CSEDWeek: All About the Ground Game

CSEDWeek: All About the Ground Game
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Few are aware that the origin of CSEdWeek can be traced back to CS teacher and CSTA member Brian Scarbeau, who worked to get Orlando, FL mayor Buddy Dyer to proclaim “Computer Science Education Celebration Day” in recognition of Admiral Grace Murray Hopper’s birthday (December 9, 1906) back in 2007. His initiative started a wave across the country and celebration day quickly became a celebration week with bipartisan support from congress and private industry.

CSEdWeek — Computer Science Education Week — is a global annual event aimed at raising awareness and participation in computer science and related fields. Digital technology and the computing that underlies it has become a seamless part of modern life, and today the ability to both use and create with technology is integral to communication, education, commerce and civic participation. Through on the ground events and activities, CSEdWeek invites new students, teachers, policy makers, and families to experience computer science first hand.

Students Working on Computer Science Activities

Students Working on Computer Science Activities


My involvement in CSEdWeek began in 2010, supporting the work of 2010/2011 Chair, Dr. Debra Richardson and serving as Vice-chair in 2011 and Chair in 2012. Throughout my engagement in CSEdWeek, the innovation and commitment demonstrated by the CS education community has been nothing less than inspirational. 2017 is no exception.

Here is just a sample of some of the community led CSEdWeek events happening this week:

  • December 4 - CodeVA hosted a live-streamed CSEdWeek Launch event at the Science Museum of Virginia. Special Guests will include NASA Scientist Hope Venus; Virginia’s First Lady elect, Pam Northam; Virginia Secretary of Education, Dietra Trent; and a special message from US Senator Mark Warner
  • December 6 - TechCorps will host the Girls of Color Hack #CBus event giving Columbus, OH girls a first experience with app development using MIT App Inventor
  • December 6 - After school providers nationwide are invited to join the free webinar Tools, Ideas and Strategies for Creative Computing in Afterschool hosted by the AfterSchool Alliance.
  • December 7 - The National Security Agency will host the NSA Night of Cyber to equip 4th and 5th grade educators with the tools to bring hands-on cyber security to their students.
  • December 9 - Oak Ridge CS Girls will host a 3D printing workshop for 5th-8th grade girls in Tennessee.

Visit CSEdWeek.org for a list of events and activities happening around the US and the globe, and follow #CSEdWeek and #CSforALL this week for all the happenings.

The Most Wonderful (and busiest) Time of the Year.

We admit, December 4-10 is an inconvenient time. It’s smack in the middle of the holiday season, right on top of final exams and end of term, as well as year-end closing for many companies. Despite this fact, each year teachers, community organizations, universities, corporations and government agencies nationwide step out of their usual roles and workplaces to engage more students in computing.

No matter who you are, you can help support CSEdWeek and the goal of rigorous, inclusive, and sustainable CSforALL. Everyone is welcome, and that includes you

  • Parents and Families - Try a coding activity at home with your child or visit CSEdWeek.org to find an event happening near you. Apple Stores and public libraries typically host free events for CSEdWeek. Or plan a Family Code Night at your child’s school.
  • Technologists - Volunteer virtually or in person. Sign up to review Aspirations in Computing Award applications or do a Skype visit to a classroom. Check out CSEdWeek.org to find in person volunteer opportunities in your community.
  • Managers - Allow your technical employees time off to volunteer for CSEdWeek, organize a team volunteer outing, host students in your workplace to see technology in action, contribute funding or prizes for local CSEdWeek events in your community, or simply bring in a cake December 9 to commemorate the birthday of Admiral Grace Murray Hopper, the mother of modern programming languages.
  • CS Students - No one is more inspiring to a student than someone just ahead of them in the pipeline. CSEdWeek is a great time to showcase what you are doing with computing to other students at your school or younger students in your area including out-of-school programs like Boys & Girls Clubs, Girl Scouts, 4-H, and other youth organizations. See TheConnectory.org for a comprehensive list.
  • Faculty - In addition to volunteering as listed above, it is a perfect time of year to engage your admissions department and go visit nearby schools, or host students on campus. Invite faculty who run outreach programs to share after school or summer opportunities, welcome other departments that require CS coursework, and bring some cool research to demo. Also, invite teachers to take CS courses and help them understand what is appropriate or available on nights, weekends, and over the summer.

We are fortunate to have such a large and diverse community that makes CSEdWeek possible — parents, volunteers, educators and supporters. I’d like to thank you all. Making CS a reality for ALL kids is a big job, and it is going to take all of us to get it done. Have a great CSEdWeek and help us amplify your efforts by tagging @CSforALL and #CSforALL in your posts!

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