In Memory Of An Angel Child...

In Memory Of An Angel Child...
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My family went out to dinner tonight. We are a four generation family of women. I have lived and learned from living life experiences. My daughter is well groomed into her adult learning. As Women, we have built a bridge that holds the foundation built on love for self, for others and most importantly, for the children who look to us for guidance, love and protection. Tonight, our family will celebrate a new beginning for my granddaughter as she heads to Texas to began a life for herself and for her daughter- my three year old great granddaughter. I’m reflecting upon the joy and happiness that is evident in the eyes of this beautiful little girl-child and if there was any doubt that she wasn’t in a happy space in her young life, her infectious laughter seals the deal.

I wish all children could know what that loving environment feels like, but unfortunately, not all children will live a happy and healthy life surrounded by loving parents and family members. Abused and neglected children; some make it out alive. Some do not. Sixteen month old Semaj Crosby did not. She was laid to rest today and I make good on a promise I made to her on the day of her reported passing. It was early when the news report came saying she had gone missing from her home in Joliet, Illinois that Tuesday. Now, we know she wasn’t in the woods or lakes or fields surroundings her home. She was inside of her home, perhaps dying as police and 100s of volunteers continued to search outside.

I remember screaming that she was only 16 months, bare-feet and still learning how to walk straight without falling down and crying, at least that’s been my experience with my children, grandchildren and great granddaughter as, why didn’t officers search the house right away? Why didn’t DCFS see the pain in her eyes on their watch and why haven’t anyone been been made accountable for her death?! If I may, why did this child have to live her short life with her suffering going unnoticed by friends and other family members. By the Dept of Children and Family Services who knew of and investigated reports of neglect?

“They are going to find who did this to that child. They will.” Whenever I internalize the pain from these children to such an overwhelming extent, I call my sister. She is always sane and comforting. She knows my sensitives are heightened and that I’m living in their pain and suffering and she’s never surprised. I cried, prayed and hoped right along with a community of folks worried about little Semaj. When police issued a search warrant 24 hours after she was reported missing, only to find her under the couch in that home, I could not stop balling. It was then that I made the promise to her memory that I would not let her die in vain. I would write about this angel child that didn’t didn’t deserve to live a brief life with eyes of sadness. The eyes are the window to the soul. So, why didn’t someone see? We have to do better for our children who look to adults to protect them and keep them safe. We have to make abusers accountable. This is not the time to stay silent if we suspect a child is being abused. If you see something say something works in a child’s favor and might save them from a certain death.

My family went out to dinner tonight, but I couldn’t accompany them. I’m still saddened by the events leading up to the death of a little girl child. I wonder how we’re ever going to help keep our children safe from harm if we continue to ignore the signs of neglect and abuse? She was laid to rest today and I’m sorry for her pain. I know she’s in a better place, one of joyful laughter and toddler play. I have to feel she’s in heaven and no longer suffering...

Rest In Peace Somej...Rest In Heaven, Angel.

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