How to Get Married and Don’t Finish All your Money Buying the Rings

How to Get Married and Don’t Finish All your Money Buying the Rings
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We all want to get married some day, I don’t care what you say or what you’re thinking right now, but in reality we all would want to spend the rest of our lives with someone else.

You may say that you don’t want to ever be someone else’s husband or wife, which can be understandable. But many of you who are thinking in such a way are also saying that you want to have children. Who wouldn’t want to have a child anyway? I think most of us like children and would want to see the best for our child or children.

Unfortunately, a study has found that parents who aren’t married and not living together affect their children in some very negative ways. As much as we love our children we may be hurting them and not even know it.

According to the Social Sciences," Bradford Wilcox, Institute for American Values:

“Children raised in intact married families are more likely to attend college, are physically and emotionally healthier, are less likely to be physically or sexually abused, less likely to use drugs or alcohol and to commit delinquent behaviors, have a decreased risk of divorcing when they get married, are less likely to become pregnant/impregnate someone as a teenager, and are less likely to be raised in poverty.”

As you can see from the quote above, the effects we’re having on our children when we choose not to be married are devastating. And the benefits aren’t just a few. Most of you may not have heard of it before until today, but you still have the chance to change that. Don’t punish yourself for something you didn’t know.

There are various reasons why some people would choose not to get married, some will say a wedding is too expensive, while others would say they just don’t see themselves with one person until death gets them separated. From my experience being married is a great experience with so much to learn from, you’ll be amazed of all the many things you didn’t know about marriage until you yourself get married.

How about the expenses of a wedding

A wedding could be expensive depending on how you plan it, in fact, it could be very expensive. At the same time, a wedding can be very cheap as well. You and your partner are the ones who are in charge or your wedding. If you don’t want to spend too much there’re various paths you can take to avoid the costs.

However, you’ll need a ring in any path you take unless it’s prohibited by your religion. Luckily there are some shops that are selling some cheap engagement rings for women.

Men’s wedding bands are already cheap, if you can find a place where you can get a cheap engagement ring for your fiancée; you’re straight on your way to your special day.

You don’t need to rent an expensive place to host your wedding. Nowadays there are many churches that come with wedding celebration spaces within them, and they’re cheap to rent. Especially if you’re a member of the church, the price could be very low after a discount.

Overall, the costs you spend for a wedding is up to you. It does depend on how much you’re willing to spend or how much you can afford to spend. If you don’t have money you can still get married, heck many people would never get married if all weddings were to cost the same.

Take some time with your soon to be wife or husband to plan your wedding so that you don’t spend more than you can afford. With the shops that offer cheap engagement rings for women you can’t go wrong, but make sure you’re getting the right ring. Let me take this time to wish you a happy marriage. Enjoy every single day with your lover!

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