Connections: An Interview Series with Entrepreneurs

Connections: An Interview Series with Entrepreneurs
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Sophie Watson is just plain cool! Her energy and passion for what she does lights up all around her. It is my pleasure to feature her today.

Sophie Watson is a Stress & Anxiety Management Therapist, helping Corporate & Entrepreneurial Women to “Think Calm, Feel Calm and Be Calm”.

Based in the South East of England, Sophie develops bespoke 1 to 1 programs, designed to transform women’s lives with in 24 hours to 40 days of working with them. Her sessions take place in person or via Skype, allowing her clients to work with her from where ever they are in the world.

What does IMPACT mean to you?

For me, having an impact is to help one person to think, feel and be happy with in themselves and their life. This not only has a massive impact on that 1 individual, but it creates a ripple effect. It actually affects everyone that person comes in to contact with. It improves their relationships with others, they have more energy and are in a much better place to help others, most of the time they don’t even realize it. Happiness is infectious.

What gives you the drive/passion to do what you do? In other words, what is your WHY?

I have worked with in the health and wellbeing industry (on and off) for more than 20 years, but there have still been times when I have felt like the whole world was against me, as though there was nothing I could do to change anything. This was at it’s height back in 2012 when I was working in a job I hated, My hubby and I had just been diagnosed with unexplained infertility and we were renovating our house while still living in it. To top it all off in the same year, at the age of 56, my mum was diagnosed with Early onset Alzheimer’s and a few months later Breast Cancer.

I realized that the only way I could deal with all that emotion and stress, was to start working on myself. To start putting the knowledge I had

gained over the years to some use and to accept help from others. I started with small steps. I focused on the things I knew would be the easiest thing to change. At the top of that list was my job.

Today I have a completely different out look on life. I actually LOVE my life, I look forward to what the day may bring. I have a business, which I love and get excited about. And although I still have challenging days, I am grateful for them because each time I learn something new. Something that I can pass on to others in order to help them. I have an armory of tools and techniques I can use to get me back on track quicker than ever before and I love the person I am becoming.

It all relates back to that ripple effect. The better I feel, the bigger the impact I have when helping others.

This is why I love what I do. I know that these techniques can have a dramatic effect on turning our lives around. And my heart sings when I see the results my clients get, just by following my programs.

I believe that if more people could recognize and know how to effectively deal with stress and have better relationships with themselves, there would be a significant drop in the number of people suffering from Depression, Cancer, IBS, Pain, Strokes, eating disorders etc (the list goes on and on). It all starts with us as individuals.

How do you get your mission out into the world?

By working on myself 1st every single day, to become a better version of myself. By not being afraid to share my story and my knowledge. With in my 1 to 1 sessions with my clients, I only teach them techniques I have tried and tested myself. If they can see how far I have come by using these techniques then it gives them hope.

What’s your favorite book/movie of all time and why did it speak to you so much?

This is a difficult question, because I love so many. I think I would have to say “The Green Mile” I bawl my eyes out every single time I watch that film. Being a healer myself, I can relate to John Coffey so much. That character had pure

love for others. Because people are scared of the unknown, because of his appearance he was judged and accused of a crime he didn’t commit, his life was cut short. But in that short time he made others lives better.

If you could go back in time, what year would you travel to?

I think it would have to be a time of an ancient civilization. May be to the time of the creation of Stone Hedge or may be the Great Pyramid. I find it all very fascinating, and feel we have so much to learn from these civilizations.

What’s on your bucket list this year?

Next month I will be doing a charity Skydive. This has actually been on my bucket list for years and I’m finally doing it!

I’m really excited. The charity I am supporting is Young People with Dementia

They continue to help my mum, and men and women like her. Providing them with social activities to keep their minds active and to help them enjoy what life they have left.

What is the craziest thing you’ve ever done and would you do it again?

I have done many crazy things; I am a bit of adrenalin junky.

I think Crowd surfing at Music festivals would be at the top of the list. I have done it many times and yes I would do it again (although I don’t think my hubby Stu would be impressed) The view is amazing, and me being petite I tended to get right to the stage. I think it’s all about putting your trust in a load of people that you have never met before, trusting they won’t drop you.

Andi Wickman is on a mission is to help elevate women. To lift them into the entrepreneur world. To hold their hand when they think they can’t go bigger. To help them realize the fire within themselves. To help them share their mission with the world.

You can hang out with her in her Facebook group for kick-ass women who are building empires while having fun! The group is for the passionate, high achieving business owner who wants to collaborate with high level entrepreneurs.

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