How Drinking Water Can Make You a Millionaire

How Drinking Water Can Make You a Millionaire
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What if there was a single lifestyle decision that could almost guarantee you would retire wealthy? Well, there just might be.

Although there are many ways to earn, save, and invest your way to millionaire status – this may be one idea that you’ve missed: drinking water.

Drink exclusively water. Invest the money that would have been spent on other beverages. Become a millionaire.

It’s that easy. Or is it?

Most of us are addicted to at least one, if not several, non-water beverages. And the thought of giving these drinks up can leave us questioning the meaning of life.

So, if you decide that it’s too hard to give up your favorite elixir, that’s fine. But it’s worth knowing that it comes at a price. The average American spends $3,410 every year on a combination of alcohol, soft drinks, and coffee.

By avoiding these three beverages – and investing that money instead – you can end up with an additional $2 million in retirement. Let’s take a look at the math...

For many Americans, the thought of giving up alcohol is preposterous. But it’s expensive!

Avoiding alcohol alone can save $1,560 a year. Meanwhile, if you get yourself into trouble, alcohol becomes even more expensive. A DUI can cost an extra $10,000 or more in fines and lost wages.

If you take this money and invest it for 50 years at an 8% interest rate, you’ll have an extra $966,700 in retirement.

Finally, avoiding alcohol doesn’t only help your personal finances – it also benefits your neighbor. According to the CDC, drinking cost the US $223.5 billion in 2006, or about $1.90 per drink.

Who doesn’t love a cold carbonated drink on a hot summer day? It’s almost magical. But again, it’s not cheap (or healthy).

According to Time Magazine, the average American family spent $850 a year on soft drinks (not including “regular” juice) in 2012. I’m sure this amount isn’t any lower today.

By taking this soda money and investing it at the same 8% interest rate, you would save another $526,700 over 50 years.

Meanwhile, reducing your soda consumption would once again help the American taxpayer. A study done a few years back revealed that a 15% reduction in soft drink consumption could save the US $17 billion in healthcare costs!

Considering a single can of soda has 56% more sugar than the recommended daily average for an adult, it’s no wonder soda consumption costs America’s health care systems an arm and a leg.

Coffee is the fuel that drives Corporate America. And for many, giving it up would be next to impossible. But if you’re one of the lucky few capable of starting your day without it – your retirement account will thank you.

A survey of the American workforce discovered that half of employees in the US spend approximately $1,000 a year on coffee – coming out to about $20 per week.

If you go through coffee at this rate for 50 years, you’ve drank through another $619,600.

Unlike the other two beverages above, research suggests that moderate doses of coffee doesn’t seem to hinder your health and can help reduce the likelihood of developing type 2 diabetes. But this is only if you drink your coffee straight, without sugar. The moment you add sugar you actually increase your likelihood of developing diabetes.

Because the results on the health impact of coffee are mixed, we’ll assume that the impact on the US taxpayer is nil.

If you add up all three of these costs, the average American spends $3,410 a year on beverages – or $284.17 per month.

Let’s make this more visual… If you make $28/hr after tax, you’re spending three weeks of your paycheck on beverages, every year.

By replacing these beverages with water and investing this money instead, you would be worth an additional $2,113,105.53 in retirement. And, you’d be healthier for it.

Yes, drinking exclusively water might just make you a multimillionaire.

Are you up for it?

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