“First In Flight!” - Soaring High Enough To Leave A Lasting Legacy!

“First In Flight!” - Soaring High Enough To Leave A Lasting Legacy!
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Leaving a legacy is primarily about understanding that we’re marked with an indelible footprint of influence beginning with our families and communities at large. It starts with our openness to challenge ourselves to look inward and better understand and embrace our own value, worth and abilities. This enables us to use what we discovered as flight fuel to soar into higher dimensions of destiny and elevated layers of legacy.

It’s undeniably evident that Dexter and Tonya Scott, globally identified as “The UPgraders” have already left the runway and are on a blazing trajectory to create systemic, generational and entrepreneurial impact that lands in—a legacy that lasts.

Provided By Dexter and Tonya Scott, The UPgraders

Provided By Dexter and Tonya Scott, The UPgraders

“Look ahead. Have vision. Get rid of the excuses. Take the necessary steps. Find your passion. Build your faith. Work. Give your best. Share of yourself. Know that time is of essence. And, just do it!” –Dexter and Tonya Scott, The UPgraders

We finally caught up with The UPgraders to share more on how to soar higher and leave a sustainable legacy.

Monitor Your Circle.

It’s the natural instinct of an eagle. We realized just how valuable our sphere of influence is to being an entrepreneur and the 3 goals every business owner should possess: A) teach down, B) reach across and to C) glean up and this made us evaluate our relationships. To recognize that these 3 processes are key to keeping the cycle of business and productivity going stimulated so much dialogue between Tonya and I. TD Jakes painted a beautiful picture showing us how much we need each other and how important the sowing and reaping of knowledge is to an entrepreneur. We often say in order for you to grow and prosper in wisdom, knowledge and understanding it is necessary to flow within multiple circles. In this way you will impart, share, exchange, and receive. The circle of knowledge is what keeps our communities going.

Come Into Divine Alignment.

Come into alignment with the God-given abilities that were deposited within you at your conception. Be careful not to align with the thief of your purpose through doubt, worry or fear. This thief can not have what you don’t allow or give access to. The Bible instructs us to “Humble yourselves before God, resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” (James 4:7) Your faith in your vision is key to leaving a legacy. This faith accompanied with your hard work is always alive and active.

Fortify Your Faith.

Moving forward requires faith and often our greatest challenge as business owners is not lack of research, planning or dreaming, but rather our faith. Faith is essential to the growth of your business. We need two main ingredients: substance and evidence. Combining substance (your personal support and belief of your dream) mixed with evidence (our inward confidence) produces the faith necessary to support the vision we have as entrepreneurs. It is necessary for us as business owners to continue stirring up our gifts and cooking with faith.

“We are grateful to God for having a renewed sense of faith. Faith that keeps you going, moves you to take risks, persevere, problem solve, work hard and never give up.” –The UPgraders

Leap And Don’t Look Back.

Within all of us we have God given abilities to SOAR. Time is of essence and although it is never too late to start a venture, we want to be careful that we don’t slow down our progression by over thinking typically induced by fear of the unknown and/or self-doubt. “Leap and grow your wings on your way down!”

Keep The Fire Burning.

We are in the people and personal development business and often times we are challenged with helping others to ‘BELIEVE’ in their own capabilities to succeed. This humongous task can sometimes turn into the feeling of ‘biting off more than you can chew’ so to speak. Just as TD Jakes identified with Adam and Eve and the loss of Cain and Abel, we’re also challenged with the feeling of having “lost” the battle of helping people believe when they no longer move forward. However, as legacy builders, we MUST have faith to forge ahead in our mission and vision and keep the fire burning in ourselves, and surely it will spread and light up others.

Just Do It.

This action-attitude is one that every entrepreneur must adopt! We were reminded of the great Les Brown, “If you do what’s easy, your life will be hard, but if you do what’s hard, your life will be easy.” Again, bringing us back to the point of—just do it! No one wants to live in a place of regret for not acting on the dreams and desires that lie within. The ideas come, and we put so much thought into what could be without putting the action behind it to bring it to fruition. Moreover, faith without works (action) is dead (useless).

Beat Everyone At Being YOU!

There is no one better at being you than you. We heard the late but great Dr. Myles Munroe say, “Learn from others but never become them. Be Yourself!” Being yourself and giving the BEST of you is necessary for every entrepreneur. One thing we have come to know as business owners is people work with those that they like and trust. Character and integrity are important. Who you are as a person is felt and experienced through your conversations, your social media engagement, imagery and interaction, and at the end of the day—your actions. Bishop Jakes reminds us to always give our best and share of ourselves.

There is no better time than the present—right now to build your legacy! In fact, it’s your time to soar!

Congratulations, you’re now “First In Flight” and have been cleared for takeoff!

“They Will Soar on Wings Like Eagles.” –Isaiah 40:31

If you’re an Eagle that’s READY TO SOAR and have received outstanding value from this article, go ahead and “Soar it forward” by sharing among your networks, blogs, news feeds, etc.

Hashtag (Official): #SOARFirstInFlight

Tag: @BishopJakes @IAmRozGee

Mentorship Manna:

Bishop Jakes book ‘SOAR!’ is nothing less than transformational. The book walks you through a journey of having a successful entrepreneurial adventure. The rises, the falls, the learning keys, the strategies, and growth factor are all things designed to help you grow. His body of work continues to elevate and inspire Tonya and I.

Over many, many years, I (Dexter) have followed Bishop Jakes from attending several Manpower Conferences to watching video, after video, after video and he has enriched our lives to the fullest. He is a gift to the Body of Christ as continues to take us to higher levels in GOD. –The UPgraders

FB: @dexterlscott @tonyajoyner-scott @theupgraders

Twitter: @dexterlscott @tonyajoyner-scott @tbjscott @tonyajoynerscott @yourupgraders

Instagram: @dexterlscott @tonyajscott @theupgraders

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