How Do We Stop Pretending?

How Do We Stop Pretending?
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iHeart, Charmaine Carraway

How Do We Stop Pretending? This is an age old question resulting from the comfort we have found through living in fantasy. So what do I mean? In our lives we experience tragic events, such as “our world falling apart”, relationship failure, financial struggle and health decline/failure. However, we mask this choosing to pretend that nothing is happening. How did we as a society opt out of honesty for fantasy? One side of the coin changes the dynamics of our very lives, and the other distracts us from the change that we need. How did we get here as a society? Is it that we see life as so challenging that we mentally cannot work our way through it? Is it that we are so hurt and drained emotionally that we cannot bare the outcome? Or is it that we care so much about what other people think that we are willing to live a lie as long as it does not hurt the perception people have of us?

I truly believe that it is a combination of all of these things. This is why we Instagram our shoes and vacations – we are our own propaganda machines, and anything that goes against that must go.

So the first question is, do you want to live in clean, honest energy? The second question is, if honesty is what you want, what are you willing to do to obtain it? Here are the steps to living a more authentic life.

· Step 1. Address the circumstance head on. When a problem or circumstance presents itself, the first thing that we should do is ask ourselves, what is this problem supposed to teach us? I truly believe that difficulty comes to us as a teacher – for us and others who we impact.

· Step 2. Remove the fear and be fearless. A lot of times we ignore our problems because we have created the outcome in our minds before the solution had time to materialize.

· Step 3. Remove the negative thoughts that you have allowed to take hold of your mind, replacing them with positive thoughts. Gordana Biernat said, “The Words We Speak Will Bring the Reality That We Say.” So speak the following into your life: healing, love, financial security, joy and peace.

· Step 4. Remove negative people from your space – with love. Make your boundaries clear: “Look, I no longer desire to grant bitterness, irritation and aggravation a place in my life. That is what you bring to our relationship. I have to love you from a distance.” Ladies it’s that simple.

· Step 5. Do the inner work to repair the relationship you have with yourself. Apologize to yourself for all the times you allowed yourself to violate the universal laws that went against your consciousness. Allow forgiveness to begin between you and your reflection.

These are the beginning steps to living a more authentic life. Tell me, what are some of your steps to living a more honest life?

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