?

Have some thoughts on Mediocre Monkeys or strategies of your own? Share in the comments section below.

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