From passion to profitable business: it's easier than you may think

From passion to profitable business : it's easier than you may think
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If you’re thinking of taking that leap of faith...

I am by no means an advocate of quitting your job without a plan, a solid business model, and savings. Creating a successful and impactful business is a lot of hard work. What I do want to say is that it is a lot more achievable than you may think. For a long time I believed that the only way I could afford the lifestyle I wanted and my expensive hobbies (hello horses and showjumping) would be killing myself in a city job, even if I knew deep down inside this was not the ideal situation. Although I made good money, I did not have any time left to purse my interests outside of work. I thought sacrifice and pushing myself through the rat race with little satisfaction day in and day out was how everyone who “had it all” did it.

From walking blindly to defining your own terms

Yes this narrow thinking was very limiting and also completely false - especially in today’s exciting and fast paced world. There are so many options out there, so many ways of living your dream and making money, so many ways of creating tangible impact. As many current corporate jobs will become obsolete or replaced by robots in a few years time, why not instead create your own reality and follow your true passion instead of building someone else’s?

The main reason I was stuck in my prior type of thinking was simply lack of awareness. I had always blindly followed one type of path, conditioned by the environment I was in and the people I was with, without asking myself the right questions. It was not until recently that I discovered very different ways of approaching business and life. It suddenly clicked that it was all up to me to design my life completely on my own terms.

Living your dreams and monetising your passion is entirely possible. The best part of it is, contrary to a rigid corporate path where you slowly move up the ranks, everything can happen very quickly and there are no true limits to what is achievable. The impact you can have with an online business can be incredible, as the reach is unlimited, meaning your can serve so many people around the globe, with no physical boundaries.

Influencer status

If you think about it, you probably have been influenced by many online businesses across all kinds of industries. Let’s take the example of fitness. Many of the top players across industries are killing it because of their reach online (e.g. Ashy Bines or Kayla Itsines with their Bikini Body Guides that millions of girls have done, or even virtual workout classes like Peloton that are increasingly popular). I’m not saying personal trainers in physical gyms are outdated. There will always be a need for personal contact and services, but an online business can be such an amazing catalyst for just about anybody. This type of influence is not limited to fitness. It covers many types of leisure and service products, both physical and digital.

So if you do have a passion or hobby, chances are you can turn it into a business fairly quickly. And do not think that everything has already been done and your niche is saturated, because it is simply not true. There are millions of people to reach, and it’s simply about attracting the ones that connect with your story, your voice, your brand, your message. There is only one you; and there will definitely be people out there with whom your authenticity resonates.

From passion to lifestyle

But perhaps you really are not sure what your true passion or calling is. This is all too common and the case for many women I work with. They have been so conditioned by a certain type of thinking and overworked in their corporate job that they have forgotten what they really enjoy doing and what there actually are really good at. This is when you have to let go a little and think outside of the box. Your life is a series of powerful experiences and lessons and you know a lot more than you think. It just takes a little time and self reflection to reconnect to your skill set and what makes you happy. Don’t hesitate to try new things, reach out and build connections with people that think differently. Surround yourself with like minded girls that inspire you, as you really are the sum of the people you spend the most time.

Also think carefully about the type of lifestyle you want. When you are building a business, this is in my opinion one of the most important factors to take into account. For example if you are all about being able to work from anywhere and travel the world, perhaps a physical based business will not be the best option for you even if you feel you would be selling your dream products or serving your dream clients then. It’s such an important layer and can be a great starting point if you’re unsure what kind of business model can best be moulded to your interests.

You are your biggest asset

Finally, don’t be afraid to invest in yourself. This is something I was very reluctant to do at first, as I felt guilty splurging on what seemed more like a hobby than anything else. I got stuck in the thought pattern that I needed to make money first before reinvesting (even though I knew that I needed to be investing to get the results I wanted). If you are dreaming of turning your passion into a business, then treat it like a business from the beginning. Your vision and the lifestyle you want is a non-negotiable. Don’t treat your dreams as a second priority because you are your biggest asset.

Marie is a half-French, half-American entrepreneur and business coach for aspiring female entrepreneurs who want to build their own dream business and lifestyle. She grew up in Paris, before moving to the UK obtaining a first class honours Bsc International Business from Warwick Business School and a Msc Management from London Business School.

She specialised in coaching, digital marketing, and entrepreneurship across her business education and learnt from the top professors in these fields. She started her career in strategy consulting, working across Europe and the US, advising FTSE 100 companies and private equity firms on their most complex business problems and working on projects including growth strategies, due diligence, and digital marketing strategies.

Marie is passionate about empowering women worldwide to build a successful and impactful business whilst designing a lifestyle entirely on their own terms. She has worked with and been trained by the leaders in the industry, including Amy Porterfield, Marie Forleo, Stephanie Nickolich, Dani Watson, and Jacqueline Hurst. She has been published in the Huffington Post. Her mission is to enable women to live a life full of abundance in freedom, money, and balance, create their own definition of success, and find their true passion and purpose whilst achieving any goal they set their mind to.

She loves spending time outdoors (preferably on a horse), trying out London’s best boxing classes and brunches, wine nights with friends, and escapes with her boyfriend on the Welsh coast and around the world.

Grab her free training with step by step guidance to pick the profitable niche you’re meant to serve, including the exact strategies Marie followed to double her corporate salary in her first month of business.

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